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Posts posted by NativeSon360

  1. Atleast i know 3 languages well enough to be able to have a conversation... unlike you, a monolingual reject minority that blame everything that went wrong in life on the "white devil" smile.png

    BTW, there should be a "dot" after the word "yours" in your sentence.

    LOL, 3 languages and still unable to articulate your point without insulting people

    Nothing went wrong in my life, matey but going by the bile in your posts, yours imploded big time somewhere along the line

    I'll lay any money that booze was - and probably still is, right, smack, bang in the middle of it

    Seriously, I have nothing but pity for you

    Go clean up, there's a good lad. Go on

    Well stated CH. Unlike some of the more constant "red-necked" mentality of troll posters to the forum, you seldom post anything at all. However, whenever you do post a reply, its usually spot on the money! Looking forward to reading your next posts, sir. Thank you, and cheers.clap2.gif

  2. Actually, I believe the frustration levels are higher with the Thais, in dealing with foreigners. All things considered, in giving credit, when credit is due, I find that most Thais, in the service sectors, truly make a sincere effort to accommodate the non-Thai-speaking foreign "guests" (farangs) of the Kingdom.

    The frustration levels among farangs, is due to the fact that most farangs never bother to learn even phrase-book Thai. That much Thai-speaking would certainly make our sojourns in the Kingdom, considerably less frustrating,

  3. The stupidity was more on your part, for not minding your own business to begin with. whistling.gif

    As I didnt actually say anything and I didnt get involved, what bit do you consider to be "stupid"? Myself seeing the toddler being given alcohol or myself posting it on here .

    Whatever it is, it can hardly be regarded as being "stupid"

    Your written words: When questioned about giving alcohol to toddlers, her reply was "I dont want him to grow up to be gay". If you were not the person who directly asked that question, then perhaps your taking a course in the fundamentals of English Composition, would be a more appropriate suggestion, instead. Cheers,wai.gif

  4. Meditation and listening to chants helps me relax

    Progressive body muscle relaxation

    Hypnotism relax videos on YouTube are my latest techniques.

    I want to float over my body, experience out of body relaxation

    Visit my memories and understand my subconscious mind

    I want to be able to snap my fingers and put my whole body and mind into a relaxed state.

    I have had anxiety problems for years and practicing Bhuddist meditation has helped me so much.

    Yes, unfortunately many people could not benefits from Buddhism meditation because they either did it wrongly or without understanding the basics of Buddhism knowledge. They failed to realise that Buddhism is not a religion that anyone can practise just by following blindly without understanding.

    FYI ~ None of the world's current organized religions began as a religion, but as a lifestyle ideology for living as a spiritually conscious, and mentally evolving human being. As usual, people couldn't keep it simple, by following the universal laws of human behavior. They always find a way to complicate, even the most basic tenants of life. Deitifying, bowing down to, and praying to the graven image of a man who died 2559 years ago, is a religion.

    Now, are you further stating that the vast majority of Burmese, Thais, Laosians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc., are not "factually" practicing Buddhists, but are actually "following blindly, without understanding"? If your answer is to the affirmative, then I definitely agree with you, and especially with regards to the Theravadiic notion of Buddhism, the National "religion" of every SE Asian country fore-mentioned. The Majority opinion rules, even in Nepal. Buddhism (today) is nothing more, than just another organized religion. Period!

  5. In addition, to dispel any notion that I have a bad attitude toward Thais, I do not. I am courteous, polite and respectful to all Thai people, that I encounter, even toward those Thais who deliver those very "subtle", smiling-faced insults. However, I will not kiss any Thai body's butt, in order to get along, then pay them for the privilege of having done so. Right string, but wrong YOYwai.gif, here. Nostaroviacoffee1.gif

  6. So if you dont think thais are racist towards blacks.. An "interesting" (not) Thai Drama called "ผู้หญิงคนนั้นชื่อบุญรอด" episode 16 set in Thailand around the time of the Vietnam War, this is actually a new show on TV last month. One of the thai women bring an American soldier home to meet the family who is a farang.. At first the mother wanted to take this farang to show everyone in the home town..When the family found out he was black have a look how they act... Go to the 35m 15seconds

    If you have a thai wife get her to translate some of the things the mother says when she goes outside.. Or if you understand.. Its pretty bad stuff she says.. However just how they act and the stupid sounds are enough.


    Sent from my c64

    In plain English, I reiterate "Skin-color racism is practiced more by people (Thais, in this instance), of whom do not possess the "ability" to see, beyond the tips of their noses". Here's a new flash to consider: I couldn't care less about a certain level of Thai people disliking me, especially on the basis of my skin-color.

    I further have information from Thais, the many "white" farangs (Brits & Yanks in particular) spend considerable bar-stool time bad-mouthing blacks, as a means of ingratiating (ass-kissing) themselves with Thai bar-girls. But that's a different topic of discussion, for a different thread, although be it a contributing factor to the Thai penchant toward the Negro-Phobia syndrome. Again, that's not my bigoted "ball & chain" to drag around in life.

    Meanwhile, back @ the ranch: As a black man, I truly love Thailand, but I also consider it a compliment for the average Asian person (Thais included) to completely ignore my existence, and appreciate them minding their own business. The only thing a Thai (both genders) has ever done for me, is to provide a paid-for service, and to "sponge" as much of my money, as I will allow them to get their hands-on. There's definitely no love lost, on my part, for sure. Capiche?

    Now, any black person, anywhere on this planet, who does not think "accordingly" so, is a bloody fool, and deserves to be a victim of racial bigotry and prejudice. I like myself, just fine. Cheerscoffee1.gif

  7. Any "academic" who has read the Old Testament, of the so-called Holy Bible, can easily decipher the the profound level of "black-on-black" people racism, during that period of Middle Eastern (Asia Minor) regional history. As a matter of fact, there were no white people present, in that region of the world, at that time.

    The point is that racism is historically more rooted in genealogy, rather than skin-color. Current examples are the caste systems of India, Sri Lanka, and the prevailing tribal rifts within the Sudan. Skin-color racism is prascticed more by people, of whom do not possess the ability to see, beyond the tips of their noses. End of story. whistling.gif

  8. I've studied it for thirteen years, and have concluded that it simply cherry-picks from other pre-existing religions.

    I am amused by foreigners who come here and think they've been enlightened by some new and unique knowledge about life, death, suffering, ethics and immortality. Every time I talk with them, they instead usually reveal their ignorance about some established religion in their home country which teaches the identical precepts.

    However, the same stuff, couched in the mystical liturgy and phrasing of an Eastern religion/philosophy just can't be resisted by the recently-initiated greenhorn from abroad.

    Another aspect they totally miss, is that in Thailand, the endemic religion is a thinly-veiled business that sells hope and lucky lottery numbers. To most adherents here, it doesn't get much deeper than that.

    Final analysis: nothing new or creatively profound.



  9. If your ex-gf in the States, is more like a sister to you, than a former lover, then why did you not present her (to your Thai gf) as such, to begin with, eh?. You should have matured enough by now to know, that you provide info, on a "need-to-know" basis, only. And, that especially holds true when dealing with the average (not age appropriately matured) Asian female.

    Then there's the age differential factor. Considering there are many, very senior LOS farangs making babies, with Thai girls young enough to be their granddaughters (a major head-scratching topic, of it's own) I shrug my shoulders in your regard. Personally, I prefer Asian women within my own generation group, for the long-haul relationship. And, even that is a monumental chore, considering I've seen 60+ year-old Thai women, prancing around Central Plaza, dressed like teenage girls.whistling.gif

    Plus, There's a boatload of single, gorgeous, available born-in-America Thai womenfolk (with traditional Thai values, intact) available in cities like NYC, LA, Houston and South Florida, who are reasonably well-educated, as well. Thai-born, Thai women are far too high-maintenance, for my tastes. Good luck, just the same And dispense with soap-opera drama. Cheers!coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  10. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

    Was he arrested for being ugly???

    That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

    My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

    To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

    Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

    If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

    An awful lot of the Thais I've met aren't nearly as hung up on the fair/dark skin thing as farangs appear to be and that's not because they've been brainwashed into accepting their station in life.

    It's because they realise that the Thai beauty industry wouldn't make money if it advocated and celebrated dark skin as a beauty ideal because that's what the majority of Thais are born with.

    It's the Thai beauty industry's job to sell the majority - dark-skinned, brown people - the notion that paler skin is more desirable.

    The beauty industry in the UK sells the majority - pale-skinned, white people - the notion that darker skin is more desirable.

    Right on! Excellent post CH. Thanks for sharingclap2.gif

  11. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

    Was he arrested for being ugly???

    That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

    My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

    To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

    Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

    If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

    BTW ~ Book an international flight on Thai Airways. Not one beautiful, brown-skinned Thai Flight Service Attendant, representing the ethnic realities of Thailand,.....ever, on that airline! Now, can Thailand get more constipated than that? Huh?

  12. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

    Was he arrested for being ugly???

    That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

    My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

    To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

    Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

    If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

    The naive western world believes the mainstream population of Thais to be "white" Chinese, until they present their passport to a brown-skinned Thai Immigration Officer @ Swampi. Surprise! And, welcome to the real Thailand. cheesy.gif

  13. He's a black American and he was just hanging around Soi 22.

    It was funny to see him in a cage, it was like <deleted>.

    When you say just hanging around, what do you mean? Was he eating lunch inside a cafe or was he outside somewhere, loitering with intent?

    Pardon my ignorance, but can explain to me what "loitering, with intent" happens be?whistling.gif

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