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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

    Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

    Interpol would regard this as a political charge, and would not entertain it.

    That is true, they will not take political cases.

    But they do accept terrorism (2010), crimes against humanity ('drug wars') and corruption (too many to list) as charges so there is still hope ;-).

  2. Yup - Thai customs are a pain in the arse.

    We got some stuff (circuit boards) shipped from Taiwan and they used a tariff code which was very nearly correct, but not the exact one the official decided it should be.

    We got fined !.

    And don't get me going on the 10% duty - no matter what. We looked at doing a service on someone else's PCB's (programming, calibrating etc): they would ship them in, we would do the work then ship them back. We would never own them (no transfer of ownership which is the usual criteria) but we found out we would have to pay 10% on the full value when they came in and couldn't claim anything back when they shipped out again. Needless to say Thailand didn't get that job.

  3. Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

    Ha ha ha ha - hilarious.

    Oh - wait, are you being serious ?. Thaksin has set himself up for Les Majeste and lost his Thai passports (and a huge amount of his precious 'face' ) under the hope the Junta will cave in under pressure soon-to-come from the rest of the world ?.

    What a cunning plan !. Nobody else saw that coming except you.

    You must be very clever.

  4. It is a crying shame that precautions to minimize harm to civilians and civilian property werent taken nearly four years ago when it was decided that the country had to be torn apart with the only thing (person) that was holding it together removed.

    For the good of the people of course, nothing to do with oil and money.

    There is the question isn't it ? - is it better for people to be controlled by fear or to live in freedom ?.

    We all thought the latter. Then when they were given freedom, they turned to murdering each other in a hundred different sects, all full of medieval scumbags ready to kill everyone else for power with the weapons they have been given.

    The problem is that people in the West are conditioned by political correctness to think everyone is the same and will all do what is right if they have the option.

    Now we have one major <deleted> with no solution in sight. I don't think are actually is a solution : if you watch online videos of rebels / freedom fighters or whoever from this region, they are all screaming 'Allah Akbar' all the time. Is it possible to reason with religious fanatics who are driven by base desires like greed ?.

  5. They should make it a crime for Nationals to go to Syria or Iraq without notifying the government. That way they can be prosecuted when they come back.

    As it stands, they will have to have evidence they were involved in the fighting - and that isn't going to happen.

    I'm sure none of it will fly in the EU though : they will be granted legal aid to appeal to the 'European Court of Human Rights' who already say you cannot make a person 'stateless' and no doubt after having the sentence overturned, more lawyers will come rushing in to sue for compensation.

    These are not normal times and this threat needs special measures to fight it. The longer this goes on, the worse it will get.

  6. If you're Black and the first piece of ID you offer from your wallet or purse is "the race card" you're a racist. Treated well or treated not so well it is time to complain about it either way.

    Try living life as best you can. Stress kills.

    Except that in this world, it is OK to be racist as long as you are a minority.

    The majority don't have all those groups specifically set up to call others racist.

  7. This ransomware is normally spread using email attachments

    Not any more... it can be installed just by opening an infected website.

    Are you 100% sure about this ?. Seems like a huge weakness in a web browser which would be patched very quickly.

    The only way I have heard of (without running a malicious file) is the remote-desktop bug which is basically trying every word in the dictionary with common account names to see if they can get in.

  8. Forget Thaksin Thailand !! ....... move on ...

    Yeah forget the thousands murdered in his war on drugs.

    Forget his attempts to buy off judges.

    Forget the violence he allegedly funded when Bangkok was occupied.

    Forget his culpability in the disaster that was the rice scheme, the attempts he made to subvert democratic procedures to get his amnesty, his refusal to cease his flight from justice and serve his gaol time.

    Too many times have the criminal actions of leaders from the past been forgotten or swept under the carpet.

    The result is the corrupt, greedy, criminally self serving politicians who know they can do as they will with very little chance of facing the consequences

    Forget the nice airport.

    Forget the 30 baht per visit medical program.

    Forget the one village, one product program.

    Forget the farmer's low-interest agricultural loans.

    Forget Government Lottery for education.

    Forget reducing poverty from 21.3% to 11.3%.

    Forget partially privatizing MCOT and increasing freedom of speech.

    Forget the low interest rate Student Loan Fund (SLF).

    Forget the economic recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

    Forget balancing the national budget and producing fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005.

    Forget wholesale power pool competition in the energy markets.

    Forget doubling foreign exchange reserves.

    Forget the crackdown on mafia crime.

    lol, what's you day job ?.

    Cherry picker ?.

    I could make a longer list of the good things Hitler did for Germany.

  9. Given that expressing an opinion that the government disagrees with can land you in trouble, it must be a worry for the government that they are not getting Kim Jon Ill style ratings from these surveys.

    What utter garbage. Say whatever makes you feel good, but if you still believe that nonsense after all this time, you are an idiot.

    Considering even high-publicity, deliberate political protestors are released the next day without charge - do you seriously think someone answering questions for an independent poll thinks they might get arrested if they give the wrong answer ?.

    Grow up.

  10. What is there to say ?. It's tragic these children got killed : nobody denies it.

    Children similar to those in much larger numbers have had their heads cut off in the street along with thousands of others who have to wait in terror for some devil to commit this barbarous act in full public view.

    Would you rather we did nothing and hope they decide to stop ?.

    The thing which disgusts me most is that this unintentional killing makes headline news while the slaughter of civilians by ISIS (still going on) goes pretty much unreported.

    The point I was trying to make was that if this news had been about another country, then we would have had all the haters come forward with their vitriol of genocide and ethinic cleansing!

    Yes, a bit too vague for the likes of me :-).

    I didn't aim my response at you specifically : This whole situation makes my blood boil because of the sheer unjust nature of the media.

    I wonder how many troops defending the freedom of someone else's country have been killed because if they kill the enemy and can't prove he was going to kill them, they get charged with murder. Yet ISIS can take room full of teenagers whose only crime was watching a football match on TV into a public square and shoot them dead and nothing gets reported in the Western media.

    Johnny Cash caught the sentiment perfectly in 'When the man comes around". Something is going to give before too long.

  11. Anyone who thinks Uk would be better off outside the EU either needs their head looking at or is under 23 years old

    Agreed - but I still don't understand why the option is being presented as in/out.

    Everybody wants free trade and a common market. Nobody wants the UK to go-it-alone in the world.

    But nobody I know wants the EU making laws we don't want and untold billions being spent maintaining all the flotsam that goes with it - particularly the massive corruption and unelected representatives on outrageous expenses.

    Politicians want European unity because without it, they have less power on the world stage.

    At the end of the day, the EU will not let the UK leave because the Domino effect will destroy it. I have a feeling we will be presented with Hobson's choice at the referendum when really the people want something in the middle.

  12. Possibly because the "corrupt criminals" as you refer to them didn't "rely on censorship and arrests to resist a return to democratic rule?"

    Possibly because the "corrupt criminals" as you refer to them didn't "run a political dictatorship with all power in the hands of one man?"

    Possibly because the "corrupt criminals" as you refer to them didn't "employ dictatorial power systematically to repress human rights throughout the country?"

    Possibly because the "corrupt criminals" as you refer to them didn't "try dissidents in unfair military courts,?"

    The worst thing I have ever seen in Thailand was when Thakins/Pheu-Thai used cold-blooded terrorism against their own people to try and scare aware protestors so they could cling on to power. Around 100 grenade attacks (a terrible weapon on crowds of people) on innocent, unarmed civilians including the murders of women and children. And not a single one of these terrorists was arrested, even when seen full-face on CCTV.

    And before you deny it, if you think anyone in the UDD would undertake something like this without approval from the very top then you are deluded.

    Not a single point in your list (even though your list is largely BS) even comes close.

    Yet I don't recall a single comment from HRW. Disgusting.

  13. HRW refused to hold their annual report in Bangkok last year because they would have to get permission from the Junta and they would not acknowledge their legitimacy.

    Since when did human rights groups take an active political stance ?.

    Using 'Human Rights' as a banner for a politically biased organisation is unethical. These people should be ashamed of themselves - but considering they are on the red-shirt side, I'm quite certain they are not.

    Their silence on any other issues is deafening. In any Western country, the press would have crucified them.

  14. whatever you think of Thaksin's poliicies, when it comes to being a shrewd and consummately skilled politician, he is without doubt head and shoulders above anyone in the current administration.

    You mean the PR companies he hired to tell him what to do to hoodwink the gullible are ?.

    Or are you blissfully ignorant of that fact ?.

    What a great politician he really is : when he did go it alone, look how the 'peoples revolution' in 2010 turned out. And how shrewd he was with the amnesty bill.

    The guy has skills in greed, threats, intimidation, blackmail, lies, brines, cheating and revenge. He lacks every other human characteristic - including all the good ones.

  15. Mr. T is delusional - think his overseas odyssey turned his brain into some kind of Sesame Street Jello... smile.png

    It did the same to Hitler in his bunker : getting your information exclusively from those trying to appease you and the desperation when things are irreparably broken means a megalomaniac increasingly starts to believe only what he wants to believe.

    Thaksin has lost the plot. The long hours alone in his 5 star suits and the increasing awareness that he will never return to Thailand are driving him insane.

  16. A communistic group seeking freedom?

    What kind of group would do this in China?

    So a group wanting the constitution to be respected, are in your narrow minded world communists??

    They are doing this, because they don't want Thailand to be a new China!!

    And unlike the keyboard warriors here, at least they are brave enough to act!!

    You think Thailand is heading to be like China ?. You really have no clue what is going on do you.

    Maybe it would have if Thaksin had managed to pardon himself and come back as supreme leader. Did you forget what the police were like under Chalerm already ?. Have you forgotten about their encouragement of 'Red Villages' ?.

    After 10 years watching closely, I can safely say that red-shirts NEVER stand up for principles and just causes. Everything they do is politically based to try and get power. Power means money and that's it.

  17. Love him or hate him: 1. He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not.

    2. There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

    He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not

    The longer Thaksin has to wait, the more people realize they can do just fine without him. Besides, his recent comments show he is losing his mental capacity and becoming even more grandiose and delusional.

    There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

    Sure there are: Hun Sen, Robert Mugabe... oops, they are still in power. What public arena are we talking about? Dubai? Montenegro? Where exactly is Thaksin's public arena?

    You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power. It seems that's all you have.

    Sorry to correct you but you forgot the most important point:

    "You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power AND MAKE YOU RICH". Because that is as far as it goes with red-shirts. Morales, ethics, standing up what is right and decent play no part in it whatsoever.

  18. Did I imagine that just 24 hours ago he stressed that the rule of law must be followed. Today's outburst said that basically when he thinks he has bought enough support from the retarded and feeble-minded, screw the rule of law and democracy, he will rally his slackjaws and attempt to gain control over Thailand through terrorism. Entirely predictable IMO.

    By 'retarded and feeble-minded', are you referring to a large portion of the electorate?

    Just want to know where you're coming from.

    A large portion, but less than 50%, is that what you are referring to? Interesting to see that Thaksin's bald lies and absolutely contradicting himself publicly in less than 24 hours does not take the shine off him for the enamored.

    Pats on the back to Baker,Bell,Botts ,Peroff and big Bobby A. You polished a turd boys.

    according to the last 10 years, Thaksin won all elections. So he will be backupped by at least 50% of the population and will still be whatever the General might do. To accept the reality is one requirement and sign of democracy even if you don't like it.

    Ha ha ha, thank you : your post made me laugh.

    Are you really that stupid, or are you trolling ?.

  19. Time to declare some of these places proper war zones and let troops go in without fear of being charged with murder.

    It can't be anything near as barbaric as what is going on already. These thousands of horrific murders by ISIS are on the hands of those liberals who make our troops fight with their hands tied behind their backs. Why can ISIS cut the heads off thousands of innocent people who stand in line waiting in terror with barely a mention, but if some get killed as collateral damage, it is all over the news ?.

    The world is totally screwed.

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