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Posts posted by NativeSon360

  1. On 8/20/2016 at 2:42 PM, iReason said:

    The Bloviator really is an ignorant, repulsive piece of work.


    He has the gaul to stand and spew this to an entire race:


    "You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs,

    58 percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?"


    This is what this Silver Spoon, Ivory Tower dwelling cretin believes.

    This man-child is a Doom and Gloom purveyor of the First Degree.

    And of course, a liar.

    This buffoon has been spewing that made up number of "58%" since January.

    Easily fact checked by others many times:


    Trump and the Black Vote


    "We can quickly dispense of Trump’s claim that unemployment among black youths is 58 percent."

    "That’s more than twice as high as the official unemployment rate."

    "The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the unemployment rate in January was 25.2 percent for blacks ages 16 to 19."



    Does this Clown ever get anything right?


    "Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs,

    continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community."



    And lest we forget this:

    The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White


    "According to the data, 37.6% of food stamps were being allotted to White non-Hispanics."

    "African Americans were allotted 23.6% of SNAP benefits."




    Dunning Kruger.

    Correction #1 ~ African-(Black) Americans are not an entire race of people, but a ethnic demographic group, instead.

    Correction #2 ~ Donald Trump is the exact required solution, to provide the much overdue "wake-up" call, especially to the black people of the U.S..

    Comment  #1 ~ MLK was a Republican, as were most "educated" Black_American people, 50 years ago. The Judas Goat (Reverend J.J.) lead his own people "down" the Yellow_Brick_Road.The  Reverend (Entertainer) Al Sharpton, is the current holder of that "Judas Goat" baton.

    Comment  #2 ~ A verse in H.W. Longfellow's poem A Psalm of Life states: "Be not like dumb, driven cattle, etc." Since the average of American people (especially those Sunday morning "Gospell" singing black folks) are far too stupid to ever "see" the hand-writing on the wall, etc., duh!  "A people get the government they deserve" ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1790. :coffee1:

  2. 3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

    The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


    In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


    The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

    Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 


  3. On 8/23/2016 at 2:43 PM, Baerboxer said:


    I genuinely believe the Palestinians could have had a peace treaty,  and been helped to create thriving communities anytime since about 1949.


    Instead the get manipulated by religious zealots and extremists in countries that, whilst the same religion and race, actually help them little in reality.


    Israel responds to attack in the only way terrorists understand. Something the West is now beginning to understand. 

    Sometimes it's smarter to remain silent! :whistling:

  4. 6 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

    everybdy is very keen to attribute "top of the list" - but unfortunately they aren't defining what they mean by "antibiotic usage".


    what is clear is that Thailand overuses, misuses and abuses antibiotics and other medications on humans in a way that is alarmingly high.


    What isn't clear is what the other posters mean by rate of use - do they mean in general or on humans only?

    The powers that be, in the US, do the exact same thing as the Thai medical profession tycoons do. This discussion topic is beginning to evolve into absurdity. I'm out of here! Adios, :wai:

  5. 6 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

    not on my map - I think people should be a bit more critical of their sources......and what they are actually looking at.

    You think! Oops! I keep forgetting about all the perfect  know-it-all "winners", who post on TVF. :whistling:


    I was not disputing your academic position. In that regard,  you are 100% correct. However, your readily sarcastic manner towards another poster, was my point of contention.. Obviously, that simple point of view was much too high of a reach, for your peculiar level of English comprehension, eh? It costs you nothing to be polite to people, on this very casual discussion platform.


    I thank God,  to have been blessed with not having the likes of "your" map , to guide me through life. Hallelujah! Now, back to the topic thread, and cheers:coffee1:

  6. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    I think the initial attack and the Israeli response are fully thought out - both sides' leaders have a vested interest in keeping the conflict going, and both are more than happy to exacerbate the situation across the region.

    No ordinary person wants to live in the prison-like conditions that Israel impose upon the Palestinians, nor the constant fear of rocket attacks and suicide bombers that the ordinary Israelis endure.  But peace doesn't generate dollars or confer power.

    Ditto! Well-stated. Thanks for sharing.:clap2:

  7. On 8/23/2016 at 5:35 AM, Ulysses G. said:

    "Hamas positions have been targeted after a Palestinian rocket attack hit an Israeli border town."


    When will the Palestinians ever learn? They elected terrorists to govern them and this is what they get. Israel will never let them get away with shooting rockets at civilian targets and the Palestinians will never win militarily.


    They cause their own problems as usual.


    I do not believe Hamas, or the average Palestinian is quite that stupid. Based upon my personal experiences, in dealing with average Palestinian male "mentality", I really do not care for them. A real bunch of trouble-makers, the (Muslim, not Coptic Christian) Palestinians are.


    However, taking an honest look @ the flip-side of that coin, I would look @ the Israeli intentions, and, their propaganda-tactics machine more closely.:coffee1:

  8. On 8/21/2016 at 4:55 PM, Witblitz said:

    If the OP had simply done a simple google search he would find 

    that India has the highest rate of use in the world and Thailand doesn't even factor in the stats




    "India has the highest rate of use in the world and Thailand doesn't even factor in the stats"  http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/India-becomes-worlds-largest-consumer-of-antibiotics/articleshow/38251650.cms

    was most sufficient.


    FYI ~ "If the OP had simply done a simple google search he would find that". etc., is the type of "judgemental" reply comment that creates (unnecessary) hostility between posters. Capisce?:coffee1:

  9. On 7/22/2016 at 4:15 PM, thaitanic said:

    Thanks again. Will probably apply in person unless it's highly recommended to use an agent.

    My Thai girlfriend can be my "Guarantor in Thailand", but what to write in "Name and Address of Local Guarantor"?

    And for non-O based on age, should I tick "Tourism" or "Other" and write "Retirement"?

    FYI~ Thailand is a Kingdom. Traditionally there is no way a Thai female can possibly be the "Guarantor" for a foreign male. I suggest that you consult with a Thai Immigration Lawyer, prior to proceeding with that misguided notion.

  10. 21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I've lived/worked here for nearly 11 years and have a family here.  There are certainly pros/cons of living here, but I haven't really experienced any changes that have made my life more restricted or oppressive, even though I loathe the politics here.  Perhaps the OP could be more specific about the "pressure" he is feeling?

    Unless you're living in some self-created LOS fantasy world, you already "know" the specifics. :whistling:


    The OP believes the negative trend will improve, within the next 5-years, or so, eh? The hand-writing is "on-the-wall", to be seen by any foreigner who keeps his head plugged into "reality".


    Many westerners, do not believe, fat meat is "greasy", until they've actually tasted it. Many farangs, especially those long-term, w/ newly created families (@ 50+ years-old), tend to live their expat lives like Ostriches. The metaphor definitely applies to a huge constituency of AU, UK and US expats in the Land of :giggle:


     I suppose those "self-maintained" fantasies help a certain mentality of farangs, to (psychologically) live with some of the fool-hearty mistakes they've made. A true "revolving-door" tragedy.:coffee1:


  11. On 8/19/2016 at 7:09 PM, farcanell said:


    Hello... Look at the picture... The burkini IS a form of open face attire... And a change from Muslim tradition, in its own right.


    and I'm sure your not suggesting modesty is absurd, or are you?


    Ah.... I see you see by editing ?

    Actually, I was trying to clean-up my post. I was in such a hurry reading, that I assumed the Muslims again were trying to impose their Burka traditions in the Christian world. I did not read "Burkini", thus my reply was way-off topic. My own prejudice is the blame for that! Oops!:wai:

  12. On 8/18/2016 at 0:22 PM, skyflyingj said:


    Not everyone from Switzerland are from Zurich and Danny was not from Zurich.  Why don't you people stop and realize a man's life has been taken. He had family and friends that loved him dearly. We will all have a hole in our lives where Danny is now missing. He was a gentle soul, kind in his manners, loved to cook, loved to read, and enjoyed the simple things in life. He loved Thailand and moved there for a more simplistic life because that is who Danny was. He loved the Thai people and often raved about how amazing it was to live there. And I am NOT sure why the media has his name incorrect!! It is not Danny Rudolf!! His name was Danny Straub. And if they are going simply on what that will was stating, then it is proof he signed it with the wrong last name to debunk the will and leave some kind of clue for those behind. 

    Perhaps it was his naive "love" for Thai people that got your friend Danny murdered, eh? There's a logical reason why the Russians bring their own women to Thailand.:coffee1:

  13. On 8/17/2016 at 2:50 PM, Agent Sumo said:


    Maybe his neighbour was an angry, resentful farang

    Asian males, particularly those born into a monarchy structured society, are far more apt to commit murder (over the least significant issue), than those born into a republic. Just an observation:coffee1:





















    just an observation.

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