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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    He drove her out in the sticks first before killing her so it is premeditated murder, hopefully he gets the death sentence.

    Your right

    It seems to me that part n' parcel of becoming a Thai bus driver you need to have some deep psychotic defect considering how many of these loonatics have been seen to lose the plot one way or the other. I don't want ambushed by statistics from around the globe about other nutters.


    However, Thailand seems to get it's fair share though. 


    Unfortunately, the little wisdom that the world possesses, was introduced by lunatics. :coffee1:

  2. 2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    But But the super heroes depicted are all foreigners   !

    Shouldn't they be dressed up like the PM to be authentically Thai   ?

    It has just occurred to me that the superhero really only originates in America. That seems to be the only country (in the past) that has produced this unusual and bizarre phenomenon. It's probably only now been last in line to be copied in this fashion in Asia. :coffee1:

  3. 4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Must be a scammer's paradise here. Will there be some sort of crackdown on foreigners' visas because of local and national incompetence. 


    Whatever happens, there will be some knee jerk reaction. 



    Maybe on the spot Farang fines if found venturing the streets without a Thai chaperone.We've literally become an epidemic eyesore, a public liability. We need also be taught how to respect Thai culture like Tuk Tuk, Taxi and motorbike drivers and never question their ethics. We need to appreciate a good beating now and then making us more alert as to what expect if we step out of line. Invest all your life savings in Thailand being self-assured your money's safe in their 51% share of everything you own. You must never forget, your wives families only have your best interests in mind here in paradise. Enjoy the good life with a swift funeral. No need for family members abroad wasting money to come paying respects now your well catered for. You've become an important part of the villagers investment projects and your money eh' mean advice is always welcome..... Keep the baht flowing ......, :cheesy::cheesy:

  4. 7 hours ago, dhream said:

    This shit wont reduce in Thailand unless they stop reporting it.
    In the west suicides are deliberately suppressed in the media for this reason.
    It serves no public interest and is proven to increase copy cat behaviour in unstable minds.
    Thai Visa is part of the problem. Its a disgrace.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

    Taking one's life so sad

    I agree to a certain degree. Although, the deaths that get my goat are the Involuntary Suicides :coffee1:



  5. 14 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

    I have every sympathy with the families of those killed, but the logic of this compensation completely baffles me.  Why were the relatives of those killed at the Erawan shrine paid only 400,000 baht? For that matter, why are the families of dead bomb-victims paid anything? Why aren't the families of all murder-victims paid compensation?



    TAT will dole out all the Farang renumerations with flowers and gift baskets.  Then a quick post with new fudged expected  figures now everything is safe and sound again.


    Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care. :coffee1:





  6. 1 hour ago, gandalf12 said:

    Who ever wrote this load of rubbish should be sacked.


    My attention span is pretty minimal too. To try an attempt at amusing our somewhat grumpy TV members is a fate worse than death. Full of angst, spitting, biting, leering like a King Cobra don't expect praise whilst trying to humour avid readers.


    Sorry your Post is a No :coffee1:





  7. 12 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:




    deliberately euphemistic, ambiguous, or obscure language.

    "the art of political doublespeak"

    synonyms:equivocating, evasion, dodging, beating about the bush, pussyfooting (around).


    "With the number of informants was used as a mean of intimidation and terror against dissidents and critics of the regime. Today in Serbia, operates reorganized agency called the Security and Information Agency (BIA).


    Hello 1984.

    And goodnight Thailand.



    The Junta would never have been accepted into the Gestapo for being too cruel :coffee1:

  8. 19 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    Police are all murderers here. They all play a part, one way or the other.


    I'm thinking it would take about 300,000 troops to invade Thailand and replace the police and military.


    then a five year period of executing anyone found guilty of corruption. 


    Then 20 years of completely new schools replacing all the teachers, teaching English, math, logic, engineering, computer science.


    and of course driving schools, new building and electrical codes...





    This case gave me sleepless nights feeling compassion for this poor man and his family's sorrow. Crazy as it seems I felt grave sorrow for someone I never knew. How dare this case be shelved or put aside because he's a FARANG. It makes me want to Wrench.


    Junta Groupies and all the Thai apologists will be squirming at your hard-hitting post. 


    Truth hurts I suppose :coffee1:

  9. Buying property in Thailand 


    Cant see the benefits myself with all the worries how the country tends to be so volatile compared to purchases in the UK. Better returns on rents & profits from



    Better to to rent in Thailand it's cheap and can do without any unforeseen hassles. All that, give your missus family a house, car and allowances and same for you and her had me heading for the hills to get the hell outta here!!


    just saying .... :coffee1:

  10. Brexit


    It represents freedom and makes the UK more safe for our people. Besides that, do you really think the Brits give a toss about Sterling vs Baht? 


    In years to come I personally think the GBP will retain its pole position as strongest currency in the world because of the decision to exit. 


    Quite recently I was back in the UK for an extended stay. I kept rabbiting on about Thailand and most people said' it's a place I don't fancy visiting because of the attacks on tourists. I didn't really know a way round that. 


    Just saying :coffee1:

  11. 2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "The raiding party found "go-go" dancers who were scantily clad - some were even naked."

    Quite shocking really, this sort of nonsense would never be allowed in the more respectable farang touristy areas such as Nana, Soi Cowboy and the glittering, police protected, pole polishing palaces of pulchritude in Pattaya, Patong and Patpong...:facepalm:


    Soi Nana

    I stopped frequenting these sex places after All the Mamasans started calling me in first name terms. 


    Just saying ......:clap2:

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