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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. No response? Because you are a peasant nobody and Anutin is a retard that cares about nobody but his rich self and army friends.
  2. And why then did Thailand have to go begging for free (good) vaccines from other countries? What a Tool this guy is....Sheesh!
  3. The RTP have asked the public to be their eyes and ears. Because they are too lazy to do their job. Pathetic.
  4. Time for a vacation, I mean govt business trip at taxpayers expense. Of course he could not have done this by video conference. Hell no, where's the fun on that!
  5. RIP. And the driver like so many have no clue how to drive safely, especially in unusual circumstances like loads. Typically it's speed speed speed and then losing control of the vehicle.
  6. Don't adhere to the old rules so make new rules. THAT ought to show them! Idiots.
  7. Can you make this essay longer? Summary: Insurance companies intend and will deny claims readily and often. Fine print experts. They are not your friend nor protector, they are your purveyor of false sense of security.
  8. And this is newsworthy why? Hundreds of accidents weekly and some idiot somewhere hits a tree and suddenly it's top story. Sheesh!
  9. And then there was the internationally announced Thai cure for Ebola.
  10. Too prove you are hi-so and somehow better than 60 million others in Thailand?
  11. Bit-Whatever is Virtual money. How do you know it won't Virtually disappear.
  12. Sorry. Don't know what ChaCha UncleToo is eating right now. Are you concerned for his health?
  13. That may be true but also illegal, and those people could have (should have) faced the $5000 fine for not doing self quarantine as the law requires.
  14. What a bunch of gobbledygook <deleted>. Freedom of the press only if it's in line with Gov't stated objectives and does not criticize anything the Gov't does. Pathetic.
  15. Here we go again. Billions for military equipment that will never be needed or used. Why not another aircraft carrier, or 10 submarines! Meanwhile standard of living for majority of citizens remains stagnant and lacking. And the country has to beg for vaccines donated from other countries. This Gov't is pathetic.
  16. Didn't notice three teens coming up behind him... Implying he should have noticed and what....yield backwards to them? Jump out of his truck waving them down to notice him turning? RIP to the teen, but this seems like totally the bike driver's fault.
  17. Are there restrictions in who or where 3 phase can be supplied to a house? Why is there 15A single phase limit? Is it simply aspect of paying more for 3 phase?
  18. And again, how does inverters, transformers and bridge increase amps? Can you please explain for the sake of us electrical illiterates.
  19. For us interested dummies, how does this electrical equipment work to increase amps?
  20. What is the voltage of the inbound 15amps? How does a transformer increase amps unless by increasing voltage?
  21. Not buying them now = Smart. Vitally still need them = Stupid. Truth = want them, not need them.
  22. Many countries have higher vaccination rates and are still bombarded by Omicron. Why would Thailand be immune to similar. Just more BS from Thai govt officials.
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