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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. not doomed, they are there at a 20 year age gap. they have to just really like you.

    most guys here cant dellay gratification so end up paying and once you get used to paying its very addictive and your relationship skills go all to hell. you also expect anyone to put out right away like a. prostitute because that has become your norm.

    Not having to bother with relationship skills is really liberating.

    Should have just paid years ago.

    Wasted a load of my life pretending to be interested in what some silly girl thought, not to mention her feelings.

    I am never going to go through that shit again, thank god.

    "Thanks luv, that was great, now take this money and clear off."

    How easy is that?

    Thing is, some people actually like women and enjoy their company.

    I agree, Gays can often relate to women better than straight guys.

  2. Not everyone is so lucky and able as you. How can parents who have 10 rais of farm land with 5 kids save money for retirement, really how? They don't have the government to take care of them like some people in the western countries so they rely on their kids.

    500bht/month pension from the government + 10 rai of land is enough for most villagers.

    Probably more than a UK pensioner has.

  3. F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

    It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

    Village ceremony, payments and party is not marriage in Thailand.

    Marriage is done at the Amphur office.

  4. not doomed, they are there at a 20 year age gap. they have to just really like you.

    most guys here cant dellay gratification so end up paying and once you get used to paying its very addictive and your relationship skills go all to hell. you also expect anyone to put out right away like a. prostitute because that has become your norm.

    Not having to bother with relationship skills is really liberating.

    Should have just paid years ago.

    Wasted a load of my life pretending to be interested in what some silly girl thought, not to mention her feelings.

    I am never going to go through that shit again, thank god.

    "Thanks luv, that was great, now take this money and clear off."

    How easy is that?

  5. Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

    It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

    Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

    I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

    The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

    Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

    Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

    I eat all the stuff you say is bad for you, almost 60, no pills yet.

    I love cheese and raw milk, not dead yet.

    Just how old do you want to live?

    I always thought the top killers were due to laziness, no exercise = death.

  6. Perhaps evolution in it's infinite wisdom made it so old men couldn't have children. Like they won't be around long enough to help raise them? I find it the height of irresponsibility for the geezer brigade to go out and start another family. There are reasons young people have children: the have the energy and longevity to provide what is needed. If you must have a kid (and not some need to see some of your DNA running about) I agree adoption is way to go. There are too many people straining world's resources without adding to the problem. Expect to get hammered for this, but jeez people, get a hobby or something!

    How do you know any young person has longevity?

    They might die from cancer or heart disease at age 40.

    We old uns have stood the test of time, and can pass longevity on to our children.

    Not to mention young people are too busy trying to make a living to look after children.

    Us old uns, have all the time in the day to look after children.

    • Like 1
  7. David,

    You have a farm, buy a cow or goat, make your own milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt.

    It's really easy to do.

    Good idea, but it's not my Farm.

    GF's Parents.

    Plus it's a Fish Farm ... essentially ponds and dirt service roads ... no grazing grass.

    They don't even have a vege patch. Chillies, Lemongrass, Jackfruit, Banana and a Mango Tree ... that's about it


    Time for you to buy her that bit of land she always wanted.

    Then a herd of buffaloes cows.

    • Like 1
  8. That's a very good point. Many want stability but unfortunately what I've seen in some cases is that the older the man, the more likely the girl is to get bored. By that I mean if a 50 year old is going out with say a 30 year old they may have different interests.


    What do you think?

    Apart from sex, drugs and alcohol, I don't think many Thai people have any common interests with most western people.

    No common language, no hobbies, don't eat the same food, don't listen to the same music, no culture in common.

    Their relative ages are the least of their problems.

    How many Thai songs that you gf likes can you sing along to?

  9. Also, folks, misandry is not a thing. At least not academically. There is no such thing as reverse sexism. Isms are institutionalised, and you can't have an ism unless there are oppressive frameworks in place which are socially reinforced by those with power. Just like there is no such thing as "reverse racism" or any other "reverse" "ism."

    You mean like judges alway awarding the home and custody of the children to women?

    Seems oppressive to me, and fully backed by those with power.

  10. Sister in law next door to the right, was married to UK guy but he has bailed. Teenage daughter. Great people, like a real sister to me.

    Parents in law next door behind us. Great people, like real parents to me and most importantly real grandparents to my daughter from a previous relationship. Cannot speak highly enough of them. Hard working decent people who have been excellent parents to 7 children.

    Sister in law next door to parents. Interesting lady, first born and has spent time in prison (ex husband a drug dealer, still inside), makes her quiet and keeps to herself.

    Brother in law who stays with various of the above. Nice bloke. Part electrician, part plumber, part carpenter and builder. Keeps all of our places working and we feed him. Drinks too much and keeps hurting himself in motorbike crashes. But is only trouble to himself.

    Various aunties and uncles close by. Some good some bad but they don't really affect us.

    I love it.

    Do decent families have jailbirds and drug dealers in them these days?

  11. I think it is more a case of jealousy, insecurity, and inferiority. Let's face it, women have the marvelous product. Men have an insatiable desire to get some of that product. Men realize they can be manipulated by that product and the weaker, mentally challenged, cretins among us react by using brute force--the only real superiority they may have over women.

    And there was me thinking my only real superiority was my wallet.

    Brute force, not from me, I'm weak, and they use knives.

    Most Thai women are much younger and stronger than the elderly foreigners they live with.

    Not to mention, many women (worldwide) seem to actually prefer abusive,violent and dangerous men.

    Most of the wimpy guys spouting feminist nonsense on this thread wouldn't stand a hope in hell of bagging an attractive woman.

    (I'm including myself here, far too weak and tame for most of the women I really wanted).

    If women really wanted to stop domestic violence aimed at them, simple answer, stop choosing violent and abusive men as partners. It's not like most of these guys ever kept their violent nature secret.

    • Like 1
  12. Not sure how familiar you are with this forum OP but if you aren't already aware of the general population, most of these guys are significantly older than you. Whilst that's not necessarily a bad thing and they can give good advice, many can't even remember what it was like to be 23, and can't understand that guys our age have more to offer than they do, and that the girls aren't as likely to use us as they would a 60-year old.

    So when they start yapping on about ATMs, bar girls, brothers in Isaan and other such cynical anecdotes, the advice isn't as relevant to you as it would be to them.

    A lot of foolish assumptions in that post.

    At 23, what exactly do you think you can you offer a Thai girl?

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