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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. " And it emerged that the man, who admitted his crimes, had been jailed for theft and robbery twice before. Whenever he was given his freedom he would revert to serious crime."

    This sub human doesn't deserve to walk among ordinary people, this cockroach of humanity should spend the rest

    of his miserable existence in jail, among his peers, let him try to rob an rape people in prison and see

    what would happened to him there......

    Well we are all entitled to our opinions, obviously Ezzra is not a social worker, sometimes people have mental and psychological problems, but they are still humans

    Just my humble opinion love not hate

    Humane mindset

    Why not offer to take him in next time he's released from his cage. I'm sure you'll enjoy converting him with your kindness.

    Good luck with that!!!

  2. See. They will fight on the technicalies of the case.

    The new mantra.

    Maybe they are innocent.

    Maybe they are guilty.

    It doesn't matter [emoji5][emoji5]

    Protocol was not followed.


    Guilty as sin. even their own lawyers don't shout their innocence anymore.

    Would like to see the death sentence overturned. Other than that, right where they should be.

    Disgraceful comments why do you continue to embarress yourself.


    This is just an idiot looking for attention he really deserves the - ELECTRIC CHAIR !!!

  3. Very suspicious.

    Excellent comment, Sherlock.

    Actually it doesn't sound very suspicious at all, given that an autopsy is going to be performed to learn details.

    If it was violent then there'd be a lot more signs to that.

    So you can all stop fantasizing.

    Get real !!

    Trannyvania is a death defying romp for some. These lecherous Bastards are masters of disguise being a wolf in women's clothing pent on getting your money at all costs.

    IMHO no deaths are accidental !!

    Oh, PLEASE!

    Talk about sweeping generalisations!

    What utter tripe!

    Got your attention though

  4. Let's see if the plain old murder charges stick then, premeditated or not. I mean, theres no lack of evidence that he was quite plainly beaten to death. It all depends on the rank of the Fathers one presumes.

    Suicide is Painful

    Had this been a Ferang beaten and stabbed to death it would not get so much attention given that this would be a clear cut case of taking ones own life !!

  5. Very suspicious.

    Excellent comment, Sherlock.

    Actually it doesn't sound very suspicious at all, given that an autopsy is going to be performed to learn details.

    If it was violent then there'd be a lot more signs to that.

    So you can all stop fantasizing.

    Get real !!

    Trannyvania is a death defying romp for some. These lecherous Bastards are masters of disguise being a wolf in women's clothing pent on getting your money at all costs.

    IMHO no deaths are accidental !!

  6. @ScottBKK

    Russian economy is in depression. It's gross domestic product with current oilprices is less than that of the UK or France. Possible travel restrictions will be meant to prevent people from spending money abroad. About a half year ago Putin called upon the Russian billionaires - almost all of them live outside Russia - to bring back their billions. They would not be punished for taking out the money when bring it back. I suppose none of those billionaires did as requested. Utmost hypocracy. Putin himself is directly linked to childhood friends having heaps of cash exported through offshore companies (panama papers). P's fysiotherapist is a billionaire. In all major Russian cities the guy has fitness/fysio centers. Competition myteriously disappeared. Coz of the secret police?

    The Russian population loves the country. They can endure hardship for mother Russia. Russian tourists will keep making foreign trips. Though not as many as before due to the recession. TAT may very well be right in their statistic of more rusky tourists.

    The fear for Russia as many seem to have it is not justified. Russian military power is very limited. They wouldn't even be able to fight a conventional war with Turkey. Only the nukes are dangerous. But all their military and political leaders know they cannot use them.

    Thank you kindly for your interesting reply

    However, its still my personal opinion these outbursts only justifies TAT feels the need to be seen to inform anyone who listens to their weekly fabricated figures that us here living in Thailand know fine well it's complete and utter BS.

    Anyway, thanks again

    By far most of the time TAT does excell in missinformation and straightout crap. In case of the tourist-number increase they may very well be right. A significant rise of Russians would be logic.

    Time will tell .....

  7. Tourists love it

    With all the warnings about Pattaya albeit

    1) Involuntary flying lessons from balconies

    2) The flasher Gold Chain run of death

    3) The beach road Ladyboys Gauntlet

    4) Walking Street ladyboy Groper thefts

    5) Bar drinks laced with drugs

    6) Beat to pulp if argue over bills

    7) Battered senseless by 10 Thais if not agreeing to pay taxis overcharging you

    If you can't take onboard these warnings you deserve your fate. This place is full of weirdos, perverts, murderers, psychopaths, trannys, queers, junkies, pickpockets and police bearing teddys as gifts !!!!

    You've been WARNED !!!!!!

    After 25 years travelling around Thailand including late night drinking in Bkk- pattaya- issan I find the above paranoid drivel and have to ask: have you ever been to Thailand? Can you imagine how a bunch of shirtless drunk foreigners would be treated in the UK if they mixed it with local toughs? How bad do you have to behave in Thailand to get in trouble? Very hard. I sometimes think TV Forum has been infiltrated by trolls who have never been here or even left their own hellish backyard.
    Seems to me you've got it altogether so why even comment when you have all the answers.

    Having lived here for over 10 years think I may just have good experiences to share other than your heavy handed verbal attack that I personally find somewhat laughable. I came from Glasgow Govan Scotland mate. I can assure you I've seen a lot more than you think.

    Next time think before you pen all your lurid thoughts, then batter the keys, for dear life. Backtrack and think about how all and sundry are laughing at you.

    Lingering, bottled-up anger reveals the 'true colours' of an individual. But, on the contrary, becomes all mixed up, rotten, confused, then forms a highly combustible, innards and just explodes.

    Just saying ...,,

    In the past 10 years, will agree your warning list has "some" accurate info.. Not all, but got your message..

    Nothing wrong with stating things that "COULD" - but most likely won't ever happen to a responsible tourist..

    But for the ignorant tourist, no warning will help them..

    Like the family from Wales as a prime example, don't assault the locals..

    But, for sure.. Unfortunate things can happen to the responsible tourist as well..

    That's life...The world we live in..

    Thanks for that and apologise for my retorts.


  8. @ScottBKK

    Russian economy is in depression. It's gross domestic product with current oilprices is less than that of the UK or France. Possible travel restrictions will be meant to prevent people from spending money abroad. About a half year ago Putin called upon the Russian billionaires - almost all of them live outside Russia - to bring back their billions. They would not be punished for taking out the money when bring it back. I suppose none of those billionaires did as requested. Utmost hypocracy. Putin himself is directly linked to childhood friends having heaps of cash exported through offshore companies (panama papers). P's fysiotherapist is a billionaire. In all major Russian cities the guy has fitness/fysio centers. Competition myteriously disappeared. Coz of the secret police?

    The Russian population loves the country. They can endure hardship for mother Russia. Russian tourists will keep making foreign trips. Though not as many as before due to the recession. TAT may very well be right in their statistic of more rusky tourists.

    The fear for Russia as many seem to have it is not justified. Russian military power is very limited. They wouldn't even be able to fight a conventional war with Turkey. Only the nukes are dangerous. But all their military and political leaders know they cannot use them.

    Thank you kindly for your interesting reply

    However, its still my personal opinion these outbursts only justifies TAT feels the need to be seen to inform anyone who listens to their weekly fabricated figures that us here living in Thailand know fine well it's complete and utter BS.

    Anyway, thanks again

  9. Tourists love it

    With all the warnings about Pattaya albeit

    1) Involuntary flying lessons from balconies

    2) The flasher Gold Chain run of death

    3) The beach road Ladyboys Gauntlet

    4) Walking Street ladyboy Groper thefts

    5) Bar drinks laced with drugs

    6) Beat to pulp if argue over bills

    7) Battered senseless by 10 Thais if not agreeing to pay taxis overcharging you

    If you can't take onboard these warnings you deserve your fate. This place is full of weirdos, perverts, murderers, psychopaths, trannys, queers, junkies, pickpockets and police bearing teddys as gifts !!!!

    You've been WARNED !!!!!!

    After 25 years travelling around Thailand including late night drinking in Bkk- pattaya- issan I find the above paranoid drivel and have to ask: have you ever been to Thailand? Can you imagine how a bunch of shirtless drunk foreigners would be treated in the UK if they mixed it with local toughs? How bad do you have to behave in Thailand to get in trouble? Very hard. I sometimes think TV Forum has been infiltrated by trolls who have never been here or even left their own hellish backyard.

    Seems to me you've got it altogether so why even comment when you have all the answers.

    Having lived here for over 10 years think I may just have good experiences to share other than your heavy handed verbal attack that I personally find somewhat laughable. I came from Glasgow Govan Scotland mate. I can assure you I've seen a lot more than you think.

    Next time think before you pen all your lurid thoughts, then batter the keys, for dear life. Backtrack and think about how all and sundry are laughing at you.

    Lingering, bottled-up anger reveals the 'true colours' of an individual. But, on the contrary, becomes all mixed up, rotten, confused, then forms a highly combustible, innards and just explodes.

    Just saying ...,,

  10. Now who really believes this story? Feel good factor? whistling.gifcoffee1.gif

    I do: an 8% rise in government spending and 15.5% more tourists arriving (among others Russian changing from a Turkey-holiday after a Russian jet was shot down above Turkey) are the main cause for the rise, it is more or less a fact. However, exports hardly rose (0.9%) and government spending often means worse results in other areas later. A 2.3% rise in public spending may be just a flutuation caused by rising prices of basic needs and therefore may a bit later go down again. So you are right in doubting the reasons for the growth. As so much in the Kingdom, it's based on airbubbles.
    Pray tell me - have any of you read this report ?


    Just did. Do you mean an increase of Russian tourists is not possible because of restrictions on foreign tourism by the Russian government? Though less than a year ago, still many Russians visit Holland. As Turkey and Thailand are cheaper destinations than Holland is and as Turkey is way less popular for Russians by now, it sounds quite plausible that more of them find their way to Thailand.

    It's a pretty damning report

    I'm sure you'll agree and was never written about or even implemented by Putins cabinet as some mere threat.

    He ultimately means business to prevent his citizens from embarking on Long haul holidays or living in far off lands. I can't predict what others may do to escape these recent restrictions by the Russians.

    I will endeavour to keep an eye on any more reported findings given that it's an interesting subject and if becomes even more stringent can't see how TAT make these briefs every other week.

    Just saying ...,.

  11. Now who really believes this story? Feel good factor? whistling.gifcoffee1.gif

    I do: an 8% rise in government spending and 15.5% more tourists arriving (among others Russian changing from a Turkey-holiday after a Russian jet was shot down above Turkey) are the main cause for the rise, it is more or less a fact. However, exports hardly rose (0.9%) and government spending often means worse results in other areas later. A 2.3% rise in public spending may be just a flutuation caused by rising prices of basic needs and therefore may a bit later go down again. So you are right in doubting the reasons for the growth. As so much in the Kingdom, it's based on airbubbles.

    Pray tell me - have any of you read this report ?


  12. Yes, the Kuwaiti's come for what is not allowed in their Islamist country, that being alcohol and sex on display everywhere and allowed whenever chosen.

    Are we just misinformed per chance?

    If we want to call a Spade a Spade in all respect they're just hypocrites regarded their faith. Everything is totally in reversal mode once they hit the Pattaya circuit

    Well known for their same sex preferences, this den of iniquity, is the perfect place for people of this ilk to blend in like a chameleon. Especially,if one wishes to pay for its somewhat blatant sexual menu

    I'm just a boring Bastard and prefer chatting to the pretty bar girls costing me untold fortunes telling me so Hansum every two frogging minutes.

    Such is life ... Then u die !!!!

  13. Man arrested after horrific drug rape-murder of eight year old in Trang


    TRANG:-- Police have arrested a man for a gruesome drugging and rape that left an eight year old girl dead.

    The girl is believed to have given vital evidence of the identity of her rapist as she lay in hospital before she died, reports Daily News.

    A man had earlier entered a house in the Trang area of southern Thailand while the girl's parents were not around and given the little one a concoction of Krathom tea and soft drinks laced with Ya Ba.

    In her drugged state he then raped her so forcefully that her vagina and rectum were torn. He then fled and the girl, named only as "B" was hospitalized in Trang.

    The girl suffered severe pains and doctors announced yesterday that she had died from the drugs overdose that she was given.

    The distraught father, named only as "A" said that when his wife had left the house to go to work on a rubber plantation she had not locked the door because he was sleeping out back. He had not heard anything untoward in the house and thinks that the man who committed the crime knew the layout of the house well.

    He said that before his daughter died she had told nurses that the man who attacked her was someone she knew. It was not reported if she mentioned a name.

    But very quickly police rounded up a local youth known only by his nickname of "Fris". His DNA is being checked along with DNA found inside the body of the deceased girl. Police found no marks on the body of the youth.

    Investigations continue.

    Source: Daily News


    -- 2016-05-13

    Speechless ???

  14. Maid to calm down.

    I can't have a new maid anymore unless she's pot ugly and over age.

    I was caught giving them a Sunday roasting - my payment in kind lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. One a week now for the last few months

    an unusual occurrence ?

    R.I.P mrs Fang

    You mean for the last century surely ??

    Joking aside. For many a year TV members have commented, debated, accused, guessed, warned and been disgusted at some poor victims demise having the usual involuntary flying lessons from such balconies. I can't even pose the the question - where does it all end ?

    Usually, ground floor outside at the reception area !!!

    Just saying ......

  16. Wow.. this is where I live.. I know there are snakes around but never seen a live one yet. Still. its pretty urban here already. But still there are some rice fields and other nature around. But to be honest never worried about snakes.. now I do again.


    I've seen king Cobras in and around Nonthaburi but more prolific in places like Pathum Thani Province.

    They scare the shit out of me and for some unbeknown reason I've came face to face with them 3 times in ten years. I explained this uncanny dilemma to a Thai monk asking why he thought this was happening to me.

    He said' it means your lucky. Well' having respiratory problems like asthma and the like don't think so if any of these muthafukka bastards bite me.

    I don't even like worms hahaha!!

  17. Wow.. this is where I live.. I know there are snakes around but never seen a live one yet. Still. its pretty urban here already. But still there are some rice fields and other nature around. But to be honest never worried about snakes.. now I do again.


    I've seen king Cobras in and around Nonthaburi but more prolific in places like Pathum Thani Province.

    They scare the shit out of me and for some unbeknown reason I've came face to face with them 3 times in ten years. I explained this uncanny dilemma to a Thai monk asking why he thought this was happening to me.

    He said' it means your lucky. Well' having respiratory problems like asthma and the like don't think so if any of these muthafukka bastards bite me.

    I don't even like worms hahaha!!

  18. Tourists love it

    With all the warnings about Pattaya albeit

    1) Involuntary flying lessons from balconies

    2) The flasher Gold Chain run of death

    3) The beach road Ladyboys Gauntlet

    4) Walking Street ladyboy Groper thefts

    5) Bar drinks laced with drugs

    6) Beat to pulp if argue over bills

    7) Battered senseless by 10 Thais if not agreeing to pay taxis overcharging you

    If you can't take onboard these warnings you deserve your fate. This place is full of weirdos, perverts, murderers, psychopaths, trannys, queers, junkies, pickpockets and police bearing teddys as gifts !!!!

    You've been WARNED !!!!!!

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