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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 53 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Jesus now ur just showing off 5555. Your food looks excellent. How about the recipe for that pie? I reckon I'd do meringue on top too 

    I cheat with the Key Lime pie and do the filling in the microwave.

    My own personal Key lime variation

    Make the pie crust in the Otto first.


    then the filling,
    3 eggs, 12oz tin of sweetened condensed milk, juice from 1-2 limes 25ml

    Pour everything into a pyrex microwave bowl at least double the filling mix size, stir thoroughly.  Cook in microwave on HIGH for 5-7 minutes.  Whisk well after each minute.  After 4 minutes, whisk every 30 seconds.  Watch filling carefully.  Do not answer the phone or get distracted, this is something you have to watch.  It will become thick in a split second and lumpy if you don't stir often. Keep cooking till thick but do not allow to boil. When your stirring creates ridges that don't flatten out (see photo), pour into your finished pie crust. Flatten out with the back of a spoon then allow to cool, put in the fridge for it to set firm.

    pie filling.jpg

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    Went yesterday to have the stitches out 2  minute  job, total cost 1100 baht,

    That's actually more than double the normal charge.

    NakornPing government hospital charges 250bht for 8 stitches, then another 100 to take them out.

    Thais including cleaning, pain jabs, and antibiotics to take home.


    May I also point out, that's a pretty crappy job they've done on your leg.

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Denialists to have a predilection for that. Considering the grunginess of their sources, I almost can't blame them.

    In 2015 the alarmists said 10 years to change things or it's all over.

    Nothings changed so far, another 5 years and you'll be able to say, "We told you so" or "In 10 years ....."

    My prediction is you'll go for another 10 years and it's all over.



    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Taicha said:

    Why did she leave? I didn't betray my father, he betrayed me. He said he would always love his daughter, but when I get in his way to stop him from arguing with mom and ranting on all day about pointless/nonsense he says he'll kick me out or let me cry outside the gate of the house. ????
    It's hard for me.

    You chose sides and he rejected you for your choice. Same with me.

    Fathers generally view betrayal by their daughters as a game ender.

  5. 2 minutes ago, countem said:

    I’m here seeking for advice on where to buy a diamond ring for, hopefully, my future wife. And you’re here basically telling me that a nice looking gift that will make her feel better about herself and the relationship she is in, is a waste of money.

    No, we're telling you she'd prefer gold.

    And as we've all been married to Thai ladies (and you haven't), we're probably more experienced to judge what they like.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Taicha said:

    Does a dad put a crying baby in a closet or the car until she falls asleep just to get some sleep for work a good dad? Yeah, he was a sweet dad once, but he's far gone.. I tried and tried to talk to him but he says I'm in the wrong. I'm helping my mom the best I can by trying to stay up late at night to be there for her.
    I can't expect you to understand our situation when you haven't experienced it.

    I've completely experienced a daughter that betrayed me.

    Haven't seen her for ten years, doubt I'll see her again.

  7. 14 minutes ago, countem said:

    if you’re in a relationship and you’re not aware of what the other person is feeling or thinking, you fit in this category of B.A.D.’s.

    If you think you know what a woman is thinking, you fit in the category of 'stupid'.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Taicha said:

    It's not her job. She is tired and weak.. All he does is verbally abuse us. ????
    We try to help him and he doesn't want it. He thinks nothings wrong with him.

    Presumably he paid for your schools, food and accommodation when you were young.

    If you really cared you'd be out here helping your mom, and your dad.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, countem said:

    I've given her more than she could have dreamed of, already... trust me

    Her dreams are bigger than you can possible imagine.

    I agree with the other posters, gold or cash.

    If you want to give her a sentimental memento of you to keep after you die, silver.

  10. 20 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Thoughtful of you not to provide a link.

    Too stupid to type 'arctic temps last 100 years' in google?

    (right click, search google for image also works)


    I like this one too ........



    There is clearly very little “unprecedented” about any of this. Jan Mayen had the warmest year on record in 2014, and a couple of the Russian stations had warm years in 2012.

    What is clear though is that temperatures have plateaued, and there is no evidence that they will trend higher. Indeed, history suggests that the next move will be downwards.

    As for the longer perspective, we only have to look at Greenland ice core data to see that there is nothing unprecedented about today’s climate there.     


    Meanwhile down south ........



    "Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after poring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton.

    But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming."

    • Like 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually theres a pretty sound theory as to why the jet stream is weakening, Apparently it draws its strength from the contrast between the cold temperatures of the arctic and the warm temperatures of the subtropics. Well as the Arctic is warming up a lot faster than the subtropics the contrast is less. So the jet stream is losings strength and is wobbling a lot more.

    Less than 1 degree difference over the past 100 years. Peak arctic temp was in 1939, it's lower now.

    These facts are easy to check before you post alarmist nonsense.




    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Taicha said:

    Yet he's dirty living in a messy room full of dust and dog hair, clothes everywhere. If my mom saw him spilt liquid on the floor and she shows him later he says he didn't do it. He forgets things too.

    Her job duty to fix that.

    People who are ill need help, not condemnation.

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