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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    And you fell for all his BS.  He stands up for nobody but himself, as you should know by now. 


    Sad times in the American Society.  Luckily, a majority now get it and are against Trump.  Many of the hard core supporters seem to be still involved for some type of financial or political reason.  I.E. Once a republican, always a republican.

    What BS did I fall for? Not all Trump supporters support all of his policies or everything he's said, you'd think most people understand this as this is the case for most voters and their candidates.

    So, seeing that you somehow seem to know all the positions I support him on

    1.) which issues or positions do I support?

    2.) and why do you think it's BS?

  2. 13 minutes ago, RobFord said:

    I hear you loud and clear. I was a liberal leaning young man that turned into a angry middle aged man thinking I was paying taxes that were being wasted by a liberal elite etc. Then when I turned fifty ( 14 years ago) I turned back into that liberal. Don't even mind the taxes anymore
    Can't explain it but I'm much happier now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Fair enough. I'm sure that's not uncommon either.

    I've become much more open minded as a conservative and I try to challenge my own beliefs as often as possible, for all I know I could once again become liberal at the age of fifty much like yourself and I'd only be fooling myself if I said that could never happen. I'd like to think it wouldn't but let's see where my pursuit of truth takes me.

  3. 4 hours ago, RobFord said:


    Absolutely right.

    And the cause is the filth from right wing fake media starting with shock jocks like talk radio Howard Stern ( remember those fun interviews with that regular Donald discussing anal sex? ) moving onto present day social media.

    It all starts with you. Are you going to be an <deleted> like Stern and the Donald?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    Trump's rise was due to the vacuum caused by the Left. People were getting sick and tired of being called a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe, islamaphobe, arachnophobe or nazi just for holding moderate conservative values and opinions or just for stating facts. Let's also not forget to take into account economic issues. Additionally, a lot of us saw the smoking gun evidence of failed leftist policies overseas, especially in Western European canary in the coal mine countries. So, you're way off base there mate.

    With all due respect, I would strongly suggest you go out and talk to some people who voted for Trump and get their stories first hand, it'll give you some much needed perspective.


    I remember when I first took an interest in the elections, sometime in 2015. I was very much still a liberal, at one point I was even considering voting for Bernie. But once I was being demonized for holding centrist views or stating simple facts as a liberal, I began considering voting for Trump just to spite the Left. Eventually I really took a liking to Trump because he stood up to all these people.

    Essentially, the social justice Left turned me from a huge liberal to a conservative over the course of a couple years and with such poor timing on their part! And I'm not the only one, you can find thousands of people sharing similar stories like this.

  4. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Yeah, but attempting to kill politicians isn't going to change anything for the good, in fact more likely to worsen the situation. Kind of leads to how Trump supporters would react to an impeachment, based upon some members posts.  some would completely lose the plot.

    Let's forget about the actual violence that a Bernie supporter committed in an attempt to kill his political adversaries and instead talk about how YOU THINK Trump supporters might react to his unlikely impeachment. Nice one bud.

  5. What a circus show. 

    McGregor doesn't have what it takes to compete with a professional boxer, especially someone with Mayweather's level of defense. Even a high volume puncher with fast hands like Manny Pac couldn't take out Mayweather. 

    This whole fight is a joke.

    The real fight this year is going to be GGG vs Canelo.

  6. 1 minute ago, pegman said:

    Yes I'm aware of that one. This happened a couple times relatively early in his campaign. 

    That second one is really just grasping at straws come on.

    Funnily enough while Trump was on record saying these things once or twice during his campaign, it was the peaceful loving tolerant liberals who were causing riots and assaulting people at his rallies the last 1-1.5 years.

    So even though Trump jokingly asked his supporters to do this at one point, for every video of them actually attacking someone at an event, which is rare, you'll find 100 videos of 'peaceful' 'tolerant' liberals attacking Trump supporters. And Clinton/Bernie never even called for attacks!


    That's the scary thing here, anti-Trump liberals don't even need to answer a call to violence, they find it within themselves to do these disgusting acts of violence in the name of their political ideology. So, maybe you guys are right. Thanks, you guys have helped me change my mind.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    This is just as foolish as blaming Donald Trump for this episode of violence. You could just as easily and foolishly make the argument that if Trump hadn't behaved in the antagonizing way that he has, this guy wouldn't have gotten so angry that he tried to kill people.  Such nonsense! 

    Wrong. Donald Trump hasn't called for violence against his political opposition while people on the MSM have. In addition to that you have celebrity upon celebrity advocating for violence against Trump and his supporters. Everything ranging from an old hag of a singer wanting to blow up the white house to a video of a  mummy look-alike holding Trump's severed head.

    You're only fooling yourself here.

  8. Just now, Johnyo said:


    What a nice sentiment, shame you had to spoil it bringing a fictional character into it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I'm going to bite my tongue here, even as an atheist myself I'd love nothing more than to embarrass you but I won't because I don't want to derail this thread.

    I really just wanted to wish everyone across the pond good luck.



    *I don't smoke, but this emoji just really fits!

  9. 20 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    I did not know that? He was a defence team consultant? At a bit of a loss here, was he in America? was he called to America? Please help me understand this. I had absolutely no knowledge of this.

    I just learned this myself as well. Check out this video(last segment).



    Here's an article:



    There are more articles providing more details but this should get you started.


    And if you have some time and really want to get to know the mayor of London, Stephan Molyneux put out a great video about him last year. Definitely worth a look.

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