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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. By the way, "farang" has nothing to do with skin color. It's only certain deluded farangs in Thailand that are trying to push this flawed agenda.

    But you just posted farang is exactly the same as Caucasian

    For the millionth time, the word "farang" is exactly the same as the word "Caucasian."

    And WiKi says Caucasian = "white-skinned; of European origin."

  2. Last night at the road junction in San Sai near me at 7:30pm, two m/cs driving at crazy speeds on a narrow road collided.

    1 guy, drunk, no helmet, dead on the road, brains and blood splattered across the road.

    1 guy with wife, sober, him with head hitting the kerb, no helmet having a fit, waiting for ambulance, not sure he'll make it, his whole body was trembling and shaking.

    Wife wearing helmet as passenger, seemed totally unharmed.

    Wear a helmet, lots of drunk drivers out there.

  3. "Then in an instant, the crowd around me breaks up, and that's partly what makes me realise something is wrong, it's an immediate and coordinated dispersal - if they had just kept up their act a little longer, or dispersed gradually, maybe I wouldn't have any idea."

    Sounds like more than half a dozen people to me. Also sounds like a paranoid fantasy where an entire crowd of Thai people conspire to rob somebody.

    Two's company, three's a crowd.

  4. But what's really eating into budget: School fees. If you have many children it is getting so expensive while in Germany it's absolutely free, on a higher level.

    Government school is free in Thailand too and a very small cost for foreign children.

    Now if you want to compare private schools in Germany and Thailand, I suspect Thailand will be cheaper.

    As for German government schools being on a higher level, just try one where 30% of the kids are from Syria.

  5. I don't know what all the panic is about the £ has only dropped 1bt. Peanuts against the 43

    it stood at last year.

    As amazing as this news may be to you fredob43-------the rest of the world (read people who live outside of the Thai beer bars) do not measure the £ against the Thai baht, when making assessments of the currency, its more measured against a basket of currency's The American $ being foremost.

    Sterling GBPUSD, -2.2839% plunged to $1.4094, down 2.2% from its late Friday level of $1.4405 in New York. The slump is the biggest loss for the pound against the dollar since 2009,

    I live in England, Thailand, France and Spain.

    Don't care about the dollar, do care about the Baht and Euro.

    But I keep a years worth of each currency in hand, I'm sure it'll be 55bht and E1.40 by the time I next need to change any GBP.

  6. We are placed on a pedestal and treated with great deference by the majority of the populous.

    Not by our General, who seems to make an anti-white statement nearly every week.

    If it's really as bad as your interminable protestations would seem to suggest, why are you still here?

    Does the ability to pay to have sex with a reasonably attractive partner really make up for the abject misery that hearing the word farang so obviously causes you?

    If I felt that I was being verbally/racially-abused everywhere I went, I'd board a plane at the earliest opportunity

    Being called names by a nation who don't know how many weeks there are in a year, yes that really hurts.

    Almost finished my biannual shagathon, next month England, then the month after France, then Spain.

  7. But lots come here for the sex I did not mean all of you.

    I come here for the CHEAP 'risk free' sex, please get it right.

    (risk free in the sense that she can't knock out a baby and claim maintenance, or make false accusations and have anyone care)

    Thailand has nothing else going for it, that isn't better in Spain or France.

  8. I generally feel I get treated with reverence and VIP Status everywhere. A lot of it maybe fake but it is easy for us to live here. Annoys my missus immensely. She'll get pulled up after the checkout at Makro and they'll check every item. They never check me. Generally get waived on at Police stops. Anyway, in any case in my opinion they mean no harm. I was over it long ago

    Nah, you get waved by out of embarrassment.

    They all spent 5 years learning English in school, can't speak a word, but aren't going to admit it.

    See how well they treat you if your misses shouts 'he hit me', or you don't pay a 'tuk tuk' driver his inflated fare.

  9. Ok, so it's about "your own experiences." Why is it that your experiences differ so much from mine? Yours largely negative, mine largely positive. Hmmmmm.

    Probably because you're an apologist wearing rose coloured glasses and pretending to be more Thai than Thai.

    The rest of us live real lives in the real world.

    Maybe you should change your nick to 'Uncle Tom'.

    He would have been happy with 'farang' too.

  10. I just think the Thai language and maybe other languages are just very basic. They don't lard out their sentences with niceties, pronouns etc. If it's a tractor it's a tractor. If it's a farang it's a farang. Just the way it is so why worry about it

    But the Thai language does insist on a suitable honorific in front of a persons name.

    So while one could argue that 'Khun Farang' would be polite, there's not much wiggle room for the apologists with 'Farang'.

  11. I would advise him to be on the look out for something that may not pay so well but that gives him a bearable life to stick at till 65 ,with long hollidays in Thailand or elsewhere in Asia .Then he will have savings plus the Government pension .

    I understand the new Aussie pension rules mean you need to spend your first two pension years in Australia.

    So 67.

  12. have yet to embark on dinner but suspect that it won't involve roast potatoes and gravy because... it's 41 degrees in the shade at the moment.

    You were right about that, 41c + hot roast dinner + hot mug of tea = profuse sweating.

  13. As evidenced by the reuse of teabags to try and get a second mug (not cup, mug) out of them...

    Some of us don't like waste.

    As a retired person, I have plenty of time, and like to eat a better quality of food.

    When I say better quality, I mean less additives and preservatives.

    Something hard to avoid with fast food in Thailand.

    For me today,

    Breakfast, bacon and pineapple pizza, lunch roast chicken in bread rolls, dinner (nearly ready) roast chicken, roast potatoes and gravy.

    How were your meals?

  14. ^^

    Forget the butter, it serves no purpose, and add some sugar for the yeast to eat, else it probably won't rise.

    2hrs is a long fermentation time? Mine is often 2-4 days, because I can't be bothered to keep mixing dough..

    fat is incorporated into bread to keep it soft and make it last longer. I have never heard of adding sugar to the modern brands of instant yeast, it feeds off the nutrients in the flour. Its not necessary with dry active yeast either. Two hours is more than enough time, with Allisons easy bake yeast you can even use just one rise. Unfortunately I have run out of it and it's back to the Vietnamese stuff.

    I use Fermipan Red (low sugar yeast)

    I've tried it with and without, works better with sugar.

    I only use 1 rise now too.

    As for fats, I've tried butter, margarine and olive oil.

    Neither seemed to make much difference, but as I eat the same day I bake, I guess it doesn't matter.

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