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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Bottom line , people find it offensive. So that should be enough for the word to be fazed out. Where to start ? this site stopping.using It as name for one of its forums

    You really think a handful of uppity farangs is reason enough to remove a word from the Thai language?

    Don't be silly.

    That seemed to work for a few uppity ni^^%rs and the English language.

    The two terms are hardly comparable.

    One term was used in a mainly white country to put down and dehumanize black people.

    The other was used in a mainly brown country to put down and dehumanize white people.

    Seems comparable to me.

  2. Bottom line , people find it offensive. So that should be enough for the word to be fazed out. Where to start ? this site stopping.using It as name for one of its forums

    You really think a handful of uppity farangs is reason enough to remove a word from the Thai language?

    Don't be silly.

    That seemed to work for a few uppity ni^^%rs and the English language.

  3. ^^

    Try searching for historical photographs.

    They're a bit different to the modern dress-up images you found and posted.

    One of the problems with Thai culture and tradition, is that it was all rewritten in the 1930s to reflect the Victorian tastes of General Phibun. Most of the real Thai history books are banned in Thailand too. Essentially there is no Thai culture and tradition, just a series of fairy tales made up by a succession of post WW1 Thai Generals and their hiso sycophants.

  4. I am going to leave this as its just petty.. But

    5 loaves for 30 baht ??

    10 baht per kg tomato ??

    1Kg of bread flour is 32bht at YOK. But if you're really tight the all purpose flour @24bht/Kg is almost as good.

    About 16+ rolls and 8 pizza bases from that. (around 1.5-2Kg of finished bread)

    I always have some dough fermenting in the fridge.


    And my local market has tomato @10bht/kg every week.

    Which I usually liquidize with sliced garlic for pizza base sauce.

    One expensive ingredient I can't get away from is Mozzarella cheese (335bht/900gm Monteray farm from Makro)

    But that makes bases for about 30 decent sized Pizzas, and the other ingredients cost almost nothing.

    Chicken/bacon and Pineapple Pizza 20bht.

    Was a bit peckish last night, made 0.5Kg of vanilla fudge, cost 20bht (essentially 250gm condensed milk + 250gm of sugar). Can't get much more western than fudge!


  5. His Thai d/l should be OK for internal flights.

    But he needs to report the theft of his car and passport.

    The police report will enable him to get a replacement passport.

    If he can't be bothered to file a complaint, why would the police have any interest in finding her?

    Without him making the report, he can easily become the evil man in the future.

  6. So I missed tomato, black pudding and potato.

    Tomato are 10bht/Kg, potato is 25bht/kg. Baked beans 99bht for 3 tins at Makro.

    100gm portions or less on your plate, 1bht+ 2.5bht + 4bht.

    Black pudding, no idea, don't eat it.

    My 2 sausages weigh 150gm, I think that's more than a 'big boy' 3 small.

    But let's agree on 42bht ifor everything including the ingredients I missed (including the baked beans)

  7. Where do you do your shopping ??

    Makro and Tesco usually,

    JPM Quality sausages from Makro 750gm (10) for 109bht (as recommended by meatboy)

    BMP Bacon from Tesco, 20 rashers for 165bht (but BOGOF at least 2x a month)

    eggs 3bht each from local shops

    Bread around 30bht for 5 loaves (bread flour is cheap)

    Tea from Makro Aro Breakfast 125bht for 100 bags (each bag makes 2 mugs)

    So lets price a 'big boy', 2 large sausages 20bht, 4 bacon 6bht, 2 eggs 6bht, tea 1bht, as much bread as I can eat 2bht.

    Total 35bht!

    Did I miss anything out?

  8. Maybe they do.. But compare pattaya or Phuket.. You will pay 300 plus for something like Sausage kings 99b breakfast. Same cost of ingredients ??

    No, I won't pay 300bht for a fried breakfast, I pay 30bht because I'm not lazy, and can do a better job cooking it myself.

    Last time I looked, Sausage King's 99bht breakfast appeared to cost 150bht.

    Have you been there in the last year?

    If you cooked it yourself, I doubt it would cost more than 30bht.

    As far as I know, ingredient costs haven't risen significantly in the last 5 years.

    Very strange, Thai prices for food, the same as 5 years back, foreigner restaurants have doubled their prices.

    I could never understand how that worked?

  9. Saving for retirement is a sane logical idea. I have known people who managed to make a lot of money here in Thailand. The problem with that was the fact that they saved very little of it. You are going to need an income when you get too old to make the big money. Thailand is a great place to retire if you have money. It doesn't take BIG money but being broke here would be a miserable life. Some young people make the mistake of living for today and they don't worry about tomorrow. The problem with that thinking is that they forget that they too will get old.

    Being broke in any country is a miserable life.

    At least in Thailand you won't be broke and cold.

    You should also remember, quite a lot of people don't get old.

    1. Friend of mine sold his house in NZ when he was 45, was living in CM quite happily on 20kbht a month.

    Had enough money to last him until age 70, then died at age 50 from cancer. Didn't need the money after all.

    2. Another friend of mine, from Holland, eked out a meager existence in CM, age 38, died from liver failure.

    3. French guy, lived in CM, around age 40, crashed his m/c into a tree, now in a coma, will never recover.

    4. Belgium, early 50s, drowned in the CM moat.

    5. From Canada/Hungary, early 40s, had a stroke, now back in Hungary using a zimmer frame.

    These are all people I knew in CM in the last 2-3 years.

    Plenty of similar stories to tell. I know knew loads of people that never got old.

  10. Yes western food will have much greater choice and plenty of budget options which I Krabi would have far less of.

    You mean western fast food (pizza, curry, bread, pies, etc).

    The ingredients for the western food cost the same all over Thailand.

  11. How was she 'wrapped' at the time.

    According to our top General, it matters.


    On an entirely separate note, 'Ae' seems to attract a bit of unwanted attention, wasn't she the one groped by a Burmese in BK in another news story today.


  12. Call the ex a bitch even though she's still looking after the kids, struggling to make ends meet, he's trying to dodge child support whilst paying way too much rent to live by himself because no one else can stand living with him, even other family members.

    PLENTY of guys like that back home

    Back in the UK, I would certainly have to struggle to make ends meet on my free single mums 15kgbp/pa child tax credit, free 30gbp/week child benefit, free council tax, free housing, free etc..

    Pop two kids from any guy/s and live the rest of your life for free. If I could have babies, I'd do it too.

    And it would all be your fault (or men like you)!

  13. A good example of a bar made notorious by regular raids with the attendant press and social media coverage and frequently critical reviews, not least on TV. It is now attracting the basest forms of life and making a fortune in the process! Thank goodness these people have been drawn away from other decent bars where we can drink with less unwanted unpleasant distraction.

    It does not have regular raids, only one this year and then they were found to be free of drugs. Guess you are just bias, no one is forcing you to go and it keeps the tourists happy so what?

    Wasn't it closed for a couple of weeks by the police after the bouncers kicked a foreigner to death earlier this year?


    Not this year, last August.

    And more tourist beatings here,


  14. I used to spend time in (London) Canada, the local white folk hated the indians, called them worthless drunks living off state handouts. I was amazed at the racism, hatred and bile directed at these indians by people I thought to be decent individuals. A true w.t.f moment in my life. Canadians are usually so gentle and polite.

  15. Loads of them around, but not for dating.

    S. Korea is very strict.

    They all hang out together and report 'naughty' behaviour to their homes.

    They like to send their kids to school in CM, so you''l often get mum here with the kids, and dad working back home to pay for it.

  16. in the UK, someone owns a house worth 40,000 baht in monthly rent, but has no income so impossible to live in the uk, but that person can live in Thailand on that rental income, so got to be cheaper to live in Thailand than the UK

    UK, House + council tax + car + insurance + mot + heating bills = impossible.

    A lot cheaper almost everywhere else in Europe, or the world.

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