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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Since they are CFDs they can stipulate any rule they want. They can put a limit on the upside and they can put a time limit on the contract. I have not examined the rules of eToro in detail so better just ask eToro why your position was closed. If they are legit they should have sent you some kind of notification about the event or at least show some history inside the account.
  2. Section 269 of the constitution lays out the selection process for the initial term: https://www.ect.go.th/ect_en/download/article/article_20170517132144.pdf After that the Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators takes over. Senators can only serve one term so next year all Senate will be swapped out. https://www.ect.go.th/ect_en/download/article/article_20210806135906.pdf But the Senators don't get a vote in who gets to be PM from that moment either.
  3. The benefit is money through taxes. They have other potential ways when it comes to Thais renting. Things are very lax right now. But that's not a guarantee that it will stay that way. I just offered one possibility why the landlady would want to not file the TM30. Of course she could just as well be super lazy and not care. I've seen people being allergic to filing documents before...
  4. Extra work? You register with the online system once and then it takes maybe 2 minutes to fill the form. It's trivial, I've done it myself. She does also not have to disclose anything to the tenant - she files the tenant info into the system and that's it. As to immigration having to go out of their way to report it to the tax authorities... sure. But why risk it? The Thai government has been connecting different departments digitally over the past couple years. It's just a matter of time before the immigration and tax departments will be linked together.
  5. You will need a copy of the housebook and her ID, maybe both also signed by her. Plus the signed rental contract with her.
  6. This is actually the way to force it. She will be fined and on top might get tax issues which is most likely the reason why she does not want to file the TM30. She is avoiding to report rental income. If the TM30 is important to the OP because for example you want to get a certificate of residence then I would suggest the OP openly tells the landlady and if she still refuses then do as ChipButty described and just go to immigration and start the process.
  7. It's the "didn't tell, didn't ask" part that's worrying. "Don't think too mut"? ????
  8. Yea but would worry me if the official RE dealer used some cheap aftermarket cylinder instead of the OEM part. Unless discussed prior with the OP of course.
  9. Glad it's resolved but the explanation is pretty unclear. Rust where? What is "major kit rear M/C'? At that price I'm not sure what it could be... cheap brake pad maybe? Some part of the rear brake cylinder? Could "M/C" maybe mean master cylinder?
  10. Just keep in mind that anything listed publically has gone through layers of filtering which caught all the best deals already. Don't expect to get the great deals without having connections and doing this professionally and paying for the good stuff.
  11. One can list a lot of SHOULDs. But unfortunately that's not how the system was designed. As it is right now an abstain or noshow is effectively a "no". But even if that were changed I think you'd find that the majority of senators who abstained or didn't show up will suddenly vote "no". They just didn't want to make it explicit for whatever reasons.
  12. Let me expand a bit. If water comes from condensation or the bike sitting in rain... no difference. It has to pass somehow from outside the tire into the inside. But if the plug is air tight then there is no way the water will pass because water molecules are bigger than air molecules. On the flip side if water can pass than it means air can pass so you already got a flat tire at that point. If you mean water inside the tire condensing then... well it was already in the tire and has nothing to do with the plug. The second thing I mentioned was pressure. For something to go from outside the tire to the inside it has to be pushed there. But the inside has a much higher pressure than the outside. If anything then air or water from the inside would go to the outside. So, whoever told you the story about water and tire plugs was just telling a story. There's nothing to worry. I've ridden thousands of km with plugs in my motorbike tire and through a lot of water. No problemo ????
  13. Exactly. If it is air tight then how can it not be water tight? Especially with the much higher pressure inside than outside and also normally inside being warmer than outside (moisture goes to cold).
  14. Plugs don't have to be temporary if done properly. They are commonly used because it's super easy and quick. Can be done without taking the tire off the bike. I have ridden for thousands of km with a plug. A better quality fix would be to a patch inside and vulcanization but you gotta take the tire off and not every place can/wants to do it. Still cheap and preferred solution if available. As for just replacing the tire... depends on the state of the tire. If it's a tire in good condition then I wouldn't replace it. But if it's getting closer to end of life anyways then might as well just get a new one instead of fixing the old rag. It also depends on the damage to the tire. Plugs are fine for small punctures but not appropriate for something like cuts/cracks.
  15. What if you sort in the Task Manager by CPU usage? Something is not visible in there because 62.8% + 7.3% aint 100%. Also how recent was the upgrade to SSD? If it was a few days ago then it could still be indexing stuff before settling down.
  16. He's a very smart guy. He used the government funds to help those in need so he could get massive amounts of votes from them. That is not bad. But he also used the powers he got this way to amass a very big fortune by favoring his own companies. That is bad.
  17. Though that statistic also doesn't tell the whole story. What one really would need to look at is the fatality rate per km ridden on a motorbike amongst persons with proper training and helmet. The average fatality rate per motorcycle in Thailand is skewed because of all the untrained, unskilled riders without helmets.
  18. That's the exact same road where just a few days ago the news of a russian being fined 2500 THB for doing the exact same thing.
  19. As mentioned in other threads so even if they get him to become PM, the idea of a minority government which can't pass anything through the House of Representatives is absurd. How's that supposed to work?
  20. This changes next year. Section 272 which stipulates the requirement of needing both House of Representatives and Senate to vote on a PM expires.
  21. I thought of another scenario that I haven't read anywhere else yet: Pheu Thai puts forward their PM candidate which the senate might accept. Then after less than year when the power of the senate is severely reduced they'll swap him out for Pita. The election of a PM does not need to happen after an election and when the 5 year transitionary clauses expire the house can as far as I could see elect a PM without needing the senate.
  22. Completely unrealistic. That government would fail to pass anything through the house unless PT flips which I doubt because it would mean political suicide for PT.
  23. There is a fine detail. It does not state that the five year period starts from the day of the enactment of the constitution but from the date of the first installation of the National Assembly. That happened after the elections in 2019. So same like the current senators this Section 272 will expire May of next year.
  24. What the article forgets to mention is that they need also the votes of at least a third of the senators in addition to a majority of house+senate to pass this. Why do they think the senators will agree to strip the powers of the senators? They already didn't manage to get a majority in house+senate and now they want to do something even less likely to materialize? Also even in the super unlikely event that they pass the hurdles as mentioned they need the Prime Minister to present this draft to the King. Well... anyone seeing an issue with that?
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