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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Insurance companies are not there to take care of you. They are there to extract maximum amounts of premiums and approve the fewest number of claims possible. They are motivated purely by profit, nothing else. Every claim they approve reduces their profit. They are driven to find any and every way to deny or reduce your entitled payout from a claim. Fine print experts, so good luck.
  2. Sounds like a legitimate rant. Selfishness seems to be more prevalent in Thai society than most other countries. Knowingly keeping neighbors up at night from loud blasting music clearly shows this. Sad.
  3. You had a good run. Time for another. Your support is waning. Of course you are a stubborn ans and will hang on until ousted. Forget what's best for the country, But it's me me me. Power and wealth.
  4. About bloody time! The idiot is ruining the Country, pandering billions upon billions to the Military, buying useless unnecessary equipment. Too bad his replacement likely will be similarly a Non-Progressive with a stick up his rzz.
  5. Why need SWAT, when thousands of idle army soldiers can be called up easily, given the Army has proven itself deeply embedded in domestic affairs, govt, businesses, etc. More stupid Gov't purchases while public coffers are empty and millions citizens remain poor.
  6. Dozen Military guys, token woman, running social assistance services. Photo Op. Again Army thinking they are experts in civilian social issues. Leave it to the real professionals please.
  7. And the taxi mafia continues unabated. Police are gushing over civilians doing some good. How about getting your guys to do their job and shut down the mafia.
  8. Pathetic selfish coward runs away. Let the bike guy die, who cares! Thailand the land of smiles and hit-and-runners.
  9. Local studies. Ya right! International health organizations and dozens of countries saying this for months. Try keeping up Thailand Gov't. Sheesh! And BTW how's the Ebola cure you discovered going?
  10. Too many variables and unknowns about your expectations, lifestyle...etc. Coupled with a wide range of living and spending options in Thailand makes this venue poor choice for sound advice. Contact a financial planner who knows Thailand and pay for appropriate professional advice.
  11. No. They will kill or maim someone first before learning their lesson. Hope it's not you.
  12. Wrong caption! Should say MALE teenagers prefer unprotected sex ...blah...blah....blah. And IRRESPONSIBLE males should be repeated in each paragraph throughout.
  13. Myanmar? Those doses will simply go to their Military for their third , fourth and fifth doses. None will get to the intended poor. Is the Thai Gov't that stupid? Oh...sorry. Obvious answer.
  14. Very balanced viewpoint reporting. Everything is wonderful in each country. Fluff info that ought not influence a largre consequential decision like where to relocate for retirement.
  15. 5 years prison for taking extra masks out of the country. What retard in the Gov't dreamt up this 'fair and balanced' deterrent and consequence. Why are minor transgressions always threaten with prison time? One would think the prisons are overflowing.... wait....,they are. Surprise surprise.
  16. Who was selling it to the public? They surely knew the sausage maker was doing it illegal. They should share in the liability.
  17. It doesn't generate anything, but simply transfers tax dollars, that is public money, to certain citizens of the public who buy specified things. Subsidies do not generate new wealth, but only raises public debt. It's a political ploy so the Gov't can take credit for doing something.
  18. The story is too stupid to be true, or the Greek is the biggest moron idiot in Thailand, and that's saying a lot given who's in Gov't.
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