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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 21 hours ago, robblok said:

    Almost every country has done some bad things in the past, the Dutch in Indonesia and other place, the Americans, wiping out the native Americans (one of the first times where disease was used to kill giving infected blankets to the native Americans). The Belgians in the Kongo, the Germans and French and Italians in their colonies.  But if you go back even further then almost all bigger empires are build by conquest it was the norm back then. So do we still have to feel guilty that is the question. Not so sure as I as a Dutch guy feel not responsible for what others have done in the past. 

    Only Western countries need to feel guilty and hand over resources. Every other country or peoples gets a free pass for all the horrific things they've done to others.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, Becker said:

    Don't worry, the abomination in the WH is singlehandedly (although with eager participation from the spineless GOP) tearing down what's taken decades to build and making the US weaker as well as turning it into a bad joke.

    You must be so proud (I mean since you're a feelings guy)!

    Yes I'm very proud we're Making America Great Again ?? And don't you forget it!

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  3. Just now, heybruce said:

    News flash, the founding fathers warned against two party politics and never intended for the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to be controlled by the party that won the minority of the votes.


    Trump and the Republicans don't have the support of the majority.  Get over it.


    Your failure to address how illegal election interference benefited the Republicans shows that you know Trump could not have won in a fair election.

    We don't win elections based on the popular vote and for good reason. Get over it.


    How do I address a boogeyman if it doesn't exist? ?

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


    If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.

    And by the way, if you're implying Russia's goal is ultimately to destroy the US, then that's the most absurd idea ever. That's what the Democratic party is for.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


    If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.

    News flash, the president doesn't win based off the popular vote.

    How many times do you guys need to be reminded of that? Might want to tattoo it on your forehead so you can be reminded every day.

    If you think half the voting population isn't sick and tired of Leftist ruining our country then you're not living in the real world.

  6. 6 minutes ago, heybruce said:



    Trump is meeting in private with Putin after Mueller indicts 12 Russian intelligence officers for election interference.  Trump has yet to say anything bad about Putin, but routinely condemns and attempts to discredit the investigation. 


    Think real hard.  Don't you agree you just posted a stupid question?  Or was your purpose just to cause anger and derail intelligent discussion; you know, trolling?

    Don't you agree your conclusion is stupid?

    Trump's winning had nothing to do with fed up Americans sick of the Leftist nonsense they've been brow beat with, no nothing to do with that at all. not one iota.

    It's the Russians!

  7. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Eliminated at least one for flaming. Many others eliminated for utter irrelevance. If you want to introduce mental health issues, whether yours or the alleged ones of others, there is a health forum. Take it there.

    You're the one with mental health issues here pal. Easily angered by posts doesn't sound like an example of good mental health.

  8. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    First off, another troll trick already: writing "us" instead of "me".I didn't say plural parties were trolling, I said you were trolling So please, stop trying to make yourself stand for a multitude. It smacks of grandiosity and is clearly dishonest.

    And I don't call all comments about Trump that I disagree with trolling. But an empty comment like yours, treating a possible future event as a foregone conclusion is clearly designed to elicit anger. And you're only a troll when you're trolling. I assume you don't always do that and one day i may even see evidence of it. I live in hope.

    If it's eliciting anger that's only because you're fragile and easily angered. that wasn't my intentions, but you've already been told about how unhealthy that is. Perhaps you should stop trying to control other people and instead control your own emotions?

  9. 1 minute ago, bannork said:

    Weak men? Hey, now why does that make me think of Donald?

    Who dodged serving in Vietnam claiming he had bone spurs on one of his feet?

    When jorunalists asked him which foot it was, he couldn't remember.

    Weak and cowardly.



    I would have stayed out of that **** show of a war too or really anything after WW2 that I can think of. We need to stop with the foreign wars, AMERICA FIRST!

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