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Posts posted by NativeSon360

  1. Sorry, to answer you last question, i have been in that situation and not paid and did in fact feel very guilty because she gave me a lot of pleasure with her company and, as i kept in contact with her, i realised she was really struggling to bring up her 2 kids. For me this is nothing to do with age difference, whether i pay or not will depend very much on my perceived needs of the lady concerned. And yes there are occasions where i have not paid and not felt any guilt as well, it is all about the individual circumstances, and as i keep going back to the vast difference in earning potential and living standards.

    I just have difficulty fathoming the reason why so many western menfolk (from everywhere) feel the need to "save" Thai women, from the terrible circumstances that they (the Thai gf) willfully chose to create with some dead-beat Thai guy, prior to ever meeting that farang. Struggling to bring-up her two kids, is her responsibility to deal with, together with the father(s) of her children.

    Would you have given the same "bleeding-heart" consideration to a western woman, struggling to raise some other man's children? A woman who also gave you a lot of pleasure with her company? Now, don't come back telling me that you can't find those nurturing female traits in a western woman, cause I know better than that. Ok? Now answer the question "why do you feel the need?"

    Remember, there are no "starving" people anywhere in SE Asia. Thai women already have the meat & potatoes, when they first meet the farang.. The only thing the farang provides is the gravy. That's all!

  2. Sorry, to answer you last question, i have been in that situation and not paid and did in fact feel very guilty because she gave me a lot of pleasure with her company and, as i kept in contact with her, i realised she was really struggling to bring up her 2 kids. For me this is nothing to do with age difference, whether i pay or not will depend very much on my perceived needs of the lady concerned. And yes there are occasions where i have not paid and not felt any guilt as well, it is all about the individual circumstances, and as i keep going back to the vast difference in earning potential and living standards.

    I just have difficulty fathoming the reason why so many western menfolk (from everywhere) feel the need to "save" Thai women, from the terrible circumstances that they (the Thai gf) willfully chose to create with some dead-beat Thai guy, prior to ever meeting that farang. Struggling to bring-up her two kids, is her responsibility to deal with, together with the father(s) of her children.

    Would you have given the same "bleeding-heart" consideration to a western woman, struggling to raise some other man's children? A woman who also gave you a lot of pleasure with her company? Now, don't come back telling me that you can't find those nurturing female traits in a western woman, cause I know better than that. Ok? Now answer the question "why do you feel the need?"

  3. They seem to like the doors it opens for em culturally, socially, etc. They also seem to like the way foreigners treat em. Mainly, we let em speak their mind.

    I imagine the main turn off is the way we don't let things go easily and tend to hold people accountable to our standard of truth.

    There is no such thing as "our (western) standard of truth". Truthfulness is a universal virtue, closely aligned with possessing a sense of honor; both of which are heavily proselytized in Buddhist faith "teachings".

    What do Thai Women look most for in Western Men? The answer is simple:

    "The intelligence equivalency level of the male (Niagara Falls) buffalo, who brings the promise of a hefty "joint" bank account to the table, together with total relationship domination authority in her hands = liberation (at last) for the Thai woman.

    Note: Any farang believing otherwise (sigh), is living in a Dream World.

  4. Re: the OP ~ If you have long-term money, then a long-term relationship, with an Asian female, is definitely do-able. Personally, I'm not into Asian women (too high-maintenance for my tastes), beyond the occasional tumble, up in the one-nite stand hayloft.

    However, if you're just hooked into the typical western man's fantasy World of Suzie Wong dramas, then opt for a Filipina over-all, compared with the rest of SE Asia's available choices. At least there you'll find a woman (in Cebu, for example) with whom you can (at least) enjoy a meaningful conversation, beyond the typical Thai/VN 30-second, topic time-lined intervals.

    Now, you can take leave of your senses, and go fall in love with an Asian woman, to your own definite peril. Or, you can learn how to "mentally" regard (not treat) an Asian woman, in the exact same, duplicated manner as do the Asian menfolk wai2.gif. Those blokes really do know how to handle their womenfolk,.......well. Remember the axiom: "When in Rome, etc.". Cheers, and good luck wai.gif

  5. Another strange and pointless article from the bog-rag that is Inspire Pattaya.

    This is the worst kind of editorial - asking a ton of questions and giving no proper counter argument, or any reasonable reason for composing the article at all.

    Of course - there are will be a slew of people who are here but perhaps don't have the financial or employment resources to just up and leave and replant themselves somewhere else.

    The grass is always greener wherever you are unless you have your financial needs completely tied down and a good social circle and a nice home and 4 wheels to get from A-B.

    Reasons for staying or going will vary from age group to age group - family commitments. educational needs, health concerns etc etc etc.

    Thailand is the perfect escape for retirees fun for single 18-30 year olds and a curse for those in between. If you are in your later 30's - early 50's (the money making years) living in Thailand and making your pot of gold will be very unlikely unless you speak the language well and are committed to embracing the society and contributing in a way that is meaningful and of service to the country.

    You would have to find a niche in the market and make your money.

    This is just a generic overview, and where the article falls down, because thee are no real or specific scenarios being examined here and ultimately the premise is all completely subjective.

    It's actually go nothing to do with Thailand - you could replace "Thailand" with any country in the world which is not the place you may call "home."

    In fact - a better premise may have been - "When does an expat call Thailand, "Home".

    Otherwise an response would end up being a long never-end piece of drivel, going round and round in circles - a bit like I have been in my response......

    Indeed, your closing sentence was the nicest of all. Talk about the needless Burning Bridges phenomenon! rolleyes.gif

    It doesn't require any astute rocket-science knowledge to criticize someone else's OP topic thread. Any idiot-savant is capable of accomplishing that task. Then again, the average idiot-savant is neither mean-spirited, nor malicious enough in character, to behave that way, to begin with. They would simply read the topic thread, agree or disagree with it, then quietly move to next thread, w/o making a value judgement commentary.

    As such, that begs the question of why not have you posted a much more interesting OP topic thread, based upon an original thought of your own, instead, eh? Just curious whistling.gif

  6. I think it's more of a can't afford to live there.

    My 40m2 run down flat (condo) in London cost 360,000GBP (20 Million Baht), rent on it would be 400GBP per week (plus a load more in council tax and utils).

    In Thailand I'm paying 70GBP a month for a two bedroom house outside Chiang Mai.

    If I'd been living here 10 years, returning to the UK would seem impossible.

    Not to mention they won't let your foreign wife return with you, unless you have 62,000GBP in the bank.

    So OK, if you have 500,000GBP (25Million Baht) in the bank, returning to the UK probably wouldn't be a problem.

    Exactamundo! clap2.gif A formerly existing bridge, now burnt, as an "unintentional" result of the changing times.

  7. But my question was when has a person burnt their bridges? When can’t they go back and why?
    For me it was the very first time I went back to the UK after coming to Thailand. I felt like a stranger there. My bridges were never financial but I was lost to the UK immediately because I had fallen in love with a dream, fallen in love with a country I was unlikely to ever abandon. I felt at home in another place where I wasn’t born. And where I was born had no attraction for me anymore.

    This isn't burning one's bridges though, this is imply not feeling at home because both 'home' and you have moved on. I also feel that way whenever I go back and the level of PC'ness is beyond cringeworthy, but won't burn bridges... you never know when we'll all be turfed out of dear old Muang Thai, for one.

    A definition of burning bridges would be something like this: telling your boss and family to F off, maxing out credit cards, not keeping up voluntary NI payments (UK).

    As a Yank, I am grateful to have had the privilege of working with UK colleagues, who managed to refrain from lending themselves to the East_Ender mentality "perspective" of Burning Bridges.....thumbsup.gif


    whistling.gif "telling your boss and family to F off", Cockney example. However, maxing-out one's credit cards, or failure to maintain NI payments are different levels of B_B. The spirit of the OP statement (as I read it) was considerably more subtle still, re: the Bridge_Burning phenomenon.

  8. But my question was when has a person burnt their bridges? When can’t they go back and why?
    For me it was the very first time I went back to the UK after coming to Thailand. I felt like a stranger there. My bridges were never financial but I was lost to the UK immediately because I had fallen in love with a dream, fallen in love with a country I was unlikely to ever abandon. I felt at home in another place where I wasn’t born. And where I was born had no attraction for me anymore.

    This isn't burning one's bridges though, this is imply not feeling at home because both 'home' and you have moved on. I also feel that way whenever I go back and the level of PC'ness is beyond cringeworthy, but won't burn bridges... you never know when we'll all be turfed out of dear old Muang Thai, for one.

    A definition of burning bridges would be something like this: telling your boss and family to F off, maxing out credit cards, not keeping up voluntary NI payments (UK).

    As a Yank, I am grateful to have had the privilege of working with UK colleagues, who managed to refrain from lending themselves to the East_Ender mentality "perspective" of Burning Bridges.....thumbsup.gif

  9. No surprise there! Apparently the OP has attracted the usual cadre of negative repliers, who have such a great Expat life, that they feel the need to "comparatively" brag about it, to total strangers, eh? whistling.gif Sigh!

    Why not, the OP was written for responses, think that is what a forum is for, is it not...?

    Indeed! Your point is well-made. However, since I have nothing to prove, I just lean more towards the positive style of responses, instead. Cheers wai.gif

  10. Not if you're female, it isn't. However, Islam forbids all bestiality for women, the punishment being death (for both woman and animal). (For men, it's OK since it's not forbidden in the Koran. However, if a man ejaculates inside an animal the animal must be put to death.)

    Astonishing! If what you've posted is valid, in accordance with the Holy Koran

    Quite frankly, I'm disappointed that you question the validity of what I've posted. I do try hard to avoid posting anything that can reasonably be challenged (except by a certain type of pro-Islamic bigot).

    However, to be precise, Islamic scripture has three authorities, the two highest being the Koran and the Hadith. The "let's all men have bum fun with goats" bit comes from the Hadith, not the Koran.

    "Quite frankly", you should disappointed in yourself, for having focused your attention on the most "insignificant" portion of my reply. Think, about that! whistling.gif

  11. I heard an Islamic cleric tell a London radio station that in an ideal world he'd like to see all homosexuals get executed.


    I was really shocked- -----


    -----what would a Muslim be doing in an ideal world?...........................coffee1.gif

    Homosexuality and Islam apparently go hand-in-glove, considering that geographical region of the planet, where the largest demographic collective of Sodomites, can be found.

    Executing all homosexuals would eradicate about 70% of the Muslim male population. Now, there's a thought...............coffee1.gif

    Hope that Islamic (misnomer) cleric's ideal world "wish" comes true, someday. And, good riddance. Bye, bye...................giggle.gif

    "Sodomites"? Are you some kind of sick religious extremist? That's not too welcome here in the gay forum, you know.

    The Gay Forum is a "public" forum, as are all others on TVF. Now, I only make make random, sporadic post replys to all interesting TVF topics. Not defending TB's comment, however, in real world of human events, a sexual act between two males, is literally defined (within all cultures) as an act of Sodomy. Human beings who indulge in that form of sexual conduct, are indeed Sodomites. The first sentence of TB's comment was spot on target, and, from a strictly academic point of view, at that.

    If you're emotionally incapable of handling the truth, then perhaps a more "private" Gay Forum would be more appropriate for you. I believe TVF marketing management does provide a "Private Forum" subscriber package. Cheers wai.gif

  12. My question is : If you're a muslim and you have sex with a male goat , is it considered gay or is it ok ?

    Not if you're female, it isn't. However, Islam forbids all bestiality for women, the punishment being death (for both woman and animal). (For men, it's OK since it's not forbidden in the Koran. However, if a man ejaculates inside an animal the animal must be put to death.)

    Astonishing! If what you've posted is valid, in accordance with the Holy Koran, then all the so-called anti-Islam sentiment in the U.S.A. is a complete misnomer. Considering that Islam is reported as becoming the fastest growing religion among Anglo (not African) Americans, then I wonder what the (ahem) "Aryan" Brotherhood, vis-a-vis, Klu Klux Klan's "Church of Christ" position is on that peculiar social phenomenon? whistling.gif

  13. Re: Post # 1. Indeed! The Biblical account regarding the aftermath of the last great flood, is that Gangry.pngD gave Noah “the rainbow” sign, then HE said Noah, no more water to come,…..the world will get the fire next time". Capiche? whistling.gif

  14. While I agree that some balcony railings are low, the percentage that fall over by true accident I suspect is very low. Most are self induced whether it be suicide, drug or alcohol related or the slight "nudge" from the GF. More interesting, it seems like the majority of them happen in Pattaya and to men over 50. They can't all be clumsy or 6'5

    As for railings being built to "Thai size" per Pgramm's note, Thai's are not all that short, thin maybe, but not short. Many of them are average size like foreigners. You do not hear about tall Thais going over the railings. Just a point to consider.

    Average male Brit or American - 5' 10"

    Average male Thai - 5' 7"

    Can you provide a comparison study source for that posted statistic?

  15. I can only wish you the emotional strength to get through this, and hope the bar stool piranhas don't attack.

    The reason can't only be her parents. It is better if you can find the truth, even if it is emotionally unpleasant. Then you can deal with it and move on.

    "It is better if you can find the truth" - cheesy.gifgood luck with that endeavour!

  16. Your photo disgusts me!

    Grow up!

    Think for a moment how you can destroy a women's life with an ignorant, thoughtless act by being recognized on the Internet with your photo and post by her family, her neighbors, or fellow employees at another job.

    Perhaps she is earning money to further her education and after years of studying is denied a government job because of your photo/s that came up on a Google Image Search years later.

    Did you know that some governments keep a data base of known Prostitutes and when their visa applications are examined, are denied because of their Prostitution history.

    Government photo facial recognition software can zoom in, and make images crystal clear and can identify the women in the picture. Now they can be identified by ears alone.

    You might also be subjecting these women to jail and fines.

    I wonder how many Immigration Officers have seen this post and can't wait to deny another Alien an extension.

    Stop being a jerk and take this photo down now and any others you may have posted. It may already be too late.


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