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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Two clinics near me.

    One charges 200bht.

    One charges 80Bht.

    Sometimes meds are included, sometimes extra.

    Seems you paid a reasonable price IMHO.

    Clinics are private, Thai or foreigner, all are charged the same price.

  2. Kasikorn Bank has a family PA (Muang Thai Insurance), but the holder need to be Thai citizen, whilst they accept a farang spouse; with a cover of 750k loss-of-life/diability, medical from accident 20k, and 750 baht a day so-called "hospital benefit" in maximum 365 days. The Thai holder is covered 1.1 million and 50k medical, plus 1,000 a day; children are included, but lower compensation; the total annual fee is 4,700 baht.

    I must be a secret Thai citizen then, and I only paid 2k5bht!


    And I don't even have a Kasikorn bank account, they did take about 10 copies of my passport though.

    Double death cover if I die outside Thailand (2Mbht).

    I purchased this on holiday here last year for a 'just in case' I was knocked off my m/c.

    They go through my pockets, find my card, then no need for me to have money or visit an ATM before treatment.

  3. Trying to look up/follow the topic of 'Accident Insurance Seniors Plan' with Bangkok Bank..

    cannot find max 200,000 baht or a policy for 7,000 baht per year.. all I can find is this: http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/BuildYourWealth/Bancassurance/NonLifeInsurance/Pages/PA1st.aspx#PS_5_1

    is this the correct one ? Plan 4 = 600,000 baht and 5,080 baht per year, looks well worth having, but is this the correct one ? where to find this 7,000 baht per year one please ?

    Edit: I have a saving account + Fixed interest account [my Retirement renewal fund stays here year on year] with Bangkok Bank

    You have to die to get 600k.

    Accident insurance is for a max of 50k.

    If you approach Bangkok Insurance Company direct (in most Malls), and not through the bank, they will offer a 100k accident cover for 5k premium.

    Bangkok Bank is ripping you off.

  4. I was always a healthy active 5'10 165 lb male , never sick in 55 years, the during a routine medical , that I might add I might not have if I did not have medical insurance to pay for.

    a heart murmur was detected, upon further investigation, a bi-cuspid aortic heart valve was discovered to be the cause, a condition I was born with.

    If gone undiscovered and or untreated , I could have died from it. Open heart valve replacement surgery, at one of the best hospitals in the world, subsequent followup, an arrhythmia developed,

    One of the problems with 'routine medicals', they make money from finding problems.

    The problems may be real but no treatment needed, or they may be fictitious.

    The outcome is always the same, loads of money spent, and a new victim proclaiming how he was saved.

    You had lived a healthy life for 55 years, I suspect you would have continued to live without any doctor intervention.

  5. There are a lot of gray areas and the land that the government gave to some people cannot be sold and can only be passed down to immediate family. To avoid problems, don't buy cheap land that does NOT have a chanote. Two of my friends, one Thai and the other a farang in that same area, have built houses on land with no chanote. They have no idea if whether it will ever be a problem or not. I'd think that it is not worth taking a chance.

    These people often have daughters, buy, impregnate, and your children can own the land as direct descendants.

    A novel idea, I agree, but totally doable.

  6. My only gripe really is that it's a bit expensive; but then again looking at the place and the ingredients that's understandable. (Kind of doubt they're making a profit to be honest, or at least not as much as Riverside, Good View et al.) I would probably have tweaked the format some time ago.. can't rely on the expat ladies knitting club and a couple US holidays per year.

    Allegedly, they don't need to make any profit.

    Surprised they don't lower the prices and keep everyone happy.

  7. I'd like to clarify that the food is great on the river side of Riverside, but I like the atmosphere better, especially in the evening, on the side across the road. Pretty water feature and the tables aren't as close together. The food is the same, of course.

    Riverside is for young people, crammed in like sardines, who like live Thai rock bands.

    (been there trying to impress a 30yo Thai girl I wanted)

    River Market is for elderly Americans, with enough room for those with walking sticks.

    (been there to a 74th birthday party)

    Who would have guessed your preference?

  8. Have you had people scream HONKY out at you in a passing car or been called that word while being beat up by a gang?

    Do you think HONKY is as severe a slur as faggots?

    I don't.

    Also I'm assuming you come from a majority WHITE nation.

    So the context is people from a minority using a mild slur word against people from the majority. Not very threatening.

    Gay people are a minority group, yes, even in San Francisco, and there are plenty of violent homophobic attacks even there.

    Yeah, but we're in Thailand, and nobody calls us 'honky' or 'faggot' here.

    Now 'farang', I can imagine being set on by a gang of Thai youths and being called 'farang'.

    We're in Thailand, nobody much cares about anyone's sexuality. Apart from a few 'farang' dinosaurs.

  9. The homophobia and vitriol is just sickening. Over the past few homophobic comments none have offered a solution to what will happen to this child if her parents lose their battle.

    There is a child involved. All you barstewards are ranting on about is your disgust about gay men.

    Give it a break - i am sure most gay men and women have heard your sad comments for decades.

    And perhaps you are a bit put off that gay people do actually have a say in what goes on in the world now!!

    Carmen should go home with her parents.

    And I'm sort of surprised about the levels of homophobia from guys who are supposedly living in Thailand.

    It's not as if encounters with those of a 'different sexuality' is exactly rare in this country.

    Live and let live is my motto.

    This kid only has one identifiable biological parent, and her place should be with him.

  10. What Crossy says, you need a woman who is employed and credit worthy, and can show regular bank deposits for 6 months plus, she can get a home loan.

    Foreigner with work permit, credit worthy and can show regular bank deposits for 6 months plus, may get a loan, but only for something he can own. Condo, yes, land no.

    Rough estimate,

    Thai earning 25k/month can get a 1.5Mbht home loan fairly easily, more if a government employee.

  11. It's funny when people argue over which inaccurate romanised spelling of a Thai word is best.

    The problem being, we aren't allowed to use Thai script in posts.


    gik and geek sound nothing like each other.

    pooh-wan nawn or pun non same problem.

    I guess loads of the old blokes posting here, can't read, write or speak any Thai and are a bit deaf too.

    Making the whole thing completely pointless.

  12. Definite offensive slur where I come from in the U.S. and not cool at all.

    Funny enough in traveling to England as a teenager, a girl in a pub took a liking to me and said "fancy a fag" and I was flabbergasted, here she was asking if I wanted a cigarette and I thought she was asking ME if I was gay........wow girl I think that's the strangest pickup line I have ever heard !!!!! crazy.gif

    Yep, "bumming a fag" means two completely different things to Americans and British.

  13. As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

    No water, go away for a month or two.

    Europe has plenty of water.

    Problem solved!

    Great plan.

    Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

    No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

    And you know this how?

    I don't think we have ever met.

    I know this because they really aren't different.

  14. As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

    No water, go away for a month or two.

    Europe has plenty of water.

    Problem solved!

    Great plan.

    Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

    No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

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