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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. I am saying the odds are not in your favor... probably worse than whatever country you came from.

    Can any man and woman over age 20 find MUTUAL true love?

    You might find true love with a 16 year old girl when you're young and in your own country, but it's unlikely to last, after that, I think not, adult women are colder and more calculating than most men can ever imagine.

  2. My Opinion.

    The Immigration officer on arrival in the UK might refuse her entry as he/she might believe that the lady in question will have the baby in the UK, then use this to remain in the UK indefinitely via Human Rights, and not return home to Thailand.

    There could be further consequences as they might believe she tried to circumnavigate the Visa rules by getting a Tourist visa then trying to remain in the UK, the Embassy in Bangkok would then refuse any further applications and this could also affect Visa Applications to other countries.

    Remember this is my opinion.

    Do immigration ask every foreign woman who enters the UK if she's pregnant?

    I don't think so.

  3. My variable mortgage is currently set at 1.85%. What is the average mortgage in Thailand? I believe at least 4%.... so Canada wins here too.

    Schools are free and even high quality University education will become free for poorer families (I don't agree with this, but we are strictly comparing costs).

    Internet is reliable fast and cheap IF you go through re-sellers such as teksavvy and Wind.

    Current mortgage rate in Thailand is 6.6%.

    Schools are free in Thailand too, but university fees are currently around 22k/year.

    Internet in Thailand 630bht/month (in the UK it was 2,500bht/month, no streaming and torrents monitored)

    Quality of everything tends to be a matter of opinion, pointless to discuss really.

  4. About 10 years ago a friend of mine took his girlfriend back to the UK on fiance visa. They got married and had the baby shortly afterwards. There was no problem having the baby on the NHS but he was presented with a bill following the birth, around £1500 if I remember right. He argued the toss but lost, I think it was on the basis she was pregnant before she went to the UK.

    Nobody can force you to pay.

    They can give a bill, you just don't pay it.

    And at the last poster, you don't have to tell the truth.

    They aren't going to check her VISA, 'sorry don't have it with me'.

    • Like 2
  5. ^^ So you agree with me 'Thais are ignorant'.

    But you don't want to come right out and say it?

    You are tarring the whole population with your argument that Thais are ignorant because of a poor education. This is blatantly not true.

    There are many ignorant people in this world and many of them will have had a very good education.

    I'm fairly sure I can include the whole lot.

    The general seems to think it's OK to murder foreigners who wear bikinis, and he's right at the top.

    The doctors I have met, don't seem to have much of a clue.

    I stick by my 'How many weeks in a year?'

    That's around a 95% fail rate with the locals in CM, degree or not, the other 5% can't number the days in a year.

    There's always one or two exceptions I suppose, but I've never met one and I mix with doctors, lawyers, teachers (not really by choice).

  6. Have baby in England.

    Then the kid has full rights to pass on his British citizenship.

    Which he may not have if he is born in Thailand.

    child is entitled to have dual citizenship if it is born in Thailand.

    if born outside thailand there can be problem to obtain for thai citizenship and keep the other citizenship.

    More complete BS.

    If kid has a Thai parent, kid has Thai citizenship, no matter where child is born in the world.

    Britain is one of a very few countries in the world that restricts the right for a child born outside the UK to pass on citizenship.

    • Like 1
  7. And Ditnon Sae-Ngow

    Well your Thai (I assume that's what it is) impresses me no end!!

    I not only don't know what language it is (but I know that transfering Thai phonetics into Roman letters that sound the same is not easy) but I sure don't know what it means!!

    This is an ENGLISH language forum, I can put up with the bad grammar, spelling etc., and it not being a native tongue but if I want to talk Thai I will go out side...thanks

    Many different meanings, none of I can think of as amusing.

    Immediate thoughts

    sae ..... line ... pour on .... Banyan tree ... witch

    ngow ..... shadow ..... cold .... lonely .... easy

  8. In the case of Australia, it's not so attractive anymore when year after year, more and more companies are shutting down operations because it's too expensive and getting back into a shrinking workforce, because there's no new jobs makes it more difficult to find a job than ever before.

    Not sure any foreigner has much chance of starting a successful business in Thailand though.

    1 in 10,000 ..... 1 in 100,000 ...... can't say I've seen any at all, not legal anyway.

    Seen a few where the foreigner hides out back working illegally that seem to make money.

    (1 massage, 1 bakery, 1 restaurant) but all in a Thai lady name. So not really his business.

  9. In this statement you are claiming the Thais are ignorant - plain and simple.

    Of course most Thais are ignorant, they haven't had much in the way of education or opportunity.

    Are you claiming they aren't ignorant?

    If I were a racist, I would be claiming Asians were ignorant, but Koreans and Japanese appear to be well educated.

    (Don't know any Asians from other countries that well so can't be more inclusive)

    But there appears to be a real educational problem with most local Thais. Which is sort of strange as Chiang Mai is a university town.

    As you appear to know so much better, could you have a go explaining why I have formed such a poor opinion of Thai education, while appear to have good opinions of Korea and Japan?

    Ever asked a random Thai how many weeks in a year? (or god forbid, how many days in a year?)

    Now ask a random Korean, Japanese, German, Australian, Brit, et al the same question.

  10. As someone who was once a young woman, I can tell you that young women regard an older guy as creepy if he simply hangs around a college campus apparently with a sole view to meeting young women.

    You aren't in America now, it's different in Thailand.

    Many coffee shops and eateries open to all on CM Uni campus. Campus prices are keen.

    I often go there for a coffee and cake. Sit quietly reading a book.

    No need to behave in any creepy manner, if interested girls want to approach me, I don't have a problem.

    Foreign men are especially popular when they've just had their university course fee invoices.

    Nice swimming pool too, open to anyone that pays the small membership fee.

  11. How are the locals to identify you in a group of others, Thais, Japanese and Chinese for example? I have asked before but no one has answered. How the hell do they know where you are from? So it is impossible to satisfy your sensitivities as they are unable to identify your origin. How are they to describe you in a way that is both natural and does not offend you? If farang is such an evil word, tell us what it should be replaced with.

    Talk about condescending: "As I said the natives don't know any better". With comments like that, it is you who comes over as the racist. And then you go on to say you do not have much to do with them. Have you ever thought that perhaps your ignorance as to the meaning of the word is in part due to the very fact that you do not deign to spend time with Thais nor understand the intricacies of the culture and language.

    As I said, I don't care about the locals. But almost any foreigner could identify me as British after 1 sentence.

    Not to mention I specified 'natives' (not a race) as opposed to 'Asians' (a race).

    I know many Koreans (civilized and educated) and a few Japanese (also civilized and educated).

    I have spent a lot of time in Thailand, I speak, read and write Thai within the boundaries of my needs, but choose not to interact on any level beyond 'commercial' with them any more.

    'Within the boundaries of my needs' (as your comprehension skills appear iffy)

    I can talk to a Thai doctor about my body and symptoms of any illness, but may have to look up specialized words.

    (example fie lam tung = erysipelas, had to look that up last year)

    I can discuss repairs to my scooter (example look been law lang = back wheel bearings)

    I can order from a Thai menu and ask for most common items in shops, although usually I have to write it down as shop assistants often refuse to talk Thai with foreigners. But agree my Thai spelling is poor, I can never remember the correct tone marks.

    I can chat in Thai about non specialized subjects, but no longer have any interest in doing so.

  12. Many Asian babies are lactose intolerant, you haven't specified the racial background of baby.

    Best not to give an Asian or half Asian baby cow milk until they can talk IMHO.

    In CM I buy raw milk from the dairy opposite CM Zoo, 130bht for 5 liter.

    But again, fairly risky for a young child.

    Meiji and ChokChai farms appear to be real milk.

    Dutch Mill and ForeMost appear to be at least partly made from imported milk powder.

    (the reconstituted milks can't be foamed in an espresso machine)

  13. it's ignorance according to our western values. I'm sure we're ignorant to many of their paradigms too

    It's to white foreigners using 'farang' that I object, they have no excuse for racism.

    As I said the natives don't know any better, and I don't have all that much to do with them, so what they say doesn't bother me, because I'm not interested.

  14. But bickering aside - do you really find it so hard to believe that in 2016, a woman can sometimes earn her own money?

    Absolutely not. She can earn her own money.

    But she won't want to marry a guy that's worth less.

    That worth might not be in cash, he might have a title, family influence, extreme good looks, property, an inheritance, power, fame, etc.

    But Mr. average just doesn't get to marry Ms. Rich.

    Now if your Mrs. really exists and earns more than you, and you can't fit yourself into one of the above, probability is, your prospects looked better when she married you. In which case if you every get back to a country where she has the opportunity to upgrade, it's bye bye time.

  15. I just asked my missus what she'd like to watch on TV. She said she feels like watching a farang movie. Should I be offended?


    Black Book, good WW2 movie in Dutch.

    Amerlie, strange romance movie in French.

    see what she thinks.

    I'd go with Inglourious Basterds instead of Black Book if choosing that genre. Very farangy.

    But it's in English, and the whole point of the choices was to point out Farangs aren't a cohesive cultural group all speaking the same language.

    As a white British person I probably have more in common with a black American than a white German.

    This is where the Thai 'farang' concept becomes racist ignorance.

    All white people can't be thrown in the same box, same as all black and all brown people.

    White people using the word 'farang' is just sad and ignorant, they have had the educational opportunities to know better.

    Whereas Thais can be excused to some extent, because of their poor educational system, forced on them by a corrupt and repressive ruling classes.

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