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Posts posted by ScotBkk

    I have never experienced any industry where there are more useless and clueless people in upper-tier and management positions, especially in Houston, TX.

    Big business is always infested with top class idiots who try to impress by passing the buck using pretentious jargon that even they themselves don't understand never-mind it's receiver.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    You can get the originals from Bayon Mart for an absolute bargain.


    Buying off the street or in Mum and Pop shops there is always a risk, although there's a wee one I use on St. 172 that is good for gin and vodka. 

    Fake booze

    Being Scottish coming from a country famed for its booze  born to a long line of alcoholics.


    I've often wondered why in the wee dark hours of the night drinking heavily until the fat lady sings, I'm still as sober as when I walked in. 


    Now you've solved my curiosity- cheers :coffee1:

  3. 4 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    Far from it.


    Cambodia - Despite heightened risks to the outlook, growth should remain solid. FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast panelists expect the economy to expand 6.9% in 2016, which is down 0.1 percentage points from last month's projection. In 2017, panelists also expect the economy to expand 6.9%.


    Laos - Growth should remain solid this year—despite weaker regional trade—thanks in part to the government’s loose and infrastructure focused fiscal policy. FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast panelists expect GDP to expand 7.1% in 2016, which is down 0.1 percentage points from last month’s forecast. For 2017, the panel also sees growth of 7.1%.


    Myanmar - The lifting of economic sanctions is another milestone for Myanmar, an increasingly attractive destination for FDI. FocusEconomics panelists expect the economy to grow 8.2% in 2016, which is unchanged from last month’s estimate. For 2017, the panel projects growth of 8.1%.


    Then we look at Thailand it is all pretty negative over the spread. http://www.focus-economics.com/countries/thailand



    How can they steal jobs from

    certain thais who are allergic to work suffering from:


    Bone Idle Lazy Bastard. Syndrome 

  4. 3 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    An arrest warrant on a charge of ' being cheeky to a member of the BIB '.   :biggrin:

    And this from an organization that takes the piss every day.


    Being impudent could lead one onto more serious offences Like impudence with a tongue in cheek attitude in later years then possibly sentenced to 10 - 20 years as a TV member :coffee1:


    It's called point and counterpoint.  The original apologists just think they've found a new way to hammer on those who commit the unpardonable sin of not agreeing with them.  Grade school must be letting out early these days.


    Bang on

    Tried till I'm blue in the face explaining that's what TV is for - opinions. Although, as per usual get hijacked by hypocrite miserable Numptys pent on getting their toxic verbal assaults across to show their dominance.

    Shame though

    So many nice intelligent people on here with a good sense of humour. However, we have to suffer all the negative crap until it ends in a positive !!!

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  6. Hi,
    @Tchooptip - is that around this time you find it sluggish or other times? I will need a little more details from members around what time etc they find it slow and where they are in thailand or the the world. Im trying to map out locations and times and correlate to logs etc.
    From the UK it is flying so need to think about Thailands connectivity.

    I'm in the UK at moment and thought it was just me. However, the connection is like a Snail with Arthritis !!

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  7. 14 hours ago, starky said:

    Good to see this one start with a bit of positivity. Won't last though it is the ultimate TVF Quinella. Click bait with a chance of gratuitous Thai bashing.. 


    Thai bashing

    Wouldnt you agree that this post came from a very distinguished Thai gentlemen throwing scorn on his own brethren. 


    Thais are naturally bone idle it's ingrained in their make-up and I'm not relating to Max Factor. They're so laid back it's as if they've slipped into a coma. It's not as if I'm making all this up.


    Just look around any street. It's a toss-up between the Soi dogs vs motorbike sloths vying for best sleeping patches to get them through the long haul of the day  :coffee1:

    Well said.
    If people want to moan let 'em. If you don't like them moaning ignore them, no one is making you pay them any attention. You certainly won't be able to stop them. Life has its ups and downs and the downs can often annoy us and upset us and we may feel the need to talk about them.
    That's why good companies have complaint departments. So if their product or services are not up to scratch they can rectify things, keep the customer satisfied and so keep his or her business.
    It's a bit pathetic when someone moans about the fact that someone else is moaner. Where would forums like this be without the so called 'moaners'. They are the very life of any forum.

    Well said' my sentiments exactly

    It becomes extremely annoying when people react as if it's a life or death situation, I'll never understand how anyone can be so petty over another's comments that are just mere opinions of no consequence or just a flippant remark that seems to incite the furore of another about to burst a blood vessel taking everything too personally.

    It verges on lunacy,......

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  9. I remember a story from 1-2 years back of a granny who was pimping her two granddaughters, age range 10-14,  and she'd delivered and collect them from the customers on the back of her pedal cycle. One of the customers was a teacher in the local school.

    Then there's the infamous situation of a grandmother, a 14 year old girl and a monk who is now living the high life in the US.

    The mind Boggles

    Something deep rooted in the sub-conscious at work here to even contemplate such treachery.

    The more I read about kids abuse in Thailand, makes me think how much more of this is going on !!!

    People comparing what happens around the world is of no concern given that we're living in this country and feel compassionate about its children as a whole.

    Thank you for giving me a insight into your experiences you've come across which I assume from your many stories you've gathered over the years

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