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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    So, I set about searching for a new lady on the dating sites...this really opened my eyes. My time would have been better spent walking along the Beach Rd. and finding a "coconut lady"....at least they are being honest about selling their body.

    At 66+ I'm surprised you're still bothering.

    If I wasn't too lazy to look after my 8 year old by myself, I'd be living along at 64 years old.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    That doesnt tell me much other than to go dig for some codes you dont want to give. But thanks anyway

    AIS still has the 6 months for 600bht package.

    It's just capped at 7.5GB fast speed, then slows down.

    I just renewed yesterday, I let the AIS shop girl type in the numbers.

    I only use it for mapping/line/messenger, I don't need bulk data at speed.

    You can buy the add-on yourself using the MyAIS app, or online in their store.


  3. 8 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    Anyone that thinks they are dating men 30 years their senior for any other reason is delusional.

    A while back I had a bit of a fling with a Filipino night club door girl.

    She was 30, I was 61 and she was definitely doing it for fun (god knows why, I try not to think too hard about female motivation). Anyways, she handled the 'dancers' as part of her job and said from locker room chat around 30% of the girls did the job because they enjoyed the sex with random guys, another 30% did it for the alcohol, drugs and party scene, and the remaining 40% just wanted the money. The girls were aged 18-30 (older ladies weren't employed), all their customers were aged 50+.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    I think you may be overstating the ease with which a 55 y/o plus foreign male can find a Thai female companion with most of the attributes generally considered to be desirable in a wife or long-term girlfriend.

    Nah, most Thai girls have tits & pussy, you've just got to avoid the ones with a penis.

    • Haha 2
  5. On 8/4/2017 at 3:19 PM, Smokegreynblues said:

    if i note that, can you tell me how do you actually prove that you were a resident for 5 years in thailand?

    5x 1 year extensions of stay (or 3x 1 year marriage extensions).

    I'm guessing your VISA won't be the right type to allow an application for citizenship.

    Which is normally what happens with foreign teachers in Thailand.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ron jeremy said:

    Chopping wood?, those days are over. Log splitters, gas or electric, or buy it cut split, ready to burn. And most people do have furnaces .

    I've always enjoyed hunting my own fallen trees, slicing them with a chainsaw, then chopping them to size for my wood burning stove with an axe. I never saw it as work, or a chore and always has a wood burner in the UK, from age 25 to age 52.

    One of the few things I miss from living in a cold country. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

    I'd think that 80 to 100 K will do the trick. But it all gets way more expensive when she wants to study a medical occupation. 

    Needs grade 3.8+ for medical, unless parents are rich.

    But can get the medical degree totally free, if they agree to work in a government appointed hospital post for 3 years at the end (no choice where it is, and it's always somewhere awful).


    When I was getting 50,000bht for my 1,000 pounds/month pension, I could afford to do it.

    At 37,000bht/month this will be the last student educated on my dime, just got to suck it up for 1 more year.

    • Like 2
  8. If they live in an obviously poor house there are government loans available.

    But they are 'authorised' by the school teachers that do the home visits in the last three years of high school.

    Without them giving the OK, she has to go it alone.


    Rajabhat Universities are the cheapest, courses will cost around 10k/term (2 terms a year), for four years.

    Plus uniforms, shirts, activities (more than you can imagine), food, accommodation (another 4-6K/month).


    Around 70kBht/year.

    I've had one drop out after 2 years (Political Science), and another in her 3rd year now (International Business Studies).

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

    I've banged a few broads picked up at clubs, where I didn't even buy them a single drink.

    If you're in your 60s and they were in their 20s, I'd be impressed.


    But .........

    Even Roosh has discovered game doesn't work if you're over 40.

    (and even before then he only managed to bang really average girls, that I wouldn't have considered)


    Back to the OP

    Sadly, nobody appears to know the Thai phrase the OP was talking about.

    My gf doesn't have a clue (but then she's stupid).

  10. 23 minutes ago, jimn said:

    Good on you its going to be a long hard slog paying off 10,900 £294 a month for 22 years. What happens if you pass away first? Who will pay for it then? As none of us can own land in Thailand you only got the house not the land I take it. Best of luck to you, I am lucky enough to be mortgage free, UK and Thsiland.

    You can own anything you get in a divorce settlement.

  11. 4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Sorry to hear that mate. Mine are still chugging along in their 80s.

    My mom died at 63, my dad died at 65 both from cancer, I'm 64 soon.

    My family have always been a bit odd (for generations), breed in their 40s, die in their 60s. 

    I've repeated the breeding pattern, expecting death to be the same.

  12. 5 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

    I think I was 5 , half mile walk to primary school but my mother always picked me up and walked me home

    Same for me,

    My mom used to take me, and I walked home alone.

    Across the village green, and along two short roads, no traffic.


    Left for University at age 19, never moved back.

    Loved my parents, just never wanted to live with them as an adult.

    They were both dead by the time I was 23, I'm sad I never really got to know them as an adult.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, TG911 said:

    Based on your experience with the law and the things you went through, in your opinion, how would it have ended up if the house would have been paid off and the title deed fully on her name?

    I would have been out in a goddamned second (or dead).

    But not making the payments would have probably cost her the family farm, so I had leverage.

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