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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Startup Thailand 2016 receives “beyond expectation success”, says MOST

    BANGKOK, 3 May 2016 (NNT) – The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) proclaims success in organizing the Startup Thailand 2016 activity, aiming to hold similar activities nationwide to encourage the development of startup businesses as the nation’s key economic driver.

    The Minister of Science and Technology has revealed that the Startup Thailand 2016 activity held during 28 April - 1 May 2016 has concluded and succeeded beyond expectations, with 36,000 attendees and participants from startup businesses attending to exchange information with one another.

    He has said the activity was able to fully educate the concept of startup businesses, while entrepreneurs also received support and cooperation from financial institutes in the activity.

    The MOTS will be extending this activity to local areas across the country, and all ministries are intended to further develop the related startup projects, and cooperate with education institutes to help encourage the next generation to fully utilize the opportunities of startup businesses in order to push forward the industry as a key economic driver.

    The Minister of Science and Technology has added the government is willing to provide full support to startup businesses as they show a potential to develop continuously.


    -- NNT 2016-05-03 footer_n.gif


    Ongoing study shows that motivations for starting a business are complex and that motivations other than the traditional opportunity-driven and necessity- driven distinction are more closely related to business survival and success so the appeal of this project imho is a non-starter.

    Given that, in order to achieve this a Thai has to get out of bed first !!!!!!

    Just saying ............

  2. A cake box full of money ,maybe influenced them to change their vow

    of NEVER return to Thailand ?,lets see what the story turns into when

    they return home and sell their story to the tabloids.

    regards worgeordie

    With all due respect Geordie

    The more it gets into the public domain the safer it'll be for foreigners and especially now Thailand has had a severe boot in the nuts. The media chain has seen to that and will do for years to come my friend.

    It's a blessing in disguise.,,,,,,,,

  3. Westerners are generally not respected by Thai women because they know the vast majority of westerners that come to Thailand are losers in life, only there for sex and show no respect for Thais. When many of you talk about the Thai women you speak as though they're from another planet and here to only serve your own prurient interests and steal what little money you have. Why? Because your frame of reference are hookers! Hookers everywhere do the exact same thing and for the exact same reasons. I dare say most hookers everywhere would probably rather do something other than being hookers so Thai hookers are no different than any other hookers. Decent Thai women know all this and they avoid most of you like the plague. English teacher simply means sexpat to a good Thai woman. My wife has joked about it many times. Like any women anywhere they can see a loser coming from a mile away.

    Amazing deduction Khun Azbill

    Seems like you got the cream of the crop and don't get the usual money grabbing bastards us losers seem to be dealt. I made 3 of them pregnant being my main prurient interest so assume I'm your perfect candidate for decent Thai women folks avoiding me like the bubonic plague.

    Me being inclined to have my utmost lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc with testosterone levels going through the roof like a Soi dog on heat mid-season. Before you rant n' rave I support them all and still looking for my next victims having enough sperm inside me to create famine.

    Looks like I'll have to suffer with those sexy Goldiggers for the rest of my life !!

    Just saying .........

    • Like 2
  4. I'm not sure if violence is getting worse (many think it is) or are these things being reported more? Maybe someone who's been here a long time can help out???

    Horrible. I do hope they rot in jail. Sadly, that probably won't happen.

    New hype on the streets

    It's not getting worse it's getting better and more entertaining or so it seems. If not beating up

    elderly Ferangs or little Laotian girls they turn on cripples or any other weak or singled out prey to lash out with violence that can and usually ends in death with continued ferociosity in numbers given that these cowards couldn't fight sleep in a real fight.

    How many people must die before someone or an authority has enough of this insanity. It always gets blamed on the demon drink however this is complete and utter BS.

    No use anyone rabbeting on about it happening elsewhere because at least other countries have good deterrents like execution not fines or easily released on bail for serious offenders to commit other offences.

    Thailand - land of Savages

  5. I would have liked to read a comment like this from Thai officialdom:

    We are very sorry for the people who suffered that cruelty in our country.

    We are sincerely doing our best to prevent anything like happening to our valued guests in the future.

    And we shall take care for compensation and for a just sentencíng of the criminals

    Once upon a time in Thailand .....................where foreign visitors were beat to pulp, robbed, raped, murdered, molested, decieved, threatened, conned or assaulted lived Thai gangs, Jezebels, and Ladyboys all waiting on their arrival.

    This beautiful far off land was shrouded by scorn and deciept for tourists chauffeured around by motorbike, taxi, Tuk Tuk marauders happily smiling at the said Ferangs. This,with the same gait as a deadly snake before killing its prey.

    These cultured people loved/lived their lives ripping off westerners on a daily basis.

    ALAS, eventually a bad omen befell the country called 'the internet' that quickly spread the word that all was not as it seemed in this lost part of the world.

    Things were never the same and became so difficult to hide their lies now laid open for the entire planet to see what happened in this den of iniquity.

    Just saying .............

  6. The argument of this article goes something like this: although I have witnessed much violence, it has not happened to me, therefore you should not be worried.

    The Thai assimilation is complete.

    Well said'

    These antagonists just see you as an annoying Ferang adversary. We should be seen and not heard and just pay our dues when summoned.

    This is our perverse duty to keep the peace being subservient at all times or could end up getting stabbed or thrashed to sleep with a shovel and take that smile off your face that Thais are famous for.

    Just saying ........

  7. That 65 year old Welsh woman knew how to defend herself, when you look at the video from 0:52. Slapping a Thai in the face and you're lucky to live another day.

    I know you mean well

    Sorry to rattle your cage but this Welsh woman is Scottish unless I'm also reading the wrong page.

    Personally, I would gladly slap a few Thai coward faces on home-ground if they boot elderly people half to death with a baby in tow.

    The mindset of these animals can't be expressed in words. They do it because they get away with it usually with a slap on the wrist not the face.

    Did this scenario in our country they would definitely Lose Face:

    Their Own !!!!!!!!

  8. Horrific account, but another situation where you feel you don't have the whole story.


    Is there any part of the story you needed to complete you're theses or maybe a proposition that TV could put forward for consideration. Especially, if this particular post needs to be discussed at a later date and approved by yourself or to be heavily maintained against objections or subject for a composition or essay you have in mind.

    Nice to be nice as they say!!

    Ah, it seems we know the "British Grandad's" nick now.

    Sounds exciting.

    It usually takes around 45 minutes for TVs armchair sleuths to solve most cases. Unless of course, there's smart arse objectors like myself in the arena pent on denying them a clear cut conclusion.

    Just saying ........

  9. Horrific account, but another situation where you feel you don't have the whole story.

    Is there any part of the story you needed to complete you're theses or maybe a proposition that TV could put forward for consideration. Especially, if this particular post needs to be discussed at a later date and approved by yourself or to be heavily maintained against objections or subject for a composition or essay you have in mind.

    Nice to be nice as they say!!

    Do you know the full circumstances of the case?

    Have u no humour man ? LOL

  10. I do not believe 1 word of this.

    I have been in a Thai prison, and i was treated with the greatest of respect.

    Staff and prisoners went out of their way to help me.

    He did wrong and is trying to disguise what he did with lies.

    Well' that's it then no need for further discussion case closed. Thank you so much you saved me the bother of reading anymore of this post.

    Just saying .,,,,,,,

  11. Horrific account, but another situation where you feel you don't have the whole story.

    Is there any part of the story you needed to complete you're theses or maybe a proposition that TV could put forward for consideration. Especially, if this particular post needs to be discussed at a later date and approved by yourself or to be heavily maintained against objections or subject for a composition or essay you have in mind.

    Nice to be nice as they say!!

  12. Every single baby born in Thailand is brainwashed from birth to believe that Thailand is not only the finest country in the world but it is also the largest. This is the literal teaching they receive every day in school and is enforced by the press and the TV. Along with this is the implication that all foreigners are by nature inferior, somehow not entirely human, and to be tolerated, at best. At worst, particularly with young Thai men (who have a mental age of an adolescent out of control with an excess of testosterone) farangs are to not to be tolerated, given the slightest excuse. Add to this cultural belief that any kind of loss of face concerning a farang needs addressing immediately, and the aggression and hatred bursts out. As Thai men never go anywhere alone, this usually involves an enraged mob.

    This wasn't just someone pushing back to save face. This was an outburst of hatred and rage - coming back again and again to punch and kick the old people who were already semi-conscious on the ground.

    If further argument is needed, the same culture teaches Thai people to venerate the aged. Which they do. Unless the old people are not real people - ie foreigners.

    It is irrelevant who pushed first or if the farangs started it or not. This incident is yet another example that Thailand is not a civilised nation in the way the rest of the world understands the concept. This is a country where there is so much dissatisfaction and aggression that the name of the daily exercise for everyone is to make everything *appear* wonderful and keep things in line with way that the Thais like to perceive themselves - smiling and gentle. In other words - do absolutely anything at all to save face.

    Unfortunately for Thailand, again and again and again over the last few years, the instantaneous nature of social media and its global coverage is revealing the lies and cover-ups almost daily to the rest of the world. And the more it happens, the more tragic the Thai reaction, as they panic and flap about pathetically with implausible explanations and responses which only serve to dig them deeper in the shit, as they desperately try to save some last despairing shred of face like senseless schoolkids babbling obvious lies at the teacher.

    Very sadly, I think it's all going to get a lot worse before it begins to get any better.

    Brilliant Rob !!!!!

  13. If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.


    Is this OP working under an assumed name to undermine our intellect. I hate to say it but feel compelled to do so. Is this so-called friend jealous of certain peculiarities around the center arena embellished or adorned on an Asian face. On reflection I too think Thai women are adorable although certain aspects in western women supersede other women in different countries. They're not all fatties.

    Ok, plastic surgery can see to that asian birth defect infliction - but then again it's not natural beauty.

    Just saying .........

  14. "this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

    It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

    This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

    Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

    And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

    What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

    Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

    Joined at the hip.

    It seems to me you and the author of this post are in each other's pockets having previuisky worked out everything for us dumb imbecile avid tv members.

    No use us trying to interject with biased or personal views when it's all been worked for us already. This masterpiece is second to none and by all accounts or so it seems be addressed and considered as final. Therefire are we to abide by this op and your kind selfsame apparent rendition of how we should think or act accordingly.

    Freedom of speech is a myth like democracy in Thailand.

    Just saying .........

  15. I don't think one person could push me over a balcony, unless I was drunk (I don't drink) or drugged (I don't do them either). Clearly, the fact that there was a disturbance suggests foul play at hand. There have been many instances of foreigners being drugged and robbed ... but if you are not out cold perhaps you would put up some resistance ... but in that situation you might be even more vulnerable.

    RIP young Korean ... another sad event.

    Alex: more so forcibly propelled !!!

  16. Out of interest!! Do people "fall off balconies" in other countries to the same extent as they appear to in Thailand?. Can't recall a newspaper report of a fall in UK, France, Oz.[/quote)

    Pattaya involuntary flying lessons.

    Something about Pattaya compells tourists or Ferang ex-pats to commit suicide no matter their frame of mind albeit happy or sad.

    Nothing seems better than a quick burst of inspiration, thus to try out a death defying leap from a high balcony getting down to reception far quicker than any lifts or stairs could take you.

    Sheer and utter unadulterated bliss in the:

    Land Of Suicides !!!

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