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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Right on time. Usually comes shortly after 1 - 2 negative driver stories.

    Wag the dog.

    I agree wholeheartedly

    Twice I left something in a taxi by mistake one time - brand new iphone and notebook passenger side below my feet.

    My friend called my phone us trying to get him to stop but the thieving bastard legged it through the traffic lights.

    Second time my suitcase on the back seat with 300, 000 baht camera clothes and whatever but he legged it too even after my mate threw a plastic bottle at his taxi the f()&&&&ing Snake.

    I have a complete vile opinion of transportation drivers all over Thailand!!

    Had to get that off my chest .......

  2. Who to believe ?

    Thai Baht Driver

    Never been known to do anything fraud like these drivers are well known for their kindness, honesty, friendliness, compassion, empathy, and so Diplomatic.

    How could one ever doubt his word? He could easily get half the ladyboys in Pattata to vouch as character witnesses. How dare anyone suspect this poor hard working individual thinking him a dirty thieving low life out to steal your personal possessions - it's disgraceful ?

    My heart goes out him - Not !!!!'

  3. How long will he spend in immigration detention waiting for someone to stump up the air fare home?

    Overstay Season is upon us

    Let it rip he's worse than a serial killer - paedophile - conman - rapist - Isis. Yeah' a low life who's damaged Ferangs around the worlds reputation deservingly in need of execution for this ghastly crime against the self-righteous expats who are a pillar of Thai society.

    Grow - up !!!'

    Just saying ........

  4. To the OP: thanks for starting "OLD" at 70.

    In my 60's, I'm reminded that "60" is the new "40."

    Wake up to reality

    I've managed to get rid of this old age syndrome shit by getting shot of the old and bringing in the new.

    My kids in the UK get mad at me for having girlfriends in their early 20's considering they're the same age haha.

    They have this preconceived idea.

    I should be living back in the UK finding some sweet old bag with tits down to her ankles, arse fainted, blue rinse and a huge supply of Poligrip.

    Live and let live is my motto so keep humping away until your last breath .......

    Just saying ... ....,.

  5. I'm looking for high quality metallic, acrylic lacquer spray paint to paint an electric guitar.

    I have researched this at length and I know that I'm looking for the correct paint, I just can't find anything like it in the local DIY places or Home Pro.

    The sort of paint I'm looking for is shown in the photos below.

    Does anyone know what sort of shop will sell this in Thailand or if I can get it online?

    Many thanks for any help.


    attachicon.gifGuitar paint (2).jpg

    attachicon.gifGuitar paint (3).jpg

    attachicon.gifGuitar paint (4).jpg

    attachicon.gifGuitar paint (6).jpg

    Do you have a WP. Lol

    Sorry the old ones are the best !!!

  6. If he really dragged her into the car I think we need to hold judgement. If he did, he's certainly set up a burden of proof he needs to overcome. Consent under duress is no consent at all I think, and non-resistance is no proof of consent. Shame is probably at the heart of her refusal to speak. Maybe she was having an affair (or perhaps just flirting), maybe she didn't tell the guy she was married, and maybe she didn't fight tooth and nail to preserve her honour. The fact is you can't go dragging women into your car and whisking them off to some short-time hotel, even if you do know them, whether intimately or not. I suspect it's going to be very difficult for the police to get at the truth of this matter, they probably need the help of an experienced rape counseller, if such a resource exists in Thailand.

    Hmmm it seems my curt message for her liking for a portion of his personal remedy rendition of Pork Balls has gone amiss ...... Now I'm

    Squealing like a pig .... ha

  7. One would think that paying for a job would mean that you're not qualified to be in that position so should keep a low profile. But so often is the case, I've seen people who are not qualified to tie their own shoes, giving the most inane direction. Scary thing is they actually believe they know what they're doing based on their paid position.[/quote)

    All aboard for take off !!!!

    That it seems encumbers most of the Thai nation. Thus, when one thinks back. The first port of call is payment at their schools for degrees.

    This sets the pin rolling for the next stage in whatever career they see fit to help run the country.

    It's a Helter Skelter ride into chaos.

    Just saying .,....

  8. If you have ever seen the size of the underwear designed for Thai men...you could never be jealous again.

    Personal obsession of yours? Have you ever actually seen the private parts of a Thai man? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    He may have seen this:

    I gleaned 2 very interesting facts from that chart.

    1) The less-advertised advantages of drinking Um Bongo.

    2) When I asked my dad if I was born in Pyongyang and he said " No" he was obviously lying.

    extrapolation LOL.

    lets expound on the OP jealousy question

    anyone jealous of the thaivisa forums collective intellect?

    It's too bad that stupidity isn't physically, dreadfully painful !!

    This foolish poster must've been high as a kite churning out this shit ???

  9. A New Beginning
    After I first arrived in Thailand off the banana boat (so to speak) in 2004 thought I’d found Utopia on the other side of the world. This an exciting country full of scope, adorable women, great culture and seemingly a wonderful place to live amongst the Thai People. I never really understood why some ex-pats seemed so unapproachable verging on pig-ignorant besides a bit standoffish. Having always met westerners beforehand from around the world in different places, always friendly, kind and humorous found this new division slightly disturbing. It seemed to me that the grumpiest sad bastards on the planet had joined forces in this country then dispersed into villages to mingle with the natives. Its IMHO they’ve all regrouped and converged on Thaivisa. Admittedly, they’re a minority group although work in the different Victor Meldrew sections suffering different sicknesses suggested as follows:

    Grammar Police Disorder

    Apologist Disease

    Thainess Disease Syndrome

    Overstayers Psychosis

    Turncoat Paranoia Obsession

    Amulet Obsessive Phobia

    Superiority Complex


    Too many disorders to mention though trying to give an insight to what is undeniably emerging over these eventful years just wondering what the next decade has in store for us and would appreciate your unbiased views. As long as we can keep each other amused indefinitely. I’m sure these interesting forums will benefit others coming to stay in Thailand but one should never expect any empathy from any members as this seems to be the norm.

    All the best


  10. ..........the pick-up was probably speeding..........

    No tears shed on this one. Next.

    Your all heart

    Bet his family would love your statement if they read it ..............

    was the driver thinking about the feelings of his family when he was "probably" speeding and out of control?

    People in glass houses should not throw stones. Often those that criticise others reveal what he himself lacks.

    Nobody's perfect !!!!!

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