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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Mongrel vs Pedigree

    What an offensive title and absurd premise.

    should be thanked for improving the human race

    Racial cleansing by any other name smells the same.

    Agree, what an incredibly racist article that defies logic. For instance, if the author believes that his mix kids are genetically superior to Thai kids, then he must also believe that a 100% farang child will always be genetically superior to his mix kids. Is this what he tells his children?


    Being from Scotland we tend to be far superior besides being better looking with an intellect second to none. I've personally made my contribution 3 times to Thailand having offspring that stand well out from the crowds so to speak.

    My parents fed us ugly pills to give others a chance. Unfortunately, you can't interfere with the genetics of a thoroughbred!!

    Just saying .......

  2. This is Thailand.

    We don't need "help" from abroad.

    I am sure the Thai prosecutor couldn't care less about this.

    It's pretty obvious where your loyalties lay.

    The Australian lawyer should be commended for counter attacking the 'Thai powers that be' him requesting intact professional documentation, files etc etc to beget the B2 a fair chance to be exonerated.

    However, we all know with all the good intent in the world it'll never happen in a country riddled with corruption. Saving face here is Paramount at all costs albeit to be protected by smoke screens & mirrors, lies, scapegoats - its Thailand.

    Just saying ........

  3. 40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

    "Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

    "A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

    To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.


    Your deduction skills are amazing leaving me feeling somewhat humbled considering the backbreaking research you armchair sleuths put into your theory's.

    Definite candidate for Gumshoe of the month.

    Just saying .......

  4. Thailand is a dangerous country. Life can end when one least's expect it. Being prepared for the unexpected means nothing. Cross your fingers and wear an amulet and hope for the best. You have no control over place and time.

    People see what they want to see.

    I'd suggest the U.S. is far more dangerous, just more sophisticated.


    I would really like to get into the mindset of people like yourself. WHY do Anericans always refer to the US in virtually every Post concerning violence?

    The vast majority of westerners don't but admiittidly tend to more so err on intervening whenever they can on bad grammar. As far as I'm concerned these forums are supposed to be about Thailand and its people to include expat experiences unless I've got the wrong end of the stick.

    I don't know how long before the so-called Freedom Of Speech on TV will be curtailed (besides me getting the odd public warnings every now and then) given that the word on the street is that us Ferangs tend to be too outspoken and the odd - it's bigger and better back home syndrome!!!

    Sorry starting to get lost in some paradoxical faze.

    Such is life ....

  5. This gym in Thailand is staffed exclusively by transgender men

    By Patrick Winn

    BANGKOK: -- Jyb isnt merely male. Hes an alpha male. Ragged claw marks are tattooed beneath his shredded pecs. It lends the impression that he wrestled with a jaguar and won.

    Jybs abs, biceps and boy band-worthy smile certainly set him apart from most guys. But the 27-year-old Bangkok model and fitness instructor owes much of his social media stardom to the fact that hes a transgender man.

    And in Thailand, Jyb says, its never been a better time to be young, male and trans.

    In Thailand, acceptance for trans people has really shot up in the last five years, says Jyb, whose full name is Phanyapad Maha-Udomporn. Of course, you have old-fashioned thinkers who still say its wrong. But very few people from the young generation think this way.

    Thailand, perhaps more than any other nation, is known for its vibrant and visible transgender population. But the spotlight is mostly fixed on trans women, often crudely labeled ladyboys, who delight tourists in cabaret shows.

    Full story: http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-06-15/gym-thailand-staffed-exclusively-transgender-men

    -- PRI 2016-06-17

    Tranny with an obsolete fanny.

    The world has become bereft with trans something's when in my day, the only thing recognised with trans was transport. This, to get you from A to B not transported into the unknown.

    Times have definitely changed !!!

  6. So barebacking little boys in the *** from another school is OK?

    Please tell me I read all of that wrong, because it sounds to me that the only concern is bringing the school into this.

    They don't care about the welfare of the students. They only care about their reputation which is their bottom line. Scum bags the lot of them.


    They should ask TAT. to do their Marketing solve all the hassle of losing face .....

    Just saying ....

  7. Thailand has many many queers, Thai and Farang, and I see Lesbian couples everywhere, even holding hands and caressing.

    Old dinosaurs need to realise that we are not living in the 1950s. Attitudes have changed, and queers can get married. A lot of the music we listen to, the clothes we wear, and the art we look at...originates from poofs. A very big, strong, and famous rugby player in the UK recently told everyone that he was queer. At least three very top UK footballers are queers, and we will find out within the next year or two who they are. Footballers get distracted by fans with phobias, and many have not been open about their lives.

    A survey in the UK recently found that 50% of young people had had some kind of experience with the same sex. Things have changed a lot, and phobia about queers is thankfully an outdated concept. Diversity is normal in the 21st Century. It's great to be alive now!


    50%. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll. That's about a 50% chance of finding someone normal. I don't believe it.[/quote)

    I agree

    No matter what's been written or assessed as some form of guidelines 50% is total and utter <deleted>

    Not too many shirtlifters openly Gay in my circles so maybe he ought to change his friends!!!

  8. One of England's finest no doubt...enjoy those Blighty winters for the next 5 years tongue.png

    What makes you think he has to stay in the UK?[/quote)

    Return to England

    That's no hazard guess according to tv's finest our world renown armchair theorists. The world is centered around Thailand. Vietnam - Cuba and so on are Immeterial.

    It's wonderful to know we are so lucky !!!!

  9. He did not killed the dog because he was starving "but" because the dog refused to obey, it was his own young dog. wai.gif

    Doggy Story

    Thank you for your undercover work, It added some substinance to this somewhat boring scoop.

    People such as yourself should be highly commended for relaying this kind of information to the masse.

    Well' done. Keep up the good work !!!

  10. OK...I am going to admit to this. ......An older Thai lady friend owned a bar in Phuket.

    A lower end bar that employed a few ladies and lady-boys. Now she was an excellent

    pool player and I would go with a buddy to her bar, play some pool and have a few

    beers to start out our night. One of her staff had a magnificent rack. (I have zero interest

    in lady-boys) I was talking to him/her about the doctor and hospital she /he had the

    breast augmentation done and the Thai price. All of a sudden my friend the bar owner

    says, you want to see? and down came the top. Then, "touch, touch, no problem". Well I

    did. The doctor was a real Michelangelo as far as I was concerned. The Thai price

    was 50,000 baht (about 8 years ago) The bar owner says just buy her a drink or give her

    a tip. Of course I bought her a drink and gave her 100 baht. The first and last time

    I have ever (knowingly) fondled a guys tits, but they were truly magnificent. biggrin.png

    Perv haha !!

  11. it only took him an hour to convince them to meet, sleep and off you go

    It shows how some women are so desperate for money they will go to any length!!

    One as bad as the other

    Sexual favours in Thailand is merrily nondescript where money is concerned. Nice to see the tables turned for a change given that this story is somewhat highly unusual for the man to take the leading role.

    This guy should be commended for teaching women a good lesson it's not always one-sided !!!

    Just saying .......

  12. Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

    "Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

    Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

    Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

    If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

    Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

    Did I not mention to play GAMES? Seems to me you've taken my post to a higher degree my friend and by no means was this to include the entire male population. Next time I'll insure all aspects are covered then will save me raising avid TV critics blood pressure or might be responsible for worse outcomes than the original post.

    Just saying .....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. Pedophiles

    It gets me how a man of this age can lay low for so long grooming children. Surely, he must've previously been involved somewhere else before he decided to start his kiddy fiddling in Chaing Mai.

    Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative.

    This kind of BS needs to be curbed and offenders thrown out of the country if found with children in their homes without being with chaperones. No excuses for asking children to come play games since most of the time there is hidden agenda that sometimes results in murder.

    Sick Bastard if you ask me !!!

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