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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. It's really strange when posters like yourself go far beyond the usual requirements for an answer to procure your contentedness. Especially, with a sordid reason for whatever they've mentioned then gets ambushed by your sickly toxic verbiage suggesting they've (excuse the pun) become Manic depressive and should vacate Thailand.

    Are you really so bad and full of hate for your fellow man? Have you seriously thought of an Anger Management course? Do you think people's lives revolve around TV membership? Are you now going to work out vile retorts you can send to me or others since you seem to have a short fuse?

    Calm down mate nobody really cares so much about complaints. Live and let live - life's too short !!

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  2. 6 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


    It is exactly armchair detective work, nothing less, and for you to come to such a conclusion based on absolutely nothing at all is an indication of your total lack of common sense.

    So be it

    Since your so self-righteous lets see who's right or wrong in a future upgrade on this particular case.


    I did say' if I'm wrong I'll be open to abuse - but can see your too impatient to wait. Anyway, I'll gladly point out your post if I'm proven right mate :post-4641-1156694572: 

  3. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


    Lawyer?b He is not a member of the Thai bar is he?

    Isn't this  guy a contract lecturer at one of the low end universities?

    He's happy. Good for him.  I have different needs and goals than a teacher who  is delighted by the fact that

    " I make literally 5% of what I used to make back in the US, but I also get four months paid vacation a year (compared to two weeks), work 15-20 hours/week (compared to 50-70), get free housing (compared to $3000/month rent in NYC), get free transportation between our city and suburban campuses (compared to $200/month in public transport costs back in the US), get a free round trip flight home every other year, and most importantly, enjoy the thought of going into work every day and actually look forward to returning to work after a long holiday."

    Back in my university days I was harvesting vital organs and would be soaked in blood and juices, I would have been enjoyed an opportunity to become a "dive instructor".  I could have worked on my tan,  had ample opportunity to fornicate etc.  It's all about perspective. 

    This clown  has no standing in Thailand. He's a nobody. He was a nobody stateside. Good for him that's happy. Nobodies deserve a shot at happiness too.






    Whinging Farangs

    On arrival we should all be tattooed with a number on our arms if our Thai superiors have an inkling we have that far away look or been suggested we could be here for a much longer duration than the usual economy class tourist. 
    After being grilled over the coals for what seems nonsensical reasons,this  on our very privileged 90 day visits (that could possibly be done online) I personally think it's best to go in person to be given free lessons on how to become much more subservient, therefore entirely grateful (as this OP has suggested) as a matter of respect for our being allowed to live here at great cost compared to our Thai counterparts. 
    How dare we even muster annoyance showing our disrespect. Especially, when getting ripped off at public venues, by taxis, Tuk Tuks or motorbike Mafia types when in reality we should open our wallets and let them decide an appropriate charge they deem fit.
    Don't ever forget we're just guests, same as are our siblings, if the mother isn't Thai and must pay heavily for a piss poor so-called international schooling that's supposed to wholly represent our educational system back in our own civilised countries. 
    Feel free to accustom oneself with other expatriates who've now integrated with Thai families in remote villages learning to adopt their customs - at a price. Become a pillar of their clan buying your way into the 51% vs 49% scenarios and never voice your own opinions which invariably becomes decremental to ones health .  Otherwise, could become a permanent feature finding yourself being immersed into a concrete pillar with your amulet intact for good luck. 
    There's so many admiring aspects, interpretations, connotations to living a humble life here, as long as you keep your gob shut. This OP had me in floods of tears and needs to be commended given that he seems a perfect candidate for president of the Thai apologist club. 
  4. Do you honestly and truly believe everyone should keep stumm about how they're treated in Thailand a place were us so-called Farangs are seen as mere money-spinners. Can't buy a house, can't own our own businesses, have to report every 90 days irregardless of circumstances - the list goes on. Yeah' let's just bite our lip and be happy with our lot !!!!  ScottBKK
    As someone has already pointed out, these conditions didn't come in the after you arrived.
    They were in place when you decided to come & live here.
    It's like buying a Red Car then walking around complaining that you don't like Red.
    All your doing is pointing to your own stupidity-if you decided to come live in a country that has conditions that you don't like to live under.
    90 day reporting--which is now defunct as you can do it on line, really how tough is that, you must be a real busy man.
    We write to say what We cannot speak. !! --ScottBKK
    So they are arresting people for speaking what you are writing---it's pure fantasy isn't it, there are certainly not whispering  what they disagree with in the bars that I go to. When did they last arrest a farang for complaining about what we complain about here. ?? When did they last deport someone for that. There is only one subject you should be careful talking about--and that was also here a long time before you decided to make it your home.

    Can you put your hand on heart and declare to All and sundry here on TV you've NEVER EVER complained about anything WHATSOEVER about Thais or Thailand???

    The old adage applies here for a few posters ... People in glasshouses shouldn't throw Stones !!!!!!

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  5. Every last one of these chronic whiners knew the score before they set up home here - they knew they couldn't buy land, they knew they couldn't own companies 100%, they knew they had to report every 90 days. Did they think that somehow, the country would ease policy once they'd been here a little while and shown themselves to be "good" eggs?
    If they don't like it, fine - there are two procedures to deal with that. One's called repatriation, the other's called relocation.

    Shame we couldn't do the same with Thai Apologists - Happy Days !!!

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  6. No need to leave because of your points of views.. just seems to me if you really hate these things and they bother you a lot why stay as it only ads to stress and misery. I still think there is more good here then bad.. otherwise I would be gone. Why stay somewhere I hate it.

    Since you seem to follow the other posts can you Please point anywhere I used the word - HATE !!!!!!!

    Incidentally, I love Thailand but don't readily agree in any shape form or fashion in the way we're treated as Paying' guests !!!!

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  7. No need to keep quit about these things, valid complaints.. but if you really hate them (I dont like them) just leave because it is not going to change anytime soon. 

    Yes - I love the - Better you leave Brigrade.

    Why must I leave because of points of view. If all the people that have their own opinions where asked to leave Thailand here on TV - would thaivisa still have enough members left to make these posts worthwhile ?

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  8. Do you honestly and truly believe everyone should keep stumm about how they're treated in Thailand a place were us so-called Farangs are seen as mere money-spinners. Can't buy a house, can't own our own businesses, have to report every 90 days irregardless of circumstances - the list goes on. Yeah' let's just bite our lip and be happy with our lot !!!!

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

    And you would believe a Thai over a foreign tourist??????


    I'm more inclined to take the word of the Japanese tourist having lived here in Thailand seeing these lecherous sorts that patrol Pattaya's shores like Soi dogs on heat.


    My money's on him being guilty. However, it's by no means amateur armchair detective work it's just my common sense tells me so.


    If I'm wrong, I deserve all the ridicule TV members can serve me with :coffee1:

    I think you're right - you ARE wrong. Or show me my initial comment repeated just ONCE by me on here.
    An apology will also suffice, of course...

    Increase the meds mate you've totally lost it I'm afraid. There's more to life than TV or trying to dominate any of its members.

    Sorry, I've more important things to do than reply to you. I'm watching the grass grow.

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  11. 14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't know the real facts in this case, anymore than anyone other than the ladyboy, but a wild romp with an attractive young lady is the way I'd like to go out. Sure beats mouldering to death in a rest home.

    Don't know if your talking through personal experience but humping a ladyboy ain't my dream of a last farewell liason before departing this planet  :coffee1:

  12. this removes the halving of the sentence and as there is a video of them attacking the man how can they plead not guilty. Could it be that they think because daddy is a cop they will get off, just hope that they are all jailed for a long time including the bimbo that was encouraging them to kill the poor man, if any of them are not jailed Thailand will once again look like a basket case to the rest of the world but I suppose they should be used to that by now, face is much more important for their rich/related criminals than doing what is right for the country or expected by law.

    Disabled gent
    As this poor handicapped man lay severely injured in his last moments of life begging to live. They mercilessly took it away from him.


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