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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. ALL the Tory leaders were remainers (including Cameron, Boris and Teresa)! In fact the only MP I know for sure who wanted to leave the EU was the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
  2. If it's Boris Vs Sunak, I can confidently predict the Tory party membership will vote for Boris. You all know why!
  3. I would have to disagree with Mr. Pie. Liz Truss did exactly what she promised to do before being elected. Her promises may have been dog poop, but that is what she was elected to do by the Conservative party members. Obviously what she should have done was nothing, and just made excuses for the first 6 months, "I need to set up a committee to explore this and that before taking any action", would have been her best option.
  4. Maybe they could promise to rejoin the EU? And increase taxes on the rich .........
  5. Nobody can predict what the UK pension rules will be in 7 years time. Could easily go the same was as OZ and NZ, not living there = no pension. They could also raise the state pension age to 80. Or the country could go bankrupt under Conservative rule. All I can tell you, it's best not to tell your government where you are or what you are doing. Shhhhhhhhh ..................
  6. As the Thai lady admitted they were following the porsche, its likely the same events would have happened wherever the car stopped.
  7. Thais often flee the scene then hand themselves in next day to avoid testing. The Thai police/courts don't seem to have a problem with this behaviour. Even if you killed a policeman. Did they test the Thai man for drugs/alcohol? What were the results for him?
  8. 2001-2009 I worked as a teacher in UK 'estate' schools. Abingdon, Oxford, Bodmin, and assorted Cornish mining town schools. These schools were rife with gangs, violence, drugs, in fact they were so bad they often couldn't employ regular teachers, but needed to employ specialist people like me who were employed to work more as 'prison guards' than educators. If you return to the UK without enough money to live in a catchment area for a good school, your kids will end up in the sort of school I used to work where the education was realistically non-existent
  9. Sadly you're wrong, When a job is advertised that doesn't pay enough to allow staff to rent local accommodation, you won't be able to find staff. Housing in the UK has become too expensive for normal people to work and live. Advertise for staff and offer them accommodation as part of their wage and you'll find plenty of people to work for you.
  10. Doubt the driver will be deported or blacklisted. 1. He didn't commit any crime. 2. He's married to a Thai, and they tend not to deport married foreigners even if they do commit crimes in Thailand.
  11. I think you mean 'middle left' aka Globalists. I'm 'extreme left' (Marxist) and they all call me a fascist as well. Sadly, the general population don't know the true works of the great man Karl Marx. If they don't want to redistribute land owned by Royalty/RSPB/National Trust/Church/State/etc., to the people, I ain't gonna vote for them.
  12. If only there were a plausible party to vote for!
  13. Agreed, they selected her as the only white person on the ballot form.
  14. Can't say I ever viewed nursing as a viable way to make money. So not bad luck but poor judgement IMHO.
  15. I'd argue 'informed consent' wasn't a consideration in the legal process 40 years back (1986).
  16. I've always found a nice selection wherever I went in Asia.
  17. "Under New York law, battery is touching another person, without their consent, in a way that a reasonable person would find offensive." I'd say it was the 'without their consent' part they failed to prove.
  18. You've never picked a woman you thought was great, but turned out a disaster when you got her home then?
  19. Thai Buddhists pray for money, luck, lottery numbers, death to their enemies, etc. Which makes it a religion, end of!
  20. I don't support any Conservative politicians. Come to think of it I don't support any Labour politicians either. All greedy, self-serving losers.
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