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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Absolutely Pathetic

    Imagine any civilised country begging its citizens not to beat up the tourists or risk being shutdown ? The country would be the laughing stock just as happened here.

    Better to take a tougher stance with really tough policies with 10-15 years hard labour for second offences. Life to mean life for murder. These tranny filth deserved to be caged remonstrating behaviour that vilifies and deserves a like for like scenario. They should be forced to join a club - a wooden club embedded with nails projected from the end for an all out aussault engaged by victims to beget revenge. Maybe a bit extreme but hey' aren't they?

    Just saying .......

  2. I surprised there estimates are so low why not shoot for 2 million .

    TAT must have insider information

    Putin had recently restricted all Russians from travelling outside the country preferring/needing his people to holiday within the country suspending military personnel and such from leaving,

    So where did this latest information leak from ? TATdefinitely has the the right name for the tourism board,

    Just saying .......

  3. I would ban him for life from the Thai Lambo club and the CEO of Lamborghini should declare him persona non grata. His vehicle a disgrace to the Lamborghini Marquee, fiance not so bad.

    His Car

    I would drive it no problem. I'm sure I'd pull a few women in that. They don't give a toss about the paintwork.

    You don't look at the fireplace when your poking the fire - so to speak !!!

  4. Typical girl next door reallyclap2.gif[/quote)

    Plastic Surgery

    It's truly Amazing what can be done by Thailand's elitist surgeons. I served as an assessor (more so a hobby) supplying meat (clients) to the operation theatre slabs from Europe, a decade ago for Top plastic surgeons.

    Some really ugly people came out looking like a new pin - incredible actually. One important factor is getting the right surgeon of course.

    New Face - New Life - On Yae Go Big Yin Hahaha

    • Like 1
  5. mercman24, on 10 May 2016 - 12:19, said:

    i was a securicor guard years ago. inside my van it said dont forget the fighting spirit, bugger, its not my money and it was insured anyway.why risk getting shot or stabbed for nothing, oh, and the money was crap.

    Not everyone think like you, some will fight for what's right, some will say, oh, flukk it, not my money,

    it's the primal fight or flight instincts that kicks in and it's different in each one of us....

    This robber gave the ferang tourists a day off by way of convienience namely: 7/11 so be grateful for small mercies.

    See they ain't all bad !!!!

  6. Innovations calls for changes to make any progress so let's stop dreaming and just up the figures for the tourist expectations flow throughout the year.

    Thailand - Land of Solutions

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Surely you're joking ?

    Just pop into pretty much any pharmacy and buy whatever you want.

    I think he's extracting the Michael ??

    Pharmacies in Thailand are an abundance of chemicals on sale as you've implied.

    A kind of copious drug market for freelance junkies. Prescriptions are just an inconvenience in these places because you cut out the middleman unfortunately- the Doctors

    Just saying ..,..,

    bs...narcotics are strictly controlled....try to get any opiate...or even most opioids...Tramadol, maybe...1/10 as strong as morphine, but no junkie will be the least interested in it. Go back to your NGO or whatever sensationalist' crap your reading; reality is a lot different.

    Think your already on them mate and suggest you take an anger management course to get off the stuff !!'

  8. Surely you're joking ?

    Just pop into pretty much any pharmacy and buy whatever you want.

    I think he's extracting the Michael ??

    Pharmacies in Thailand are an abundance of chemicals on sale as you've implied.

    A kind of copious drug market for freelance junkies. Prescriptions are just an inconvenience in these places because you cut out the middleman unfortunately- the Doctors

    Just saying ..,..,

    If you need a controlled drug (something that can be abused) you generally have to go to a hospital for a prescription, I believe it also needs to be filled in the hospital pharmacy.

    As you know this is LOS so the probabilities are endless if you really was in need of such meds. Although, must admit not seen that many junkies walking about looking out their face as we have strutting up and down our high streets in the UK.

  9. Surely you're joking ?

    Just pop into pretty much any pharmacy and buy whatever you want.

    I think he's extracting the Michael ??

    Pharmacies in Thailand are an abundance of chemicals on sale as you've implied.

    A kind of copious drug market for freelance junkies. Prescriptions are just an inconvenience in these places because you cut out the middleman unfortunately- the Doctors

    Just saying ..,..,

  10. If you were a newbie in Thailand and read this story, you would think, "wow! Thailand has strict laws". The logical question for the newbie might be, "Well, what do you get for murder?"

    I don't think the newbie would believe the answer.

    TIT. Where the sword is mightier than the pen.

    A truer word never said

    There will come a time when TV will be muted given that nobody is allowed Freedom of speech or what is determined as a point of view that doesn't fit in with what they see as the right agenda. Have a hay day cause' times are a changin' my friend

  11. This story would bring a tear to a glass eye. This is a despicable crime to steal from someone who needs help. What is really going on here? Is it poverty - drugs - wickedness. Something is dramatically wrong with the mindset of these scum. The Government needs to start some deterrent that works like they have in America - 3 strikes and out.

    That would sort out a lot of this shit for evil crimes.

    Just saying .........

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "The Government needs to start some deterrent that works like they have in America - 3 strikes and out. That would sort out a lot of this shit for evil crimes. "

    The US, what a tremendous example. Yes, that really works, there is no robbery related crime from scum in the US, is there?

    Thank you my learned friend.

    It's a start unless you have a much better solution. I'm all ears and eagerly await your important views given that I'm pretty crap at solving the worlds problems.

    Sorry for my interjection trying to play a nominal part to this post realising I shouldn't try to inter mingle with my betters. It's a Scottish thing !!!

    I Like Scousers so know You won't be offended lol

  12. Yes sir, yes indeed ..here in Thailand I have been stereotype during my entire 28 years here.

    I am white skinned and blue eyed and have a longer nose and having the more typical Caucasian features ....so I am stereotyped as a Farang

    On the average I have more money than most Thais so I am stereotyped as being rich and greedy and a Cheap Charlie by the average Thai person.

    I am also Stereotyped as being naïve and or stupid by Thai people because I am not Thai and therefore I am just another Dumb Farang and never capable of understanding Thai ways...so I am double stereotyped in their minds.

    As a man I am stereotyped as being a whore monger because, according to the average Thai person, all I am here for is the women and sex so I am double stereotyped as a whore monger and a womanizer...before I even step off the plane.

    I am also stereotyped as the exploiter of Thai people because I come here to use them and take everything and give nothing back.

    And finally amongst other things....I am stereotyped as a trouble maker because the average Thai believes all the problems in Thailand can be attributed to the many foreigners coming here and creating the problems that currently exist....

    Can not win, either way, no matter what...... I remain stereotyped and racially profiled by the Thais.....lol


    That's OK because Thais are as dense as a box of bricks and totally unable to understand sarcasm which means they would smile and nod at my 'simile', and of course, I'd grin and nod back in bemusement.

    But I've got my Thai Stereotype hat on at the moment. Most times I just take each individual for what they are. I normally don't don my Thai Stereotype hat unless I'm stressed out or in heavy traffic, then I take my Thai Stereotype hat out of the glove compartment and don it enthusiastically. Most of what comes out of my mouth is sarcasm, so my wife sits in the passenger seat, smiles and nods.

    Being a Realist

    I'm tarred with the same brush on each side of the world. Back in the UK labelled or conceived as some Pervo humping ladyboys whom to me are the pits. Other nasty innuendo being a forgone conclusion that's what expats do abroad.

    In Thailand, a walking talking ATM looking to roger anything that moves .

    I brought all this upon myself having 3 kids out of wedlock causing me hell on earth. Now Snorky is tucked safely away, in the past having no conscious or fear for retribution.

    Fun at the time, but have many regrets but such is life. I'm ready to be led to the Gallows.

    Just saying .....,

  13. Ironically the ppl that know about stereotypes in it's entirety still stereotype others in their own way yet brag about them knowing the meaning of a word "stereotype".


    I think words like stereotypes came via institutions in the good ole U S of A.

    They have huge social engineering research departments. A big part of it is a linguistics think tank. They can make people believe in the validity of a bogus concept by deviously inventing a new word and pretending it has come about naturally. You cant possibly pinpoint a certain individual as some typecast just because theyre similar to others.

    Having read the OP diatribe my personal view is has a lot of time on his hands for these kind of rants possibly harried by some overbearing annoying spouse !!

    Seems intellectual enough to become Unique Just like everyone else !!!

    Just saying .

  14. This story would bring a tear to a glass eye. This is a despicable crime to steal from someone who needs help. What is really going on here? Is it poverty - drugs - wickedness. Something is dramatically wrong with the mindset of these scum. The Government needs to start some deterrent that works like they have in America - 3 strikes and out.

    That would sort out a lot of this shit for evil crimes.

    Just saying .........

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Isn't that supposed to be "3-strikes and you are in"? Meaning locked up for good.

    You cannot recommend that for Thailand, Thailand doesn't have enough land to build all the jails to incarcerate 30-million.

    3 strikes and out of circulation .....

    That's being overly generous 30 million !!!

  15. This story is similar to the Swedish lady who gave first aid to just killed westerners in Phuket who were laying on the street. While she was doing so her purse got robbed. It happened a few months ago.

    True to form

    That's called progress in Thailand where one excels oneself from being a mere thief to a thoughtless gutless horrible Bastard.

    No longer stereotypes these opportunists are adaptable.

    Just saying ........

  16. This story would bring a tear to a glass eye. This is a despicable crime to steal from someone who needs help. What is really going on here? Is it poverty - drugs - wickedness. Something is dramatically wrong with the mindset of these scum. The Government needs to start some deterrent that works like they have in America - 3 strikes and out.

    That would sort out a lot of this shit for evil crimes.

    Just saying .........

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. What a cheery article.

    I was looking forward to a better life in Thailand but now you've foretold the future I best grab the kids and head for the hills!!

    I had a friend much like yourself - A Fortune Teller but years later she gave it up cause there was no - FUTURE IN IT !!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. I highly doubt a baht bus driver would ask the tourists if they wanted him to drive them back.

    Would be more like GET OFF MY BUS YOU STUPID FARANGS!!!!!

    FYI ... Indians are not farangs.

    FYI... If you're not a Thai, to them you're a farang....

    Really' in Scotland they don't designate Indians as Indian - everyone of these cultures are just Pakis it's just one of those things it's not racist just more so stupidity hahaha

  19. Plastic Muslims. What about all of their 'no poison shall pass my lips' stuff. I'm amazed at how Muslims who are not supposed to smoke drink or listen to music seem to forget all about it when they get to Thailand and other countries..


    I've had a few altercations in the past (UK) with these sort of nationals who always pull a knife cause they can't fight. It's their birthright so don't get cut up about it.

  20. Taxi driver suspended from operating at Suvarnabhumi airport for overcharging passengers

    BANGKOK: -- A Suvarnabhumi airport’s taxi driver who overcharged passengers has been temporarily banned from operating at the airport, the Airports of Thailand reported on Friday.

    The incident took place at about 6.30 pm at Suvarnabhumi international airport ON May 4. Four Thai passengers lodged a complaint with airport officials after a taxi driver, identified later as Mr Niwat Ruangkitchaya demanded 150 baht in fees instead of the normal charge of 50 baht from them on top of taxi fares claiming that his car was big and he had to carry their five luggages.

    The driver admitted he overcharged the four passengers and agreed to lower the fees to 50 baht but the passengers refused to use his service and asked for another taxi.

    Mrs Patchara Pornyutthapong, AOT deputy director, said the AOT decided to suspend Mr Niwat’s license to operate at the airport as of May 5. The case was later referred to the Land Transport Department to ponder further action against the driver.

    She said that the AOT has been strict with taxi drivers to ensure that they will not overcharge passengers. She asked passengers to keep service slips to be used as an evidence in case they were overcharged.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/162295


    -- Thai PBS 2016-05-06

    What a loada She- ite!!

    This is just to look like they've got everything under control to impress the general public and tourists.

    Couple of years back he would've been a clear winner of -


    Thus, for being least deceptive with that famous Thai smile whilst ripping you off !!!

    Just saying ......

  21. You said Ukrainian you said everything, and before the blacklisted stamp's ink will dry, this guy is going

    to have another passport which he will enter Thailand with.... so don't hold your breath TO-MO guys,

    this blacklisting idea will work for most but not for some.....

    I don't believe in this case.

    He is obviously pennyless/broken, not a mafia weapon dealer.

    If he ever gets out of detention prison and got back home, how will he pay for a new ticket?

    New passport: would probably work if he gets (a false) one with different name and birthday.

    This is the minimum that is automatically scanned and looked up at airport checkpoints.

    "Probably": seems like they still have not introduced fingerprinting at the checkpoints as announced two (?) years ago?

    What a laughter.

    Fingerprinting and face recognition would make an end to "new passport"/"new name".

    Retinal scan is far better than fingerprints
    I heard they also do Anus Digital Probes with electric Prod sticks to check for dodgy arzeholes

    Just saying ......,,

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