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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. I am living with a good lady and her son for 1,5 year now.

    The son is 14 and already a pain in the ass from day one.

    He promiss all he can en just dont do it.

    He is lazy as hell and lies and cheat.

    What he cannot get. he just will take.

    His mom sees me as the bad guy forbid her son to much.

    Giving a good lead for the future they really dont care.

    Now i cant take it no more and told her to leave although i love her

    and know her for 7 years.

    The nice little kid i knew before has turned into a nightmare as his mom is giving

    him always his way.

    Run as heill because you never can win from the kid.

    Yep, he's a nice little boy when his mum gives him whatever he wants but when the mean farang says "no you can't have a pancake, you haven't even finished the ice cream your mum bought you" he throws a temper tantrum, I walk away and get a "why don't you like my son you evil devil??" look from mum.. Running does seem like the best option and its gonna be what I'll do but it will have to wait till I'm back to my own home, not too comfortable risking upsetting her when I'm surrounded by all of her family on the other side of the country.

    You guys must be insane, why would you put up with stuff like that from someone else's child?

    Let alone live with them.

    • Like 2
  2. If you think hitting your spouse/significant other is "acting like a man," then you're reinforcing toxic masculinity. And that's exactly the problem to begin with! Of course it's unacceptable for either partner to assault the other, but the very fact you phrased it as you did demonstrates how deep the issue runs, and why ultimately it is our violent understanding of masculinities (plural, btw, because of sociocultural contexts) which needs to be addressed.

    The sad thing about this forum, is that somehow it has become populated over the years with the worst examples of foreigners you're going to find anywhere. They've successfully bullied more interesting or intelligent people away some time ago, and now it's basically the same alcoholics and abusers who reinforce each other here every day. And yeah, they get very upset if there is ever a mention of women's rights, or any subject which touches the wrong nerve with them. Basically, these are guys who couldn't make it at home, so they came here to abuse people and imagine themselves superior. Of course not everyone here at all, but there's a clique majority who definitely try to assert this view that it is their right.

    I shouldn't even be looking, as I promised myself I wouldn't anymore, until the day they posted some actual visa information again (which they never seem to anymore).

    If you're a man hater, Thailand isn't a good place to be.

    so if you believe violence towards women is on the increase, you are a "man hater"???

    No, I think writing stuff like "reinforcing toxic masculinity" and "the same alcoholics and abusers who reinforce each other here every day" indicates they are man haters ...... or haters of some sort anyways, or perhaps just clinically insane. I felt abused and violated just by reading those two posts, imagine having to live with someone who talked or thought like that?

  3. I don't think there is a rise if anything there is a decline in abuse against women

    What is rising is the reporting of such cases as women become more confident in society and there is less stigma

    do you seriously think that those who organised the study haven't taken that into consideration? Perhaps you should do your own survey as they may have missed out some other factors.....like including a few misandrists?

    I don't think studies in Thailand mean anything, or should even be called studies.

    Usually written by people who couldn't complete high school in the west.

    And they don't study much of anything except their own face in an i-phone.

  4. Swastika is a Buddist and Hindu symbol. Nazi's stole it and made it infamous.

    Correct, but the Asian swastika, which you see all over India, points to the left, whilst the Nazi one points to the right.

    Not true, you can find both (even with the Nazi symbol), usually to do with the painter being left or right handed.

    (You forgot Native Americans also use the symbol in their art and crafts)

    "In some cultures, the facing changes the meaning, while in others it is irrelevant."


  5. I often wonder as a person not living in Thailand why the twenty or so same posters boast about their great life in LOS on TV forum from dusk till dawn on a daily basis.

    Don't you people have nothing else to do or are you guys getting paid by the TAT or something?

    I'm a househusband, baby is asleep, not much else to do when he's asleep.

    Can't leave him and go out, can I?

  6. It is not only men who are the perpetrators of D.V. although statistics show that 90% of those abused are women in a heterosexual relationship. this may not reflect the true figure as many men are too shame to admit violation due to the stigma.

    domestic violence is not only physical violence towards another it also concerns sexual, financial, mental and psychological abuse

    The police refuse to record many reports from men.

    I tried it once (2009 UK), and was told to 'go away and grow some' by the desk sergeant.

    Absolute flat out refusal to allow me to file a report.

    • Like 2
  7. I'd never lay a finger on him and he throws tantrums because its his mum who spoils him and he does the same with her. Except she yells at him and I told him to stop in a slightly raised voice and it was asif I'd smacked him over the head. Everyone in the market seemed to stop what they were doing and gave me death eyes. They don't take kindly to a foreigner trying to control a thai kid it seems. Yet its fine for thais to smack their kids and yell at them all they want.

    Never be there with the child, and the problem goes away.

    No need to say anything.

    Just don't go.

  8. Ive thought of that but its not like we're living there, just here on holuday though. I have told her I'm not coming on anothrr visit anytime soon and she took it quite badly. Still didnt do anything about her son though so gettint rid of her might be the only option further down the line

    Why announce your future intentions.

    Cut your visit short (bank problem always a good excuse), and don't go back.

    No need to make confrontational threats, that isn't the Thai way.

  9. t032.gif


    Today, Farm Chokchai Company Limited runs a substantial dairy farm with over 3,000 head of dairy cattle, a breed bred exclusively by Chokchai Farm. The species is Chokchai Friesian which was developed by our R&D Team, by crossbreeding Holstein Friesian (about 93%) and a native Thai species (7%).

    I doubt you can count the number in this picture either. Back under your bridge Major Nicholson

    52 as far as I can see!

  10. They actually charge as much as they can get away with, nothing to do with the upkeep.

    The more money you pay for a condo, the more they think you will pay in upkeep (most of which they pocket).

    Older condos with a mainly Thai resident base, owners just refuse to pay anything if they up the fees.

    Foreigners can be more easily fleeced.

  11. I pal of mine bought 2 condos in CM 3 months ago (85m2 and 70m2).

    Hasn't managed to rent either, they're still vacant.

    Lots of empty condos (and houses) in CM. Very few renters.

    Baan Wan Taan near the airport, very popular foreigner enclave, more empty houses for rent than I have seen in the past 5 years.

    About 3x or 4x the number of empty houses I have ever seen last week. I was quite shocked.

    Most of the tourists are here now are short time and stay in guest houses and hotels.

    What you say is true of tourists, and I was amazed to see how many are in the Old City just now when I ventured in to meet some overseas friends this week.

    But there is a very active renter market- I wonder if your pal with vacant condos has the prices, presentation and marketing right? They are both larger, and therefore probably more expensive, than what I perceive to be the most buoyant market at between 6k and 12k a month for 6/12 month terms.

    If he doesnt use an agent, (I am not one!!!) better in my view to pay a 'finders fee' than have voids - but up to him! Hope he gets lucky soon,as its depressing to have long voids on new investments

    He wants 6-7K for the small one (two rooms), essentially 2 condos with a connecting door in the wall.

    And 10-12k for the larger one, Large bedroom, large living room, separate kitchen (2 condos joined together by original developer in a corner).

    No viewers!

  12. If women, who are largely responsible for raising the generations of young males, speak to said young males on this level ("...you poor baby!"), then perhaps it is no wonder young males grow into adult males and don't give a rip about women's rights... because the abuse they suffered growing up is a pot ready to boil over on the next woman who triggers their pent up emotion.

    What I am suggesting, and what I think needs a second look, is that women reconsider their role in raising young males, and perhaps perform better in understanding the proper upbringing of young males, so that when they reach adulthood, they are equipped with the elements of behavior that women desire most.

    But please, in respectfully addressing your other rants, do not take responsibility for "getting to keep the children", or "being abandoned with the children", and then forfeit your responsibilities and go out with those "burdens" under your care, and raise a damaged product, and then condemn it.

    Just my take on a few perspectives.

    Good points there CoC,

    Maybe the court should award men 100% custody of the children for a few generations and see if things start getting better.

    So far the women don't seem to be satisfied with the results they are producing.

    What was that quote in Fight Club,

    "We are a generation of men raised by women. Im wondering if another woman is the answer we really need."[/size]

    Lots of discussion on womens failures as mothers causing social disaster (and domestic violence)


  13. If you think hitting your spouse/significant other is "acting like a man," then you're reinforcing toxic masculinity. And that's exactly the problem to begin with! Of course it's unacceptable for either partner to assault the other, but the very fact you phrased it as you did demonstrates how deep the issue runs, and why ultimately it is our violent understanding of masculinities (plural, btw, because of sociocultural contexts) which needs to be addressed.

    The sad thing about this forum, is that somehow it has become populated over the years with the worst examples of foreigners you're going to find anywhere. They've successfully bullied more interesting or intelligent people away some time ago, and now it's basically the same alcoholics and abusers who reinforce each other here every day. And yeah, they get very upset if there is ever a mention of women's rights, or any subject which touches the wrong nerve with them. Basically, these are guys who couldn't make it at home, so they came here to abuse people and imagine themselves superior. Of course not everyone here at all, but there's a clique majority who definitely try to assert this view that it is their right.

    I shouldn't even be looking, as I promised myself I wouldn't anymore, until the day they posted some actual visa information again (which they never seem to anymore).

    If you're a man hater, Thailand isn't a good place to be.

  14. She said, I could just have my husband write this up in his own handwriting, and that actually counts just as much (if not more) in the eyes of the law than a document drafted up by lawyers. That kind of surprised me, as who's to say that nobody is forcing him to write this against his will? But she seemed insistent this was the case. (The same goes for handwritten wills too).

    Funny how your lawyer didn't explain any contracts or agreements made between husband and wife may be cancelled unilaterally (by either party) at any time (up to and including 1 year after divorce).

    Her advice was just plain wrong.

    At the land Office you will be required to sign a document stating you have no financial interest in the property.

    (which has the same legal standing as any other agreement/contract between husband and wife = none)

    • Like 1
  15. The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs. alt=bah.gif>

    My theory, gets them a better deal in a divorce, so why not accuse him.

    No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

    And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

    Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

    Im sure you are an expert and well researched this topic prior to commenting - if by well researched I mean "pulled your opinion out of your ass"...

    My research was at least as good as "The Nation" who reports 95% of Thais support the Junta, etc.

    Thailand, hub of silly reports.

    Not only that, but I am bright enough to use the "quote" button without adding rubbish lines to my posts, unlike some posters.

  16. You need to have a look at the tax structure for that. The slow fall on the other hand also prevents a doubling of gas prices when the oil price doubles.

    Refining, transport and retail is a tiny fraction of the price at the pump. Most of it is made up of oil price +/- tax/subsidy.

    1 barrel crude = 160l

    Transformation is very efficient, and often exceeds 160l (assorted end products) of output.

    So raw material cost of petrol is currently $0.43/liter

    And in Thailand pump price is $1/liter

  17. I pal of mine bought 2 condos in CM 3 months ago (85m2 and 70m2).

    Hasn't managed to rent either, they're still vacant.

    Lots of empty condos (and houses) in CM. Very few renters.

    Baan Wan Taan near the airport, very popular foreigner enclave, more empty houses for rent than I have seen in the past 5 years.

    About 3x or 4x the number of empty houses I have ever seen last week. I was quite shocked.

    Most of the tourists are here now are short time and stay in guest houses and hotels.

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