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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. If you are not happy here in Thailand, it's doubtful that you would be happy anywhere.

    I've never seen anyone post that they are unhappy in Thailand.

    As for me

    I'm happy in Spain and France, most of the time I'm there.

    I'm not so happy in Thailand, but it fulfills a need.

    I'm hardly ever happy in the UK because it's cold, wet and a bit boring.

    Generally, the more intelligent you are, the less happy you can be.

    Simple folk live the happiest lives.

  2. Is it so hard to believe that a woman can earn more than a man?

    Some women can earn more than some men, but it would be very unusual for such a woman to live with such a man.

    99% of women are social climbers and/or gold diggers.

    Many women prefer to live off a man, others will settle for using a man to enhance their lifestyle.

  3. These are not people movers, simple, again, Thailand is behind the times and will not put a ban in place. Too easy to do, too hard to do it in Thailand.

    Rubbish it is illegal to carry passengers in the back of a truck.

    Stop posting nonsense

    If it has a green plate, you're not even allowed to carry people in the back seat.

    Agricultural plates licensed for front seat passengers only.

  4. Personally, I've never spoken to anybody in real life who has a problem with the word. Most expats I know use it themselves. It seems to be a Thaivisa thing.

    When a white guy starts talking 'farang' in front of me, I tell him I find it offensive and ask him to stop.

    It's only on ThaiVisa that posters are so rude as to keep on, despite them knowing I find it offensive.

    Of course, I don't associate with those whom I consider to be impolite in real life.

    Rude people, don't want them, don't need them.

    If you asked me to stop using the word because it offended you, I'd probably laugh so hard I'd spill my beer.

    Easy to say from behind your keyboard.

  5. Personally, I've never spoken to anybody in real life who has a problem with the word. Most expats I know use it themselves. It seems to be a Thaivisa thing.

    When a white guy starts talking 'farang' in front of me, I tell him I find it offensive and ask him to stop.

    It's only on ThaiVisa that posters are so rude as to keep on, despite them knowing I find it offensive.

    Of course, I don't associate with those whom I consider to be impolite in real life.

    Rude people, don't want them, don't need them.

  6. I return to Thailand for holidays now once or twice a year, most of the people I know who stayed on out there feel trapped and the shine has worn off... I am at a stage now when people I work with ask me if i'd ever consider living back there... full time i'd say no, especially whilst I am employed here and doing ok, thinking about it I reckon December to March would be perfect then back here in the UK for the spring/summer with some trips to Europe would be ideal.

    Almost exactly what I do, in Thailand now, back to the UK next month, then on to France or Spain.

  7. Milk is also way overpriced in Thailand. A 2L bottle is fixed at A$2 in Australian supermarkets, which equates to about 52-53 Baht. In Thailand, when you can find a 2L bottle of milk (not very common) it will cost a whopping 91-95 Baht. And no, I'm not talking about imported milk, this is Thai produced milk. An 830mL bottle will cost around 42-50 Baht.

    Not sure why in such a "cheap" country, milk costs virtually double the price of Australia.

    It's because Asians don't drink much milk, so no bulk sales consumer savings.

    But you can buy raw milk straight from most Thai dairy for 130bht/5l bag = 26bht/liter.

    Which is the same price of your Australian milk.

    I usually buy 10 liter, then put it into 1 liter bottles and freeze it.

  8. Typically when I go to the market the prices are openly on display, whether it be fruit, vegetables. meat etc etc

    Prices marked on not often depends on the market owner.

    For example,

    at the Buffalo market in San Patong on a Saturday, second hand m/cs are all unpriced.

    at the MeeChok Plaza market Chiang Mai on the 1001 on Sundays second hand m/cs are all priced.

    It's the same dealers at both markets, but MeeChok insist everything has a price clearly marked.

  9. I've never found it offensive. Everybody uses some sort of description of a person when they don't know their name. "That blonde girl" "The guy with the red hair" "The guy with the tie". We all do it; I don't think it's meant to be offensive.

    Yes, but when you mother in law calls you 'the guy with the tie' after 5 years of you being married, it starts to sound a bit lame.

    And let's face it, this, or something similar, is what is happening to lots of the apologists who defend the use of 'farang'

    After years of living, working, being related to the Thais, they still get called 'farang' so either it's a term of affection or they implode.

    Just take a look at Berkshires posts, farang is Caucasian, then Koreans are whiter than farang, it just goes on and on with each post being more absurd than the last.

    Doesn't matter what 'farang' means, or if it's an insult or polite, it only means that the person using it is judging you by your skin colour and therefore a racist. Racists come in all colour skins.

    Just some of the racist judgement that the posters are guilty of, farang are all sex tourists, farang all have loads of money, farang all speak English, farang are all fat and unfit, farang are all drunks, the list of racist assumptions are endless.

  10. But what's really eating into budget: School fees. If you have many children it is getting so expensive while in Germany it's absolutely free, on a higher level.

    Government school is free in Thailand too and a very small cost for foreign children.

    Now if you want to compare private schools in Germany and Thailand, I suspect Thailand will be cheaper.

    As for German government schools being on a higher level, just try one where 30% of the kids are from Syria.

    Private schools are cheaper in Germany. You don't think that, me neither. Also, the whole "private school" sector isn't that established. The gov schools have high reputation. You can easily go to a gov school and then to a gov university and get bachelor/master and they want to get you as employee everywhere in the world because of the quality. And then you compare it to the miserable education in Thailand. Yeah, yeah.

    You're living in the past, Germany and it's schools aren't like you remember any more.

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