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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. What is there to say ?. It's tragic these children got killed : nobody denies it.

    Children similar to those in much larger numbers have had their heads cut off in the street along with thousands of others who have to wait in terror for some devil to commit this barbarous act in full public view.

    Would you rather we did nothing and hope they decide to stop ?.

    The thing which disgusts me most is that this unintentional killing makes headline news while the slaughter of civilians by ISIS (still going on) goes pretty much unreported.

  2. A strong plurality of Thais voted for Peau Thai, which is then overthrown in a coup, and now a majority of Thais are happier than they were before? Thais (or polls) are strange.

    They got about 30% IIRC of the last election they forced through under Emergency Law - where many died (as they knew they would) in their attempt to use it as a mandate to hold on to power in the face of the mass protests. An act, ironically, which ultimately led to the coup due to the increasing murders of those same protestors by the UDD terrorists.

    And over 90% of the polling stations were open - so don't blame the PDRC.

    Still - don't let facts get in the way of your arguments. None of your friends do.

  3. Yes ! - keep your money, move to Pattaya and have yourself a different girl whenever you want to. Live on your own in a condo and have some woman do all your cleaning while you do nothing.

    In just a few months, you too will have that Pattaya 'cushion stealer' belly wedged under your T-shirt and you will wander the streets on your own until the bars open. You will develop a bitter and sour look on your face and have few friends. You will need to come here to bitch at others.

    You can enjoy that lifestyle until your premature death through unhealthy living.

    Just like the dozens I saw when I was there.

    At 55 you have this last chance to start a new life and have time to enjoy it for years to come. Tread very carefully and look for warning signs - but if you are lucky, you might find paradise (well, in comparison to what you are used to anyway).

    Like someone else said though : don't plan on getting divorced and still having enough to retire.

  4. "Of the 1,250 respondents, roughly 49 percent said they became happier" What about the other 51% that are not ? whistling.gif

    90% are happier or as happy as they were.

    Only 10% are less happy, even though you are attempting to infer it is the whole 51%.

    I expect that the 10% are the scumbags who see less opportunity to steal from the state now things like the rice scheme have been exposed and stopped.

  5. Momentary rage so he got his sentenced reduced by 90%. Now I wonder if the judiciary, Elites selected, will use the same criteria for Red-shirts ? I am afraid that is this type of 1 sided treatment that rather then reconciliation it will drive the wedge deeper.

    I think the wedge hit the bottom when the red-shirts cheered on hearing the news one of their terrorist brothers fired a grenade and killed some children in Trang.

    And nobody got arrested for this or any of the other murders by UDD scumbags for a few thousand baht under the orders of Pheu-Thai.

    It's time you people were held accountable for all the murders and terrorist attacks you did against civilians. Reconciliation can wait as far as I'm concerned : you've already shown that you don't want it.

  6. I feel sorry for the poor people of Ramadi now living under the control of these medieval monsters. You can be sure the mainstream Western press will not bother to let us know about the atrocities going on : might cause some anti-Muslim sentiment. Better people don't know.

    Any comments from the USA haters here ?. It's because of people like you they are being left alone to be slaughtered.

    I expect you blame them for ISIS too. Poor, innocent Muslims pushed over the edge by American corporations eh ?.

  7. Naahh...they have no relations to Thaksin whatsoever...

    Are you implying that they do have a connection to Thaksin and that they are being persecuted/framed because of it?

    Cos for me, looking at it from the outside, a group of guys did bad and illegal things, and now they are going to be punished for them (if they catch them all) ... simple.

    So bad guys set off bombs just because they are bad eh ?.

    The people who did it are largely irrelevant : it's who decided to do it and paid them that matters.

    And who might have a motive for that ?. If it was the Junta themselves, it seems very messy to have so many suspects to put false blame on.

    Take your time ...

  8. 'HRW' need to get their own house in order before anyone can take them seriously.

    They refused to release their report in Bangkok last year because it meant asking the Junta for permission and they refused to recognise their authority.

    What a joke : since when did 'Human Rights' group support one political party or another ?. It is unethical to hide politics behind a 'Human Rights' banner.

    The way I see it, I now have the right to walk around Bangkok without fear of being murdered by a terrorist with an M79.

  9. People still refuse to see the big gorilla in the room. No coincidence that there are 18 coups all for the reasons that the establishment want to spin and setting the scene. Thailand will be a much peaceful and progressive country if the big gorilla stick to their job of defending the country and not turning their guns inward.

    Utter crap as usual.

    The Army would not have been there if the police did their job. Can you explain why they didn't ?.

    Armed gunmen were on the streets of the capital city and were escalating the situation. They would have been cleared out much quicker in any Western country by riot police. Maybe the government should have declared a 2 Km exclusion zone and left them there ?.

    When red-shirts say 'Justice' they mean that the Army are found guilty. This is their version of justice : right and wrong don't come into it. They have no clue what really happened and don't care either.

  10. From reading some of the members comments I see that the US fear mongering is working...what if the sky starts falling?

    Most people want peace and that will only happen when the US stops invading and occupying Muslim lands. (For whatever reasons)

    I am not pro Muslim nor anti American I do not glorify any war or violence! To date no act of congress (other than

    providing the money) as declared a legal war in any Muslim country. Prove me wrong! How would people from the US

    UK, Australia, Thailand any country feel if they were invaded by anyone? Friends and family killed? How much apathy

    would you all still have?

    . You have Putin and his schemes , North Korea,ISIS, and China making moves in the Ocean and Artic, are you that detached from Current Events, Fear Mongering, OK if that's what you wanna call it...Geez, TVF never ceases to Amaze.

    Russia? North Korea? ISIS? China? What about oh let's see Hahahahahaha! You prove my point!

    Making moves? I try and do my best not to keep up on Corporate controlled Media propaganda current events.

    I don't believe anything the news media reports period when it comes to world events and how it may negatively effect the 1st world powers ...It's all slanted and shaved and produced into nice little tightly controlled sound bytes.

    Just enough truth to satisfy the 10 to 20 second attention span of the privileged masses.

    Conditioning us to be fearful (and to stay stupid) to offer the belief that any Government can protect and maintain security for the individual

    is naive at best.

    In this world, everything we get fed is controlled by the government to keep us 'on-side' - here in the UK more than anywhere. Yet dismissing it through other prejudices and claiming it to be all lies is the act of an idiot.

    You should research and form your own conclusions. Read books from people who actually lived through it and find reports on the web. It is amazing how much our governments don't tell us about what people like ISIS are really doing because they are scared of the backlash. It would be great if some people (eg you) could be sent to an ISIS controlled village in Iraq or Syria to live in fear and find out the truth for themselves.

    You seem unable to grasp that ISIS are not an 'Anti-American' movement. They are murdering anyone who is not the right kind of Muslim. Of course that doesn't fit your agenda so you ignore it.

    I would love to see you proved wrong - but by that time there are much bigger problems in the world and people like you suddenly forget what they said in the past and find something new to criticise.

  11. "..he had no plans to mobilise red-shirt supporters."

    This staggering sentence proves the entire red-shirt movement is simply his personal tool, and I doubt a single one of them has the wit to realise it.

    Basically if Thaksin says go out and fight then you do. If he says stay at home then you do.

    What a shining example of a group claiming to represent democracy !. NOT. Compare yourselves to those who went protesting against the Amnesty bill without any 'orders', despite the terrorist attacks against them. You are not fit to clean their shoes.

    Red Shirts are nothing more to him than the Brown Shirts were to Hitler. And he will do the same to you as Hitler did to them if he ever gets the absolute power he has always craved. Luckily for you his own greed has made sure that will never happen.

  12. "Rattatiya Yusingtoh, 44, right, and her husband Amnat Inbaan, 45, left still wear red" and there is a great big pic of them in the OP.

    "Noi, who asked that her full name not be revealed" and there is no photo.

    This is very telling and highlights two things.

    It shows the violence the red shirts perpetrated on people that have opposing views with the death being witnessed up to and including the 21st of May, 2014 is still fresh on the minds of the opposition supporters who have to hide behind anonymity to protect themselves and their families. It shows that violence has really been a good friend of the red shirts in making people cower and stay silent while the vocal minority purport to represent Thailand. Noi is obviously still scared of repercussions of her affliction and love for democracy. (Not a love for 1/15th of democracy)

    It also shows that under the NCPO the red shirt supporters still have no fear of the Junta and as has been shown by the Junta that no fear has been warranted.

    Lets hope Noi does not have to put up anti grenade netting around her house now that the OP has given a description of her location.

    hey dj - not being argumentative, but since the article states:

    Less than a 100-metres away, across the street, another couple runs a chicken-rice shop - and they are not red shirts, but die-hard anti-Thaksin and Yingluck yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members.

    "We exist separately. I don't care," said Noi, who asked that her full name not be revealed. She added that as long as the red shirts in the community do not defame the monarchy, everybody can get on with their lives as normal.

    Noi said people know each other's political stance, and most red-shirts simply don't patronise their stall.

    It would seem clear that the local folk know each other pretty well and the issues that you raise about " the violence the red shirts perpetrated on people that have opposing views" is probably not the reason she did not want her full name used...

    Just a guess... wink.png

    Well, you should guess again, but with logic like that you may as well not bother. Do you really think he meant that all red-shirts will attack any opposition ?.

    We have seen countless examples of people who say something against red-shirts getting drive by shootings at their house in the night, fire bombs being thrown at their front porches, Ping-Pong bombs being thrown at their house or simple grenades being left hanging on the gate posts. There is a sizeable minority of red-shirt primitives who think violence is the way to get what they want.

    The original point is correct : red-shirts don't fear reprisals but non-red-shirts do. An observation which is supported by historical events.

  13. Instead of thanking the military for beginning to get tourism back into Thailand at pre-2013 levels, it should be adminshing both the PDRC and the miiltary for causing more than 60% loss of tourism in 2013 and 2014.


    - "Yuthachai Suntornratanavej, the president of Inbound Tourism Association said since the start of anti government rallies, the number of tourists has plunged by 30 per cent from December 2012. If the rallies last longer than next week, the number will decline by as many as 40 per cent."


    - "Sisdivachr Cheewarattanaporn, president of ATTA, said the drop in tourist arrivals was mostly due to the martial law and that many tourists were choosing to travel to other countries."

    -"ATTA also predicted that the number of arrivals this year would drop by 15 to 20 per cent judging by less bookings in the high season. If the prediction comes true, then the country stands to lose 20 to 30 per cent in revenue from tourism."

    Chanin Donavanik, managing director and chief executive officer of Dusit International, warned that the one major item bothering tourists was the political scene saying, "It should be made sure there are no mistakes arising from this political [environment]"

    I wouldn't bet on the Junta not making those mistakes. For example, if the Junta fails to allow a referendum on the NCPO draft constitution in 2015/2016, political conflict will again escalate to 2013/2014 levels. And tourism will again drop drastically.

    You failed the test of being able to see past the end of your nose.

    The PDRC and the Military were the effect not the cause. The cause was the amnesty bill and the government sponsored terrorism against the subsequent protestors.

    Always someone else's fault isn't it ?.

  14. Reconciliation to a red shirt is giving their criminals a free pass, again.

    Reconciliation to a yellow shirt is having the army shoot some red shirts, overthrow the elected red shirt government & then slipping into power on their coattails.

    That must be the Red-Shirt TV condensed version of history suitable for feeding to the cattle. Do you even realise that the crackdown and the coup were years apart ?. Or does it all blur into a mess of jealousy and hatred for all those people with more money than you ?.

    Reconciliation to a red-shirt is firing grenades into civilians then mass cheering on hearing the news a young girl got killed. At least the terrorists the Army fired at were armed and shooting back.

    You people haven't managed to evolve your way out of the middle ages yet.

  15. All this talk of mass red-shirts protests and threats of civil war is nonsense.

    The only way anything will happen is if Thaksin sends funds to the UDD to pay some thugs to go out and murder a few more civilians with M79's. Then he will also need to pony up for some more free parties and coach trips to get some crowds out for 'protests'. No chance now they don't have the police and Chalerm to protect them.

    There is no way that 'normal' red-shirts will go out and protest at their own expense because of their strong feelings and ethics like we saw after the amnesty disgrace. What's in it for them ?.

  16. Haven't Ahbisit resigned after the shameful electoral defeat 2011 election only to change his mind. He also said election was the correct move to resolve the Bangkok shutdown impasse. A week later, he boycotted the election. Can we trust politicians making promises? Just waiting for Sutherp to announce his come back to politics.

    What's shameful about losing an election ?. It's called democracy.

    He did as a matter of honour to allow the party to decide if he should stay or allow another to take over.

    A concept you clearly cannot comprehend. You would do your cause a much greater service if you didn't keep posting retarded rhetoric like this.

  17. I've noticed that a number of ThaiVisa people love to go on about democracy, and how they reckon that Thaksin did not get a majority or a mandate. smile.png

    Okay, lets look at the general election held in Britain a week ago. About 67% of the elctorate actually voted. Of those who did vote, almost 37% voted for the Conservatives, 30.4% voted for Labour.

    This gave the Conservatives a slim majority in parliament.

    I might or might not love the Conservatives, but I accept democracy in Britain. And if you lose the election, well, you try to win the next one. You don't do things like get on the streets and try to have the result removed !! smile.png

    You think the situation in the UK and Thailand is comparable ? - hilarious. Most Pheu-Thai MP's would be in prison, not Parliament.

    Maybe you missed it, but nobody went on the streets after Pheu-Thai got elected. It happened after the amnesty disgrace. The most disgusting political act I have ever witnessed.

    I tell you what, why don't you just lie and make up facts to suit yourself ?. Oh, you did.

    If you support Pheu-Thai, you have no idea what democracy really is. As deputy PM Chalerm said himself : "We don't need to worry about minorities. If they don't like it, they can vote us out next time".

  18. For me, the most significant point about this is that Thaksin put his sister into the role of PM then cynically used her to distract attention while his cronies plundered as much as they could from the nation's wealth.

    Willingly or not, he put her in the position of having to commit gross negligence whilst holding the highest public office in the land.

    What a class act. She would slap his face for it if she wasn't so empty-headed.

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