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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What has a Brands gift basket got  to do with the arrest?:gigglem:



    Gets me, how they find the time to trawl through Facebook for shit like this when the country has such serious issues in other areas that should be addressed with more scrutiny. 


    Must've been noticed in between the Dot to Dot page book fun play. Just before the obligatory siesta. 


    Afternoon :coffee1:

  2. Overstaying


    I've ran out of comments on this subject. However, there are a lot worse crimes committed in society and never ever has any overstayers affected my stay in Thailand nor will it in the future. 


    Unfortunately, a majority of people who find themselves in this predicament are not bad people. 


    This forum  has got to be one of the worst places on planet earth to expect any sympathy on this issue. 


    Morning All :coffee1:

  3. 19 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

    It is a nice story. Many people in his situation and many in better circumstances wouldn't have returned the wallet, and I'm not just talking about Thais.

    I agree

    However, you would never find a solitary dishonest TV member. Given that, having read their posts over many a year, realise these are such fine upstanding people. The salt of the earth. The pillar of society that have never tread off the path of honesty. I made this synopsis whilst analysing if I had the right to follow in their contemporary footsteps. Corporatised, sanitised men that rarely has one the occasion to question his identity. 


    Anyway, good morning to all :coffee1:

  4. Pedophiles 


    I'll never understand how these perverts manage to fly under the radar time and time again. They always seem to masquerade as a children's saviour. Like asking a King Cobra to babysit your pet rats. Let's stop calling them sex offenders as sex isn't anything to do with their crimes. This is pure molestation of the sickest kind. 


    These evil bastards derive from diseased infested pricks pent on destroying our kids lives. I can't muster enough hate for kiddy fiddlers. 





  5. 2 hours ago, rodroy said:

    Sorry, but the thermal gradients in southern Thailand are a two bladed sword! The abnormally high temps accelerate the hydrocarbon generation processes which produced hydocarbon accumulation in young miocene reservoirs as seen in the gulf of Thailand today!


    These high gradients make the existence of deep hydocarbon accumulations unlikely as the high temps at these depths cook off the recoverable oil and gas!


    These high temperatures make the exploitation of any hydrocarbons expensive as there are special metallurgical needs for tubulars and other production hardware! Its for deep pocketed operating companies!

    Your data.


    Drop Kuhn Parinya Phuthapiban a quick mail and give him some stick. Save the country a fortune might even become a permanent resident.


    Good Luck :coffee1:

  6. Suicide is dangerous 


    Its a forgone conclusion us  Farangs just love jumping off balconies. Especially, after a good holiday. Couldn't think of a better way to end it all, with such a grand finale. Police want concrete evidence and that's exactly what they get - everywhere. 


    Forget theories - it's our birthight :coffee1:

  7. 39 minutes ago, Monkeyrobot said:

    A Thai lady boy with a polish name on the credit card? They must have known someone in the store to pass the transaction  with the signature , if the they guy had a PIN number,  that would make credit card theft a lot more secure for the owner of the card. 



    I thought the same. How did they do the transactions ? 


    Trannysactions perhaps  :gigglem:

  8. 5 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Why oh why can't these police officers just keep their mouths shut and get on with the job, instead of revealing every little bit of information on an almost daily basis.


    I know, I know, it is often more important to be seen to be doing the job, than actually doing it.

    Bragging rights


    Another update from the elite Thai Non - Secret Service 

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