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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've never been convicted of anything! And the police gave me 7,000GBP compensation for my troubles in the end. That paid for my first 6 months in Thailand.
  2. I left the UK because the police were after me!
  3. Does racism include comments against religious extremists? Can't say I'm keen on people that believe they're better than me because they're 'God's Chosen', no matter what flavour of God they use to look down on everyone else.
  4. american banks are a different problem. This topic is about UK transfers.
  5. The only negative in Thailand (for me) is immigration. Took me 2hrs last week to get my 1 year extension, so not all that much of a negative!
  6. I believe it's currently called 'marriage' (rather than slavery) in the UK. You work, and she get's everything both during and for the next 19 years if you manage to escape.
  7. Just tried sending 1kGBP (7:10am), selected "Long term stay in Thailand" ........ ETA 17th. Cancelled and sent again using "General Expenses" .... in my BKB account instantly. So it's the Long Term Stay option causing the delay. @Moonlover & @PPGuy thanks for pointing out the 43 rate, too good to miss!
  8. I've never wanted to work. But sadly nobody ever offered me free money, so I had to work. (Except when I was in higher education, managed to stretch that out for 7 years)
  9. Great idea, then your country will have to import even more immigrants to keep it running.
  10. I've never kept any slaves, I'm not American. Why should I accept any blame for something I didn't do in a country I've never lived?
  11. Apart from her being 30 and you being 66!
  12. My misses had a tobacco farm and her auntie had the still for rice whiskey. So only the cheese would have been a problem ....... I guess a buffalo or two could have provided the cheese. Here's the tobacco being shredded ......... And Auntie's still .............
  13. The federal governments job is to protect it's citizens from foreign invaders. Which is the primary reason for any government to exist. Sadly, the governments of the western world are nearly all letting their citizens down.
  14. But at least they get one! Don't think there's many white folk creeping into Thailand illegally. Haven't read any news items about illegals being put up in a nice Thai hotel and being given a bit of spending money.
  15. I thought the same thing, house worth 20MBht. Then my wife divorced me and was given the house even though I was the one that bought it. So a great idea if you are a single guy living alone, otherwise risky as I found out.
  16. It's the usual way to treat an invading foreign army!
  17. Guarantee is only good for a max 5% change. Any more and the transaction will be cancelled.
  18. Illegal immigrants are by definition criminals .......... hence the 'illegal' bit of their title.
  19. Double insulated 2.5mm twin costs under 1,000bht/50m and will do the job just as well. Good for 16-20A and your panels only send 9A.
  20. Don't forget the illegals are mostly criminals ......... if they weren't criminals they'd apply the legal way. So the country is filling up with stabby jihadies.
  21. Higher = no problem. Lower = reduction in output for all your other panels.
  22. Assuming you have your panels in series, any panel with the same or higher current will do for a replacement. Mine are 9A, your string will be limited to the lowest current panel. How easy is that?
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