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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Seems reasonable. In the UK it's just a ploy to get as many old cars off the road. The Thai test is probably as good as it should be and as your Vigo is streets ahead of everything else, the Test Men didn't need to look much further!

    You got that right.

    If the ABS light or the Airbag light come on, un the UK it is a fail now. A replacement Ford Mondeo ABS unit is £1,500. I bet a lot of good cars have been scrapped because of these tests which have nothing to do with roadworthiness.

    If I know I don't have ABS, I can drive carefully. It's never saved me form anything yet. If the passenger airbag doesn't work it's the same as if one isn't fitted.

    Rip off Britain.

  2. The reason there will continue to be coups is simply, the Democrats cannot win an election and cannot accept the results of any other party winning.

    Wow, some people are so dumb. Did you even visit Thailand ?.

    Did you miss the amnesty bill and the government terrorism against the subsequent protests ?.

    Did you miss the rice scheme and all the lies ?. The MASSIVE corruption which was going to bankrupt the country when massive OFF-BUDGET loans got taken out to fill the gaps (and pockets) ?.

    Do you REALLY think this last coup happened because the Democrats ordered it ?. Jeez, Thailand has no chance with such monstrous ignorance and this peculiar Thai ability to refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes if it doesn't suit them.

    Another coup is guaranteed. No 'reforms' can change people like this.

  3. Why is anyone paying attention to what this idiot says ?.

    He was an absolute disgrace while in power and only kept it because he has been a loyal lackey. The only person with less respect than him in my eyes is Chalerm - and even Chalerm had a certain kind of idiots charm with his fat face and pink car.

    This 'Why pick on us when other people did it' is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't care one bit : if it was all an illegal scam to funnel taxpayers money to their supporters (just like the rice scheme was) then I hope they rot in a cell.

    Which of course they never will. Money and Thaksin's cronies in every facet of society will make sure none of these ever do time.

  4. "It is the war of Muslims against infidels"

    Next the liberals who are steadily destroying this world will tell us it is not about religion.

    I wish Mr Bag-daddio had gone on to elaborate why Allah has given all the smart bombs and drones to these infidels. And why all his own weapons were made by them too.

  5. She certainly has more testicular fortitude than her brother Thaksin.

    Frankly I wish her the best of ying, because she is up against a stacked deck. And ,no I am not a YS fan.

    Gimme a break. Anyone who thinks she has the balls for this is crazy. This will end badly for justice because she will twist what happens there into a drama show and tell people that court was biased or she wasn't represented properly because she went to it in person.

    And you don't believe the court will be biased?

    Ha ha - the red-shirt last line of defence.

    Of course if she is acquitted, it becomes the reference point and proof of innocence.

    This hypocrisy doesn't work any more. Do you seriously believe she is innocent in all of this ?.

  6. OK,,,, now it's only six years after the fact, almost 400 un-built cop shop's and WERE'S THE MONEY??????????????

    plenty of time to cover the money trail,

    But wait there's stuff on this guy from twenty years ago that is STILL UNASNSWERED, (Land deals, palm oil, etc,) there's been a lot of people out there that have said this guy is protected and maybe now it's time for the masquerading monk to pay the piper, Well about bloody time, Wait a sec, my bad he's protected, case closed.

    YO,,, coastas, djjamie, Halloween, and the others out there that have this BRO-MANCE with this low life, where are you? normally your out in force proclaiming he's innocence and his almost divinity, the problem is this guy will walk as usual and so the beat goes on.

    My challenge to you is do your research and show us just what he is accused of, has he answered for the charges and why has it been so long to get the questions answered?

    And not just him, his kids also, the fruit don't fall to far from the tree, or have those charges been lost or quietly let go as per usual.

    Doubt there are many defending him. You don't see them defending him. I also don't defend Suthep and hope he gets jailed. But unlike topics where reds are charged nobody is crying political or bombing the country.

    Guess yellow supporters are brighter in general.

    I must congratulate the junta for going after a real high person on the democrats side.. wonder how the reds can now justify the its political. Seems they are MORE serious now as ever before about corruption. (still far from perfect)

    This kind of thread really does highlight the difference between the red-shirts supporters and the regular farang on here.

    I hardly even bother checking threads like this these days because they are usually chock full of hate-fuelled, semi-literate rants by half-wits who have no actual point to make.

  7. Definitely smallish fixed wing types for that flight duration.

    I saw one at a show a few years back and it was very basic : a standard, unstabilised video camera at the front.

    Not sure how much use it is going to be in an area like that. About as useful as those fixed-wings Sukumpol sent to get some budget to his Air Force during the Pheu-Thai sham at tackling the issue.

    I wonder if they are going to tell us how many crash.

    I also wonder what happened to the Thai Navy helicopter UAV being developed by Kasama. This would be a good application for it. Lots of fanfare then suddenly nothing once it is supposed to be flying with an autopilot. I expect it fulfilled it's mission : spend as much budget as possible until it is cut off.

    Thailand and technology don't mix.

  8. lol, comments on stories like this are always good for a chuckle.

    Seems to me the story should be about the head of the operation getting busted, not the girls. He/she will easily find more for the next house. It's just like the workers getting done for not having a permit instead of the employer.

    Thais seem incapable of understanding the difference between cause and effect. I expect they fight fires by squirting their pipes at the big flames on the top.

    And as usual the police are clearly involved : it seems like people only get caught when the Army are involved. I think they should take over while the police are all sacked and the system completely reformed.

  9. Oh my goodness.

    This can only end in one way : a complete failure with many millions of baht wasted.

    They have no clue whatsoever about R&D in Thailand. How do they think some Thai company will have 500 operational in a few years ?.

    If ever proof was needed that incompetent Thais get jobs they are utterly unqualified to hold, this is it.

    I'm quite certain the path of graft with all-Thai companies is much easier. No doubt it will be like that Thai UAV the Navy trumpeted everywhere a few years back : disappeared without trace along with all funding and no questions asked by the media.

  10. It doesn't really matter what they do : the next set of dirty b******ds will find ways to circumvent/cheat/bribe/intimidate their way to get the old scams back up and running. Lackeys and cronies will be appointed and prosecutions will simply not happen.

    It's the only reason they exist and they didn't get where they are today by following the spirit of any laws.

  11. "In a written statement, Google said that since September, cars driving on streets near its headquarters in Mountain View had "a handful of minor fender-benders, light damage, no injuries, so far caused by human error and inattention.""

    Right. The human monitors made the human error of inattention and did not override bad automated decisions quickly enough.

    lol, quite right.

    And you can bet your life savings that google will never tell us just how many times the humans had to intervene to avoid an accident.

  12. Yawn.

    Maybe the core of this issue is subversive elements planning to conduct clandestine monitoring of the current leadership - perhaps preparing for some anticipated trouble on the streets (again).

    But hey - who cares. Let the usual suspects make their usual schoolboy level comments against the junta. It won't make any difference to what happens. It just gives decent people someone to laugh at.

  13. "Asked by reporters whether the incident could cause a rift between police and soldiers, he said the media should stop stirring up the issue."

    The army stopped the police from being able to spy on them and earlier made it sound almost like an accident and misunderstanding.

    I can't say the rest of it.

    This raid happened because the army is de facto in charge of the Customs Department and they weren't sure they were getting their due. They were suspicious that the police tried to import equipment without paying proper duty. This is a huge revenue stream for the military and they can't afford to loosen their grip. The head of the RTA knows this and did not take offense; the army was just protecting its territory.

    Are you telling us the Military collect their own duty on weapons imports and keep it for themselves ?.

    Or is just a complete lie you made up and presented as the truth ?.

    If it's the second, you should add "and I never commit treason" to your signature line. Just so we're clear.

  14. I really don't know what you are all whinging about, I am no expert in international import rules but I imagine this would be the process in most other countries.

    We all know the internet is awash with this kind of rubbish and similar but cheaper equipment is available, but when a government body or organization wishes to stock up would there not be some kind of protocol to control how this is done?

    I would imagine this would be top grade and professional equipment that you would not see on Al! Ba*a or Ama#on, try organizing a similar demo for an agency in many other countries and I think you would have a similar reaction from the relevant authorities (if they become aware of it)

    I have no idea what online sjops have to do with Israelis companies coming at the invite of a government body, in the case the police? I'm from the UK and I've never, ever heard of the army storming a meeting between police and companies presenting their goods or the army storming anybody in it's own borders. In the UK and most civilised countries the military is their to protect it's borders from attack and not too much else, they don't pretend to be police because policing inside the borders is the job of the police. I've trained guys from the met and Herts constabulary and never once got invaded and arrested by the army, I've also trained some guys from the military and never got arrested by the police for doing this.

    Because in the UK, the Army protect us from people outside.

    In Thailand, the Army has to protect the country from people inside because nobody else will do it. Including a police force who are so corrupt, they will guard both ends of a bridge while a sniper shoots at anti-government protestors.

    This was obviously a secret meeting organised by the police and when the Army found out, they acted. The question is what the police were trying to get hold of. I doubt it was just what they have said.

    The Thai press will spin it anti-junta no matter what : like most such organisations in Thailand, they are ultimately controlled from up-high by the man with the money and the power to get them sacked if they don't make him happy.

  15. Lack of a viable alternative means the Tories were bound to win. Lord knows why Labour allowed Milliband-the-muppet to stay as their leader.

    I'm pleased the fence-sitting Lib Dems have got what they deserve - though it would have been better if 'Mr-Shallow' Clegg had got the boot.

    And UKIP are on target for >12% of the vote, yet have only 1 seat !!. Something is wrong there. The establishment will be playing that one down ...

    And it looks like another push for Scottish independence before too long.

  16. I'm willing to bet that every official on that list just happens to be associated with the red shirts and PTP.

    So they should be let off because others do it too ?. Typical red-shirt excuse.

    I don't give a damn who they are. If they are guilty they should be sent to prison : a few less low-life thieves in the system and an example to the others.

    The rest might change their ways or they might get it too further down the line.

    Why should you care who they are as long as they are guilty (which I have no doubt they are)?.

  17. I don't particularly agree with what Ms Geller does, but the real value is that it draws out the Muslim standpoint so that ignorant masses can understand what is really going on.

    Putting Ms Geller in the same category as ISIS sums them up nicely. You say something we don't like and we will murder dozens of you.

  18. Its a pity the hands of the UK are tied by fear and political correctness. Good job Dallas!

    What part of political correctness would stop the police or guards from killing gunmen in the UK? I think you will find it wouldnt, and hasn't.

    Because they wouldn't be allowed to hold the competition in the first place.

  19. Sometimes when I read the justification of some decision by a Thai official, I wonder how on Earth they got into any position of responsibility.

    Why isn't the Western world full of electric busses if they are so economical ?. Even the UK which is green-energy crazy (ie massively subsidised by taxpayers money because of forced EU laws) has only just started to trial a few.

    I wonder if they have factored in maintenance, particularly of the batteries in such a hot climate and how many busses will be needed to cover recharging times ?. And where does this electricity come from ?.

    No doubt they read a sales brochure and enjoyed some 'hospitality' of the sales staff without really understanding a thing which was said, let alone knowing enough to ask questions.

    However since the decision to buy the GT200 bomb detectors, I am not surprised at anything.

  20. The human trash he is talking about are those who would give some low-life an M79 and a few thousand baht then tell them to go fire it into groups of innocent men, women and children.

    If you need to be told who they are, you are an idiot.

    If you know but don't think they are trash, you are that same trash yourself.

    It suits the red-shirts here who are always foaming at the mouth to say Prayuth thinks this of all red-shirts when he most certainly does not.

  21. Well, there you have it. The big one in yellow is the same freak that viscously attacked the Irish tourist.


    The one with the innocent, pouty expression? Hard to believe.


    Go to 00:46 on that video and watch the guy : I've seen him before - he is an intergalactic snake alien I saw on Dr Who once. There will be a mother Alien nearby who looks suspiciously like lengths of vacuum cleaner hose.

    Call out the Army so they can attack but be killed fruitlessly.

  22. I learned a lot about the Thai press during the last protests. I saw a lot of what happened on social media and also saw the stories published by Bangkok Post.

    I was stunned by some of the things they didn't report. Protestor murders lasted a single day in the headlines, but when the red poet got killed we had days of editorials and criticism. They allowed many new users on their forum who were clearly from some government PR group - but they still published many of their comments, even the most sickly propaganda.

    As they say, Freedom is not Free and the Thai media need to earn some trust and respect. At this time, they have none from me.

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