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Posts posted by NativeSon360

  1. 37 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    I never saw him smoke cigarettes  - but he could have earlier on, like myself, I quit 35 years ago...........so I have to blame it on his marijuana useage.

    Again, that Ministry spokesperson was referring to Cannabis as being an "addictive" behavior altering drug, not the long-term health effects to cardio-pulmonary system. :whistling:


    The Nicotine addiction is the most powerful substance addiction in human history. Thus, the tobacco industry has a guaranteed "cash-crop" market. In addition the governments of the world have a guaranteed "cash-cow" tax-base. Now, hopefully you can figure-out "the rest of the story", on your own! Cheers!

  2. 11 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:


    I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .


    11 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:


    I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .

    In my lifetime, I have worked in residence, within 14 different countries on this planet, with colleagues from a host of different cultures. I have yet to meet one person who was actually addicted to marijuana. That is the topic "point" of this thread. :whistling:

  3. "the Justice Ministry, in remarks to ASEAN, stated that Thailand would not be legalizing drugs."


    It never ceases to amaze me, how some of the most ignorant people on the planet, manage to get themselves placed into authoritative positions of national spokesperson. Sigh!


    I have listened to so many (so-called) "educated" people, in the LOL, who seem to have a true penchant for sticking their feet into their own pretentious mouths, that I "actively listen" to absolutely nothing they have to say, anymore.:coffee1:

  4. 2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Quite the opposite.

    A new entry makes sure that your passport nr. and departure card nr. will be entered in the database.

    Flight nr. is not mandatory for online report anyway (leave empty).


    The due date for the report is the 90th day incl. day of entry (add 89 days).

    The online report has the usual window of 15 days before (and incl.) due date until 7 days before.

    So 80 days after entry would be OK.


    Currently online report seems down again. Oh no!


    The online report program is not down, but deliberately made unavailable, for whatever unfathomable reason, guaranteed.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Calach said:


    In reality the integration of most Muslims in France works rather well, but of course we rarely notice normality. But constantly pointing them as the main challenge for the nation and for "identity" may indeed in the end alienate them and push them towards religion and communalism. 

    Interesting thought pattern. Thanks for sharing.

  6. 3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    I think this ban was the essence of french thinking. 


    And I do not mean that in a bad way at all. 


    They are trying to deal with a grieving process against a threat they had not anticipated. Ofcourse, some decisions will be rash but as we have just seen, these will be moderated. Their democracy is a living and breathing thing. 


    just my 2 cents  ;-)

    Indeed. Thanks for that reminder. Cheers

  7. OP ~ nonsense. The Burkini ban has absolutely nothing to do with infringing upon anyone's "religious" freedoms. Burkini is simply a traditional dress-style, perpetuated in Muslim-based societies. In this topic discussion regard, Burkini applies only when directly related to personal choices made by any Muslim woman residing in a Christian country. 100 years ago, western beach-wear attire was quite similar to the Burkini attire of today.


    Frankly, I always believed the French to be far more sophisticated, than to lend themselves to dwelling upon such utter nonsense. Perhaps I should review my previous take on French mentality, eh?

  8. On 8/19/2016 at 3:03 PM, Oishii said:

    Being disabled with poor balance, I get extremely p*ssed off with people leaving their shoes right outside the entrance to anywhere you take your shoes off: temple, clinic, house, restaurant, etc, etc, etc.  I normally kick them out of the way to make a clear path for myself.  I've never had anyone complain.

    There's a first time for everything. I'd recommend that you not push your luck on that " clear path for myself" score. Thais (menfolk in particular) are a very temperamental, reactionary people, at the slightest provocation. It's wise to ignore the petty Thai cultural nuances, while enjoying a "headache-free" stay on Thai turf. Good morning, sir!:coffee1:

  9. I remember the story. Thais, especially the menfolk, can be very cunning. Keeping a cool head, in the face of an obvious Thai provocation "set-up", is an absolute must-do survival tactic for all farangs.


    However,  Volker Schwartges was probably a typically arrogant HD_HA (pseudo-tough-guy) farang, who block-headedly refused to accept, and, respect the cultural "realities" of life, as an alien guest, within the "turf" of an island community,  in the Kingdom of Thailand.


    :whistling:  Sadly,  that "cognitive processing" failure, cost Herr Schwartges his life.


    And, more sadly still, two-years after the fact, that particular murder incident has definitely faded into "broadcast news" oblivion. Just the facts of life, in the LOS!:coffee1:  

  10. 19 minutes ago, rogeroc said:


    What on earth is a productively progressive western - style partnership?  Is that where the man has to become a feminist as well? Or is that a partnership where if it all goes horribly wrong the woman won't take the children as her own and take every possible penny she can?

    Oops! I forgot! This forum really is the East_Ender's favorite watering hole. Sorry about that, :wai:

  11. Its all "up to you". One-step forward, two steps  backwards, is the well-traveled "Yellow Brick Road"  story of the past 50-years.


    The level of romantic love, or platonic friendship you get from the average Asian female, is strictly dependent upon the level of your "utility value", to both your girl-friend, and her family.


    As a western male, the probability of you developing a productively progressive western-style "partnership", together with any Asian female, regardless of her education-level,  is zero minus ten.:coffee1:

  12. 9 hours ago, captspectre said:

    whatwere Thai tourist doing in a civilized country like Japan in thefirst place? thy should stay in china, burma, or laos! OR read up on civilized countries before they travel. 

    Presumably you're posting your comments from some non_Thai location in the western world, eh? Or, are you just one more constipated "farang" hypocrite, troll posting to the TVF, instead? :whistling:

  13. On 8/24/2016 at 6:31 AM, gk10002000 said:

    financially not profitable, unless the government builds the infrastructure, modernizes the pier, landing etc.  Then the Return on Investment doesn't have to deal with the sunk cost.  Otherwise the price won't be supported by enough people.  There just isn't that much traffic or demand.  But somebody will probably generate a study or report that shows it is feasible, the military government will approve it, the people's money will be spent on it, the contract(s) probably will go to people the military wants it to go to, friends, or family, business associates, etc.  There just isn't any accountability under the current government, and I use the term government loosely.

    "But somebody will probably generate a study or report that shows it is feasible, the military government will approve it, the people's money will be spent on it, the contract(s) probably will go to people the military wants it to go to, friends, or family, business associates, etc.  There just isn't any accountability under the current government, and I use the term government loosely."


    Those words are descriptively reminiscent of the government depicted in the TV series "House of Cards" :whistling:  The Government of Thailand is a political kindergarten,  compared to that other Red, White & Blue  Asylum for the mentally insane.. So, either give it a rest, or return to that place where your government (according to you) is so squeaky-clean. Capisce?:coffee1:


  14. 25 minutes ago, petedk said:



    Yes, I remember a farang being arrested a few years ago for eating (or drinking) something in 7/11 before paying.


    I see this every week in Big C. Customers eating or drinking products before paying. I notice, however, that they do keep the empty packaging and hand it to the lady at the cash desk.



    As laid-back as the Japanese appear to be, Japan really is a militaristic-mentality state of being. Most Japanese people have a rigid "stick-up-the-butt" attitude, about obeying the traditional Law & Order "rules". The Japanese actively "spy" on each other, and will readily "report" any, and every perceived violation of the rules to the police. Just the facts - :coffee1:

  15. 4 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    How does that work in a restaurant? Or you only eat out at a McDonald's or Burger King where you do pay before eating. And what about all kinds of other services like telephone, electricity, etc. I pay for these after use. It's an easy mistake to make for a Thai in Japan when in Thailand it's perfectly acceptable to consume before you arrive at the cashier, providing you pay for it of course. 

    Why not give your penchant toward "one-upmanship" posting a rest, ok? :whistling:-sigh!

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