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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most of us have pensions, not only can't I outlive my pension but neither can my wife. I use a lot of imported food, mostly cheaper now than in 2009. Typhoo tea bags now 100bht/100, back in 2009 tea bags were 200bht/100 (and I couldn't buy the brand I wanted). Cannabis very cheap now, I've replaced my daily alcohol (3x small beers = 100bht) with cannabis (0.5g = 15bht). Electricity is much cheaper, I'm 80% solar, monthly bills down from 1500bht to 200bht. Back in 2009 my entertainment was True (1,000bht+) and s/h books which were expensive, today I get all that and more for under 700bht (internet, books, movies, music, TV, HBO Go), probably 50% less than when I arrived.
  2. Alternatively, they could choose to use a government hospital instead of the most expensive private hospital outside the USA.
  3. All 7-11s have a camera pointed at the till to stop staff stealing. I'd have asked to see the video. As for the missing note, when stealing they slip it under the till, not in the cash drawer.
  4. This is a prime example of faulty logic! First, what percentage of your income is spent on pork ...... Almost nothing! Second, pension income is not fixed, in the past 2 years I've had nearly a 20% rise.
  5. The mistake being Bangkok private hospital.
  6. I once met a bunch of dyslexic Satanists .... They all sold their souls to Santa!
  7. But she was free right?
  8. Smoked the gorilla B last night and it was good for 20bht/g. Decided to go for godfather as my main smoke for the next few months, 2,500bht for 100g. Tonight I'll be trying cookie .....
  9. Had the same problem with my TTB card ........ chip was corrupted ........ new card works. Try a BKB ATM most (all?) of them don't use the chip, so it should still work.
  10. I went swimming on the beach every day, sand is clean, water is clear. Then there's the beer garden near the dragon bridge.
  11. According to the report, when they got to his room she admitted to being 17 and he subsequently didn't have sex with her.
  12. 'thete must be more to the story than this' = troll every time. 'how were you dressed' is another one.
  13. 1. never change money at the airport, although the cash machines are OK. 2. Cheap Airport bus goes from beside the domestic arrivals terminal. Out of international, turn right, walk 50m and it's just before the entrance.
  14. Sirius black was strong but kept me awake, so not really what I want. Gorilla grade B 20bht/g or 1500bht/100g, I'll be smoking this later, looks very dry, smells OK.
  15. Nah, delivery guy sends QR code to your phone, then leaves package with security guard.
  16. My advice would be keep a track of your cod orders, and check the ’arriving in the next hour’ notification in your online delivery app.
  17. I've never had a woman anywhere that supported herself. It's always been 100% paid for with my money.
  18. No need to travel back to your home country, Cambodia and the Philippines are good, Vietnam is getting easier. If I wasn't already in Thailand, I wouldn't be retiring here. Never encountered anyone here on a O-A, all on Non-Os or Eds.
  19. What's the worry about small islands, aren't most of them getting bigger?
  20. I've always stated under 35 years old, weighing less than 50Kg and a woman from birth. I'm a simple man, with simple tastes.
  21. Nice clean air up in Chiang Mai, we've been having rain every evening the past week.
  22. Thai law states sex with a 17yo is illegal unless deliberately misled about her age. My defence would be, only 20yos are allowed in bars ....... so I was deliberately misled by a criminal. Thai law also states, if she's over 13 you can subsequently marry her and get a free pass. Obviously you could argue marriage is worse than jail .......... but there's always a bit of wiggle room with Thai law. I only play with women aged 30-35 so in my case it would never happen.
  23. If she's in a bar, then agrees to come back to my room ........ she's fair game. Would point out 17yos aren't allowed in bars, so not only fair game but a criminal.

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