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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. I often wonder who writes these articles : I'm sure Thaksin would like nothing better than to be able to do and say what he likes without fear of reprisals.

    The one, simple fact which Prayuth knows is that if the UDD thugs break out the M79's and head for Bangkok, it will be on the orders of this man. They never go out and protest for morals or ethics : they do it because they get something out of it - like a free trip out with their friends to a big party. We already know that the grenades attackers during the protests were just average buffalo who got paid a few thousand baht by someone higher up to do it.

    The real problem is Thaksin meddling, not people responding to it. The only way to stop him is to punish him every time he does it.

  2. Never read so many empty, useless comments in my life. Whatever policies she exercised in government did not in any shape or form effect virtually all of you lot. WHY? Because you are all Ex pats and you are just ''a dumb tourist'' now the same as you have always been. So hey stop making the rest of us look as stupid as you. Does it make you all feel ''Gung Ho'' having the ability to use a highly censored blog. A one way platform to verbally abuse the defenseless. A blog that allows only verbal attacks on one side but removes posts voicing the opposite. Well congratulations you big girls blouses.

    Obviously had a lot of posts removed eh ?. Ever wonder why ?.

    A wise man once said (Raylan Givens in Justified): If you go out and meet an a**hole , you met an a**hole . If everyone you meet is an a**hole , you're the a**hole .

    Go read the children on any thread involving Prayuth : they are a bit like this one but without the wit.

  3. Why can't I believe what the OP is saying?

    May be it's just me.

    Dislike, -1.

    What do you know?

    Color is part of the entries in the blue book.

    Annoying to be caught if the entry is not accurate.

    But sorry no escape here.

    RTP is creative if they need money whistling.gif

    About the lights on: another unbelievable rule that opens a path to abuse.

    You must not turn on the lights as long as you can see a car to the distance of 150m.

    As said: arbitrary abuse possible.

    The modern "daylights" (usually LED) are tolerated.

    and anyone with half a brain knows you dont have to pay a fine on the spot and can pay at local police station..you just simply drive away and forget it..nothing is on a computer here for this type of thing or they wouldnt put it in there pocket..in theory..a little tip for the uninformed..

    Well, unfortunately I have a full brain and didn't know that when I got done for speeding. If you just have half, does this kind of information come 'pre-programmed' ?.

    Anyone with a full brain will know it after someone has told them - and not before.

  4. People seem to Forget John Kerry and President Obama and women Generals and Admirals

    and even the Farm Boys who father fought in World War II will not fight for Japan Vietnam Korea again

    Let China have them

    Remember Eastern Europe after World War II Russia control them and loss them

    You cannot control other countries

    I think it depends on how far the guy in charge is prepared to go to keep his power. The USA are less and less willing to get involved because the media play right into the hands of their enemies and give the rest of the world a distorted picture. ISIS can murder 100 people in cold blood in the most barbaric way possible without a line in a newspaper, but if a drone strike kills some civilians by accident it is all over the news. The gullible masses think the USA is murdering people who did nothing wrong.

    If Russia had machine-gunned whoever started to take the Berlin Wall down, history would have been very different.

    What would China do in a similar situation ?. I hope we never find out - but North Korea gives us a clue at how ruthless a state can be to keep everyone in check.

  5. The more I see of the world, the more I realise that we are all the same. Every society has the same mix of scumbags, perverts, lazy good-for-nothings, hard-workers and the genuinely good.

    The only difference is how the society they grew up in allowed them to express it. You only find out what people are like when they think it is safe to drop their guard.

  6. The general and his cronies are really working overtime on reconciliation aren't they ?

    For the current crop of country economical rapists reconciliation means returning the massive skim offs undertaken by the Shinawatra regime so that they may skim it themselves. After all the General and his Elite supporters have been deprived of these massive skims for 12 years now so they have a lot to make up. When the countries Elite have been economically raping and pillaging this country to make themselves some of the wealthiest in the world since 1932, I guess this sort of theft from the nation becomes almost the norm and as we have seen from the 2 last coups, the Elite are not going to be stopped without a fight. or in this case not whilst they still have military support. Only time will tell how long this will prevail.

    Meantime good General, you are always croaking about Thailand being shown in bad light to the rest of the world. Then could I suggest you firstly look in the mirror and secondly perhaps make plans for living in N. Korea "just in case" things go very badly wrong for you. Mind you Somalia may be worth consideration as it tops the list of the most corrupt countries. You should have a ball there.

    Ha ha ha - one more red-shirt veiled threat wrapped in the rhetoric of the truly ignorant.

    Did you notice yet how your leaders only give you a prod when they need something for themselves - to intimidate judges or murder protestors and cling on to power ?.

    Where are they now ?. I'll tell you : waiting for orders and some money from the boss. Then you will get another free party and short holiday while they tell you again how they will make you rich one day.

  7. Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

    And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

    Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

    So you think they should have filed the charges against them while both Yingluck and Surapong were in office ?.

    How stupid do you think they are ?. If they didn't lose their jobs, they would have had red thugs outside their house and a grenade through the front door if they didn't stop.

    How easy life must be shouting from an armchair all day.

  8. How wealthy is the guy? Building a single house worth half a million dollars over 13 years does not, in and of itself, seem extraordinary.

    We may not like them, but anybody who becomes deputy leader of a major political party must have, to say the least, some people-skills. There's no reason to believe he wouldn't have made some savvy business decisions over the years.

    On the surface, other circumstances mentioned in this thread seem much more worthy of investigation.

    Seems like you missed the point : I'll explain it in simple terms for you:

    He deliberately hid this house from his declared assets and cannot explain where the money came from to buy it.

  9. Thailand’s military leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has refused to elaborate on the 600 million baht land sale he made to a private company last year.

    According to documents from Gen. Prayuth’s asset declaration Col Prapat Chan-o-cha, Gen Prayut’s father, sold nine plots totalling 50 rai in Bangkok’s Bang Bon district to 69 Property Co Ltd on May 9, 2013, seven days after the company was registered, according to Isara News Agency, which quoted official documents.

    The major shareholder of the company when the deal took place had a British Virgin Islands address, Isara News said


    He is probably not unusually wealthy - by comparison with his peers...

    If Thaksin had done this exact same deal, the yellow NACC would have had it in court faster than a rat up a Klong Toei drainpipe.

    So what's your point ?. That he should not be prosecuted because Prayuth's father sold some land and formed a company for the money to go into?. That sounds normal to me : you can then use the money for other business or take out as income and pay the tax on it.

    Or are you just regurgitating propaganda you keep reading on some red-shirt website somewhere ?.

    You have some spit on your chin after the rant : wipe it off.

  10. A rather stupid move and could be counter productive over a period of time, always remember people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones , it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things Khun Thaksin in public life never used to refer to he's police rank, not like some Generals I know of do, unless the Junta is intending to stay a decade or 2 I wouldn't bother with this petty action. ( I have no interest in the PTP or Khun Thaksin). coffee1.gif

    You are quite right : people in glass houses should NOT throw stones.

    Remember during the farce when one of Thaksin's other relatives (Paradorn) was making a real mess in the South ?, Sukumpol (the defence minister no less) spent his whole time trying to find bits of paper to strip Abhisit of his military rank in yet another effort to get that fly out of Thaksin's ointment.

    Now he has had the same done to him - and I have to say he thoroughly deserves it. To a man of his ego, this is an enormous loss of face.

    He is now wondering if he can get away with sending some red thugs out on another terrorist attack without something else happening to him.

  11. Have people on here missed the point or have I ?.

    It seems she got caught speeding without a licence and was drunk. However because of her connections, she was not charged.

    Then when she told everyone on Facebook, she is being prosecuted by those same police who say she is lying ?.

    And she was criticised for blowing the whistle on the officer ?. What if she had killed someone while drunk ? (the whole reason for the law).

    It sounds to me like the police officer should be under investigation. Or the story needs rewriting so it makes sense. The article does not even consider that she is telling the truth as a possibility ??.

  12. It seems most people are missing the point.

    This statement is saying one thing to Thakisn : If you send your paid red thugs onto the streets before we have had a free and fair election (well, the closest Thailand has ever got) then you are going to pay a price for it.

    The thing Thaksin wants most is to come back to Thailand - and he has discovered that no amount of bribes and cronies can do it. If he has more charges heaped up then the chances are even less. Prayuth has chosen this game because it will lead to the least amount of innocent Thais getting murdered. It's hardly sophisticated politics - but it never is in Thailand.

    And any Red-Shirt who thinks Thaksin does anything at for them is delusional. What happened to the uprising you have all been shouting about (whilst spraying bits of foam) ?. He's left you out to dry for now because that is what suits him for now.

    The thing which stands out the most to me is how Red-Shirts do absolutely nothing unless ordered (and paid) by a political master - and always at the same time as the master has something he wants. And when they do, it is only ever violence and intimidation. What a shining beacon of democracy you are in Thailand ....

  13. At least nobody called the judges with death threats, not did we have mobs of thugs outside the courtroom to intimidate the Judges like the last time Jatuporn was in there.

    Your red-shirt double standards are laughable. Have you no sense of embarrassment ?.

    I see the AFP has published blatantly lies about why Yingluck go the boot. Nothing to do with the protests : just run-of-the-mill abuse of power a long time earlier. That reporter is a disgrace to journalism.

  14. "The slayings were reported by activists belonging to a Palmyra-based media collective and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights."

    Yet I cannot find any report of this on the BBC news website. Yet do I find a story called "Muslims 'dehumanised' warns Qatar's Sheikha Moza"

    That second article is worth a read : the lack of remorse and the sympathy for why the extremists are doing what they do is sickening.

    Well done BBC : you drop down another notch.

  15. The shameful thing is that it took the FBI to get anything done about it.

    This has clearly been going on for years in the rest of the world : there must be hundreds or thousands of people on the end of bribes to keep quiet.

    It shows us how rife corruption is in the whole world. They are just better at it than Thai politicians who are more like chickens squabbling every time they find a handful of grain.

    Blatters arrogance at saying the elections are going ahead anyway remind of Thaksin holding an election while an emergency decree is in force : it will all end in tears.


    Yes : it's called giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

    'Political Violence' means, of course, the murder and intimidation of peaceful protestors by government backed terrorists.

    This was the only way a group as ruthless and dirty as Thaksin and his cronies were ever going to get booted out. Any other serious threat on a smaller scale would have met with a bootlace around the neck or a grenade through the front door.

    The big problem in Thailand is that you simply cannot trust politicians to act in the interest of the people : they don't care a dam. What a sad testament to Thai society. And there are plenty more who admire people who managed to worm their way into those positions.

  17. His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

    Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

    Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

    And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

    Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.

    The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

    The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

    So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

    Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

    You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

    How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

    Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

    "How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

    Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

    But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

    Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

    Do you even watch the BBC news these days ?. It is absolutely terrible : they have someone setting an agenda then they all push towards it. They never actually lie, they omit key facts to leave the viewer with a distorted impression. You have to go online and find out for yourself then it becomes clear.

    And as for Mr Head : I am amazed at the bias in his reports. Lies by omission are lies just the same. A bit of research on the web shows he is obviously a Thaksin crony - the BBC should have pulled him out after the Les Majeste affair in 2008. I wonder why he is still here : it's certainly not to expose the truth or any other sound journalistic principles. He would be more suited to reporting for The Sun where truth is always optional.

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