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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. More likely delusion than love. So many guys imagining their one is different. If she's got great boobs and a slim body, that's good enough for me. IMHO no need for any silly pretense in the relationship.
  2. Are you qualified to teach in your home country? Foreigner with a TEFL working in a Thai school doesn't count for much IMHO.
  3. Didn't the WHO tell us to stay at home for the last two years and close all the gyms? C'mon guys, make your mind up, do we go out an exercise, or do we stay locked up at home?
  4. Yes and it was edited to show the white foreigner in the worst possible way. The Thai media hates white people, and every story they run reflects this hate. Which is odd as many of their presenters appear to be half white.
  5. Same edited clip shown before. Misses out the Thai attacking the French guy and kicking him to the ground.
  6. No need to educate myself, I attended 2 of the best British universities.
  7. So you think the people shouldn't have been given a choice. Doesn't sound like you believe in democracy!
  8. I doubt being in the EU would have made any difference to todays mess. It is a 2 year shutdown, no business, pay people to stay home, problem.
  9. The people voted to leave, the government had no choice. That is how a democracy works. I would have preferred the UK to stay in the EU (only because I wanted to live in France), but accepted the vote of the people.
  10. Dude, I probably hate the Conservatives more than you, but it's silly to blame them for what appears to be a global problem.
  11. Yep, I had some glasses from them. Once I had taught the pretty girl how to use the testing machine, there were no problems. But I now prefer to buy my glasses from ZenniOptical.com as the same prescription is $50 vs 8000bht.
  12. Every post you make is bashing the Tory Brit government, But the reality is all the governments in the world are doing just as badly. It doesn't matter if it was a military/communist/globalist/fascist government the 2 year shut-down had the same result.
  13. I've had great service from Nakorn Ping hospital in CM for my kid. Once he was referred to Suan Dok hospital for a few nights specialist treatment. Totally free.
  14. I'm 20 years older, but my wife is a few years younger. And the weather is much warmer. And my TV has grown ........ a lot.
  15. You could make almost exactly the same video in Thailand using elderly Thais. Prices are rising all over the world because governments shut their countries for 2 years. What did the governments think would happen?
  16. Yeah you have, lots of posters who want to eat out every meal, want imported wines and have their house air-con set at 24c. Not to mention drinking in gogos and buying lady drinks every evening. Then wondering why they spend so much.
  17. I live the same life in Thailand as I did in the UK. Nice 3 bedroom house @ 210 pounds/month (mortgage), electricity and gas under 15 pounds/month. English food and drink every day (cooked by me in my home). Transport very cheap, car and m/c tax/MOT/fuel around 20% of the cost in the UK. Not to mention the much younger woman in my bed every night, a woman who wouldn't even talk to me in the UK. Back in 2016 I was living in a pals London bedsit, cost him 600,000 pounds + fees. In the UK for the same money, I wouldn't even get a room in a house share with Somali/Afghan refugees.
  18. Condoms are no protection from herpes. The infectious blisters can appear anywhere on your body and will infect anyone that rubs against them. Avoid all physical contact with other people when showing blisters. No other measures required.
  19. You're wrong. If they pray, they believe Buddha is a creator god. Mine is very devout and prays to Kali as an incarnation of Buddha. I class all superstitions, gods and magical thinking as a form of mental illness. No point in discussing the finer points of the mentally ill.
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