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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Presumably there will be another set of competitions to depict Jesus as offensively as possible.

    So was the competition to draw Muhammad as offensively as possible, or did you add that bit yourself ?.

    I wish they would interview every muslim in the Western world and ask if they think it is right to kill someone who draws the prophet. If they say yes, they should be immediately deported to tend goats somewhere in the medieval world in which they belong.

    I note we didn't get to see the winning picture.

  2. One year into the 'reform' and yet not one 'reform' has been carried out.

    I think we can drop the 'reform' crap now, even the feckless morons who supported the coup and actually believed there was intention to 'reform' are starting to see there was never intention to 'reform' anything for the benefit of the people of the country.

    I think some of the foam from your mouth has got into your eyes and ears because the 'reform' is the new charter and rules for politicians to prevent another dictatorship in all but name via a Parliament of paid cronies.

    Reforming the country is the job of the next elected government.

    Do you seriously think the Junta can make any progress on a problem so huge in such a short time ?. Only a feckless moron would expect such a thing.

  3. who had motive to shoot him and take his recorded footage, I have my own thoughts on that

    The army? ?

    Jeez, you make up your own cock-and-bull story that he 'crossed some line' and this is the evidence that he must have been murdered. Then some dufus replies to say 'the army' when it is as clear as day you were trying to blame them ???.

    Did I jump into an alternative reality populated with simpletons ?.

  4. The reports says "Section 44 gives the head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) absolute authority over matters of national security". That's true but not complete.

    The authority also extends to "public peace and order or national security, national economics or the administration of State affairs".

    But the authority does not quite extend to amending the interim constitution. That power lies with the NCPO and the Cabinet (which have to agree;not too hard), and then pass by simple majority in the NLA prior to submission to HM the King.

    So the gist of this news report is essentially correct, in my humble opinion.

    The gist of this report is that they will do anything to avoid asking the good folk of Thailand how they wish to be governed. That was not the point of the coup after all, it was about ensuring that they never have a say.

    Flag wavers for this bunch are noticeably quiet on these pages these days (apart from Jamie whose world is somewhat unique anyway).

    Unlike Pheu-Thai of who were trying to amend all the awkward checks and balances piece-by-piece so they didn't have to do any referendum either.

    Until they got found guilty of unconstitutional behaviour of course.

    You hypocrites will cry foul either way : No referendum means they don't want to ask the people and if they have one you will say they are stalling elections.

  5. Whatever you do in this world, there is a bunch of people with nothing better than to do than complain about it.

    If it said "The perfect beer for removing 'No' from HER vocabulary" then they might have a point.

    But in this world of idiots on social media, right and wrong don't apply. Other idiots think the most supporting comments makes it right and the only way out for companies like this is to apologise and hope it goes away.

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  6. I wonder of all the Brits on here which of us find the UK General Election or Thailand's constitutional woes more bizarre?.

    It's really a toss up of which comes first, the next UK government collapses or the Thai election takes place.


    The UK election is bizarre? At least the people are allowed to vote for which bizarre party they think is better equipped to handle the country and don't have some ill educated military type who thinks he is mentally equipped to do the job because his gun is bigger than everybody else's holding the country to ransom by it's nuts

    And don't forget how UK politicians can campaign across the country without fear of getting shot. And if they do, they know the police will investigate it.

    And do you think people will not be allowed to vote for who they like in the next election - with much more freedom (and less vote buying) than they had before ?. Have you missed the point that this is what the reforms are all about ?.

    Just saying anything negative then attaching the Generals name to it does not make it right. I used to do that when I was 6.

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  7. From what i have seen of Muslims ,mainly in the UK is that they stick together ,very rarely will they condem terrorism if it is carried out by another Muslim ,hence you never ever see Muslims marching in protest at what the likes of IS are doing , i am sure there are many ordinary Muslims that just want to get on with life ,but to be honest after working and living amongst them for almost 30 years ,i dont trust any of them.

    Agree completely. I worked in a software team which was roughly 50/50 Muslim + Non-Muslim.

    They were the most racist people I ever came across. If I behaved like they did, I would have been sacked on the spot. They despised the one guy who was friendly - to the point of having a derogatory name for him which meant 'white mans friend' and some of them had to stop one of them going to beat him up in the car park.

    This quote I saw sums it up: "I am offended by what you are offended by and I am offended by what you are not offended by".

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  8. Sorry but these militants are animals who are doing the bidding of their beloved Allah. And killing infidels in the name of Allah is doing his work. Hell, killing other Muslims is doing Allah's work also according to these scum.

    Allah Akbar! bah.gif

    Except most of those they kill globally are other Muslims ?

    Ill have a snack bar indeed!!

    Yes, Muslims who they think do not worship the right brand.

    Nice try to say it is not the Muslim religion behind it all - but it is.

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  9. And if the charter with its attendant ten independent organizations fail to scrutinize the breathe out of democracy, there is always the military waiting to abolish everything. Now a charter that would SCRUTINIZE the military and place it under civilian COMMAND, that would be a game changer for Thailand.

    It certainly would. Hundreds of protestors would have been killed by red-shirt terrorists by now.

    When certain parts of Thai society come out of the medieval age and join civilisation, then it will be time to reduce the power of the Army. For now they are the last line of defence against megalomaniacs such as Mr T.

  10. Man am I sick of red-shirts who keep claiming all the prosecutions are politically biased.

    Face up to the facts : every aspect of Thai society is riddled with corruption - but your Pheu-Thai MP cronies are the lowest rats of the lot. It's no surprise at all that they keep getting caught now they don't have Chalerm and the police or the DSI to cover up for them.

    It really is pathetic. I am happy when any dirty official gets what is coming to him, whatever the colour of his shirt, but I am not surprised at all that so many of them are linked to Pheu-Thai. They should all be in jail for abuse of power after that amnesty disgrace.

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  11. Any outcry from the local people about this one ?.

    Are informants rushing to the police to demand the perpetrators are prosecuted ?.

    No, I thought not.

    The more the press make of any mistakes by the Army, the more the terrorists will use it for publicity in their attacks. I still haven't read any report about what actually happened leading to the 4 getting killed. Some of this blood is on their hands.

  12. Welcome to the 21st century Thailand. Idiots!

    Not much different to the belief in blood coming from the statues of Jesus or Mary.coffee1.gif

    Or that crackers become "the body" of someone who died 2,000 years ago, and that wine can be transformed into his blood. Or that snakes, mules and burning bushes all speak. Of course there are those who to this day believe the earth is only 6,000 years old !

    It's called symbolism <snip>.

    Those people really do believe it is the Naga and Mr Sayan is a bare faced liar in true Thai style.

    It is this kind of mentality which is holding Thailand in the middle ages. Gullible idiots, liars who manipulate them and those who go along with the lies because they think they can profit.

  13. As you are such a student of the nazi atrocities, please point out where an attempt to control illegal immigration has parallels with forced dispossession, internment, forced labour and genocide.

    or are you making a mountain out of a molehill for a cheap shot at the current government?

    What you're doing, is jumping to the extreme, final chapter of those atrocities, and purposely ignoring the smaller steps which led to them - arguing that if it's not the all out holocaust, then nothing to worry about. You wouldn't need someone to point that out to you, if you weren't just trying to be obstinate.

    If you are willing to excuse the incremental steps - as long as it doesn't result in an exact parallel to the holocaust - then that is very weak ground for you to defend.

    And you condemn a simple process as the primary in a sequence with no reason to suggest that such a sequence will eventuate. Tell me, what is the next step so that I can look out for it?

    What's the next step to look out for, you ask?

    Oh, I don't know....someone taking over the government at gun-point, electing themselves the new leader, ending the right to vote, ending freedom of the press, declaring endless martial law, and threatening journalists who ask questions?

    I guess you missed those 'small steps' already.

    Oh I don't know... someone intervening to stop murders by government terrorists, taking charge to implement political reform because the last lot would not, giving the most free and fair elections in Thailand for many years at the end of it, trying to tackle the disgraceful press reporting because many such establishments were bought-and-paid-for or threatened a long time ago, declaring endless martial law (which has ended lol) and tackling dirty journalists head-on instead of simply running away and letting the UDD leave grenades on their gateposts.

    I guess you missed the point completely.

  14. It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

    None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

    It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

    We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

    Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

    I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

    Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

    Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

    As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

    But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

    Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

    (PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

    What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

    That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

    Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!

    Absolutely right. This is not an attempt to segregate one section of society from another with political intent to get rid of them. It is simply an attempt (with the usual sprinkle of 'Thainess') to help the situation. I expect the bracelets will be sought after by people who can have some visible sign of legitimacy.

    This forum is full of ignorant experts. I suppose nobody tells them to &lt;deleted&gt; like what happens in real life.

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  15. Will someone remind them what Chalerm said?

    Chalerm instructed Tarit-the-worm in the DSI investigation that men-in-black officially did not exist and therefore will not be mentioned or investigated.

    I wonder why he did that ?.

    But hey - Red-Shirts will ignore that little fact (which, given the evidence, is pretty much an admission of guilt) because it doesn't suit. The beauty of having no conscience is that it doesn't bother you.

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  16. I suppose the one thing I have learned about red-shirts since I came to Thailand nearly 10 years ago is that they do not care about the truth one little bit.

    Whatever suits their argument is good enough and ignore anything else. These videos have been around long enough for anyone to know the truth about their 'peaceful' protests. I'm sure they know it too.

    So the argument don't matter, the videos and evidence don't matter and the prosecutions don't matter. Everything will continue just the same. This thread is proof of that. How does a country start to fix a problem where such a high percentage of it's society is so fundamentally and willingly dishonest ?.

    I have no idea.

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  17. Oh dear.

    Technically clueless officials regurgitating sales BS without really knowing what they are talking about.

    Maybe there is a reason Western countries don't run many electric buses ?. Battery technology is still way behind what it needs to be for these things to be economic propositions. I wonder how long the batteries will last running in Thailand temperatures.

    It's either a BIG skim for someone or (more likely) incompetent people in high positions who are too dumb to realise they got their job for reasons other than suitability.

    It smacks of the bomb detectors all over again. The Junta should not be making this kind of decision : their arrogance is their biggest weakness.

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