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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Good luck with that P M

    I doubt very much you would have on board

    your team a kennedy or Ghandi type negotiator

    If like you, ( a blunt shovel attitude )

    Negotiating is not beating the opponent ,

    but a task of trying to solve the puzzle,

    It just maybe that you would be better off sending a woman

    as chief negotiator, as they would tackle the problems in a different

    manner than a thai thinking man.

    just my opinion,


    Personally, I think you got it right first time. Best way to negotiate with these people is with a blunt shovel.

    Just saying ........

  2. This country is in deep trouble and I am really frightened.
    Where will this end?

    What's next on the agenda?

    These outlandish threats or fear of retribution should not become an excuse or justification for restricting freedom of speech. This is what made people and countries what they are.

    Is it me or am I'm the only paranoid Ferang in this country not knowing what we face every month. Particularly now feeling we get bullied or punished for not doing as were told or else ?

    Being democratic doesn't quite fit in here it disrupts the plastic harmony.

    They say' the pen is mightier than the sword. Personally, living here I would rather get stabbed with a Pen ?

    Just saying ...,,,
  3. I hope that these are the real perpetrators, and not some poor schmucks who are being set up in order to appease the media the same as it happened in Ko Tao.

    Not a chance.

    The Thais albeit feckless about who blame should be apportioned too wouldn't dare pick any other candidates than the original cardboard gangsters.

    The world media these days is a strong allay against these tyrants 'growing momentum every year' so in reality Thailand would shit itself if it lied about this latest outrage.

    These Thai gangs hunt in packs simply because they're cowards picking on defenceless people.

    Think about it.

    How many times have they beat up a big team of Russians or any other handy western groups? Doesn't happen. They prefer to take advantage of older types,women or young adults or 10 to one ratio on a single Ferang to show thier unlimited strength in numbers.

    If this scum gets less than a 10 stretch I'll be gutted and should scrap the Tits at TAT if they don't improve our safety in this scary country.

    It's a total and utter disgrace and time for the PM to show the world he means business on Tourism

    and ferangs welfare.

    Suppose it took the glare of the Ladyboy skullduggery for this week until they kick off again next week.

    Just saying ........

  4. I dont see anything about the person giving her a reward or did I miss something? It shows she is a good person. Most Thai's are nice people it is just the few who are scum. Good that the owner gave her a reward she deserved it.


    I agree wholeheartedly.

    However not as yet met the kind thoughtful honest people who would return the money I've had stolen over the years.

    Anyway, there's hope yet but ain't holding my breath.

    Just saying .....,,,

  5. Thais show respect,your having a laugh.money is absolute and nothing else matters.

    Charity begins at home.

    They could start respecting the foreigners living and visiting here first as an example. That I fear is asking too much given that we're relieved on a constant basis of our worldly goods albeit by trickery, thievery or just downright bludgeoned pillaged or raped for whatever takes their fancy.

    So copyright theft is a mere bagatelle in this somewhat crusade to prosper from us endless Ferang source of income.

    We love being abused it's our culture and should say thanks according to the heavily inflicted Thainess tv section for the mentally deranged.

    The blame lays at our feet and we truly deserve our comeuppance since our money, intellectual property or belongings becomes theirs the moment it sets foot in this country.

    Thailand Land of Swindlers

  6. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?


    Your most likely an apologist.

    What would you think if this was YOUR FAMILY!!! Protecting ones loved ones is a natural instinct fo us Westerners but you probably have Thainess disease syndrome.

    I don't apologise for being a Ferang its my birthright . I'm so proud to be westerner and stay as one backing up all my kind all over the world not taking on another culture just because I lived there - that's insane. You are what you are - so to speak.

    Get a life mate !!!

  7. Yep, s##t happens sometimes, had Songkran been celebrated in UK, the hoodies and the chavs would've created more havoc and mindless violence than this. All the "share this with everyone you know" crowd, are you also this enthusiastic about sharing good experiences you may encounter in TH, or do you just enjoy a good whinge?

    People who make senseless comments make me wrench in anger. Don't you honestly believe we're being taken advantage of ?

    Isn't it time something was done about this carnage of serious inflictions upon us foreigners? Do we really deserve this? All they want is our money and hurt murder or assault us in order to accomplish this.

    Gangs saving face wouldn't get away with this in some of our hometowns back home otherwise an all out war would take place.

    What kind of man would survive in our country or prisons after kicking a mother with her child in a pram by her side. This country is an absolute disgrace and about time someone did something about.

    Thailand Land Of Shit

  8. Pussys . I'm sorry but these little mugs wouldn't do this to someone sober or half the age of this family . The tourist industry should be damaged by this as these little rats have been getting away with this for decades

    This is beyond belief.

    Tourists cannot be subjected to such violence this needs to be send all over the entire world to let people around the Planet see how these gutless disgusting animals treat us foreigners.

    Time after time we're robbed, humiliated, murdered, aussaulted, raped, conned and still not enough is done to deter these street gangs or crazy ladyboys from these constant attacks. What's next - kill our children ???

    I'm sick of this!!!!

  9. A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

    who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

    interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

    How times gave changed.

    This so-called Englishnen would have years ago been cherged for identity theft masquarading as a British subject but now considered the norm to wear a long beard with that Mid-Easten swalthy look of our home-produced children of today.

    In years to come 'the world we live in' will be adorned full of such like clones of this unavoidable trait inflicted on us by these unruly people.

    Rabbits have been left well behind having lost thier title to create famine amongst it's siblings.

    Just saying ..........

  10. The story fails to mention a key reason Tuk Tuk business is down. That is, over the past few years many of the Tuk Tuk drivers have become cheats and liars. I used to take a lot of Tuk Tuks, but not any more.

    Tuk Tuk drivers and any other form of Asian private/public transporters are born to cheat/pilfer/ assault/rape/lie/ misguide/threaten given that it's in their genetic code.its called:


    Just saying .......

  11. I came in 1984 and since then the price has only gone one way whilst the service has gone in the opposite direction

    I agree my friend.

    I cum here in 2005 produced 3 kids with different Thai women caused me a divorce back home for my constant philandering, was ripped off for an absolute fortune in a fake oil deal, lost a huge property portfolio back in the UK for being a Numpty, thus by not returning to face the music. And not once have I ever complained about Thai prices changing.

    To be honest I've moved onto bigger and better things - life's like that I suppose.

    So, don't worry too much we're not here on this Planet long enough to keep griping about things - unless your having a bash at TVs expat theorists who have all the answers.

    Just saying ..........

  12. Arrests made in Korean "snatch" case, yet these 2 were arrested for snatching a Russian belongings.

    I am confused cheesy.gif

    Click link... see full story... I'm confused as to why you would post of confusion without seeking to resolve said confusion
    I'm confused at your post ????


  13. This case is not a joke, poor girl will be terrified for life.

    Please show compassion for her not ridicule.


    Bas...d of a father should be castrated.

    Providing she is telling the truth!


    Although going by previous tv history this army of dedicated theorists will have this guys nackers hanging by a thread same as posted stories in forums.

    Just saying .........

  14. A field day for the Pattaya bashers.

    Disappointment for the alcohol bashers, as there is no suggestion that either victim was drunk.

    Yes and so what my fellow tv member.

    Is it best we bite our tongue and don't voice our opinions on these lethal Trannys?

    These LB's are getting more dangerous every week stabbing or hitting tourists with rocks or anything they can lay their dirty vulgar painted claws on. These sick She-man imposters are vile to the core. I have not one shred of sympathy for their actions to survive hard times. They should defrock and get a good honest day's work behind them. All this shit about making the streets safer for tourists is just BS. Nobody cares, it's a free for all and foreigners must walk the gauntlet hoping they come out the other end in one piece. If the police or Government made a complete and utter stance like: men who've transitioned to 'freaks in mini skirts' on sight especially when attacking innocent people. We might get rid of this scum. Nothing more revolting than looking at an ugly man in a short skirt with a 6 o'clock shadow asking you to participate in some sexual rendezvous with him and some other depraved drug crazed zombies. We're going to suffer this every other week until something serious is done to protect foreigners from this entourage of perverts on the loose.

    Just saying .......

  15. Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

    Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

    Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

    The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

    Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

    So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

    I wouldn't like to short change you on your salaries it would be hell on earth and that's an understatement!!!!

    Just saying ........

  16. Better to be in the media with a smashed face than being pictured with a not so lady, lady.

    The ribbing upon returning home from the latter would last a lifetime.

    how true, putting up a good fight against superior odds =champ

    getting groped up while half pissed and getting robbed by ladies of undetermined gender= loser.

    Same old song and ain't no ladies just chicks with dicks.

    It's self-evident nobody gives a toss that these thieving Trannys are patrolling the streets searching for victims. This scum will maim or kill with a certain flair knowing it will only end up in the media as a suicide by its Ferang victim. Nothing is being done to prevent or discourage this scourge of Thai society. Dressing up as a women is not just to be recognised as a transformation into a woman. It's merrily a disguise for pillage rape and plunder. Personally, I hate them finding them a danger to us foreigners and even Thais themselves.

    They all want to be rounded up and stuck on an island for the sick and depraved. How long must people be assaulted or murdered or given involuntary flying lessons off balconies before the powers that be think enough is enough.

    Just saying......

  17. The stern Thailand immigration re-entry bans for foreigners who illegally overstay in the country has received strong support from Phukets expat community.

    Unsurprising, given the many Colonel Blimps here, sitting in their gated communities and considering Phuket to be their very own little fiefdom, blissfully unaware how they are laughed at and derided for their stance on their fellow farang, all the while berating the locals for not enforcing any of the multitude of Laws on the Statute Books pertaining to the running of this country . Insane, laughably so laugh.pngcoffee1.gif

    My sentiment exactly my friend.

    For many a year these unsociable amulet wearing thainess degenerate groupies, have hated

    overstayers, with a vengeance. Subsequently to such a degree, voiced their disgusting self-opinionated venomous outcry in many a tv forum.

    They've relayed hateful spite for anyone having dared to overstay visas irrespective of their circumstances. These turncoats who blab all day about us irresponsible Ferangs as if they really think they've somehow become a paid up plastic Thai married to some honest woman in Thailand now become part of her 300 family members. The group family pictures are somewhat laughable and stand out like a sore thumb being the odd man out.

    These clowns are not funny.

    Just saying ........

  18. While your average Officer Somchai may be a decent, hardworking person, there is little doubt that, alongside the RTA, the RTP is one of the largest criminal organisations in the nation. One only need to look at the vast levels of unusual wealth in the upper ranks (a snippet of this can be seen in the declared assets of the 11 RTP officers handpicked to form the NLA), and the the conspicuous purchase of positions within the agency, with the asking price for each position being revealed openly.

    Thailand will never be a safe country, it will never reduce the horrific road toll, nor ever attain status of developed nation unless a complete top-to-bottom restructure of the RTP is undertaken, decentralising its command structure, and transferring its reporting to the Ministry of Justice, recruiting overseas advisors/trainers, imposing strict ethical guidelines, sacking every single one of the tens of thousands (140,000?) of criminals currently sitting in inactive posts, and providing a living wage to officers.

    It's relatively simple.

    In order for a countries people to avoid being tainted on a daily basis one has to install pure thoughts, discipline, honesty, kindness blessed with good morals into its children at home and schools. This carries on into life through time being the fibre needed to take a nation forward,

    Not getting all philosophical although hope you get my drift.

    So by taking all that into consideration - Thailand is flogging a dead horse trying to explain any virtues by its Police force until it has its own house in order.

    Just saying .......,

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