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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. Just now, AYJAYDEE said:

    I know plenty of them could wipe the floor with you

    Being a real man really has nothing to do with physical strength and whatnot although the willingness and ability to protect your family and country is important.

    You just demonstrated that you have no idea what a real man is, unsurprisingly. But hey if you like hanging out with insecure, angry men that's cool ?


  2. 14 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Oh.... love everyone... got it... yep, that’s never going to happen, some people deserve to die horribly.... but then, you seem to be expressing Hillary hatred, so perhaps your comment on this matter is hypocritical


    that said, not loving everyone, is far from not being able to love or be loved.... perhaps I use a higher standard in who I invest emotions in... but then again... you condemning MS13 earlier, didn’t sound loving to me, so more hypocracy ( thanks bristolboy for your warning on conflicting evidence... I did note my failure there... thought I had covered it over ???)


    you have been insulting in assuming the worst of me... stating I’m angry and unloving etc.... not nice (or Christian of you)... and it had nothing to do with working with what you were given, but more about working with your prejudices.... but whatever


    as to your changed attitudes due to finding the unicorn, I’m happy for you, if it’s changed your life to the extent that you describe... and even if I cannot understand anyone believing in a god, any god, if by believing, your a better person, then I’m all for you believing.... some people need help being the best that they can be.... you’ve found the help you need... congratulations. (And better, you didn’t try thrusting a deity down anyone’s throat, but replied fully when asked... that’s refreshing), but you would be wrong in assuming that others need help, just because you did


    your post clearing up things wrongly led me to believe you were intolerant of lgbt... apologies... (But I was clear about being unsure about that)


    If you cannot love even your enemies then you don't know true love.


    And pointing out evil and being honest with people is the most Christian thing one can do actually.


    Losing ptsd and depression is a little more than a change in attitude ?

  3. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Obviously not at all. First you claimed you were a liberal until you started considering Trump's candidacy than you claimed you had mostly arrived at your present positions before Trump's candidacy. You're not fooling anyone who has at least a minimal capacity to examine evidence. You got caught out. Just acknowledge and move on. Coming clean will make you feel a lot better. And I'm offering this counseling advice in exactly the same spirit that you are offering yours.

    Wow you're having a very tough time with this.

    At the time I was extremely liberal with some conservative values from my upraising. Feminism, gay rights,  evolution, I embraced nearly the whole liberal package. I just had some very conservative positions on things as well which I already mentioned except for the formerly bi partisan issue of free speech.

    Take a deep breath, step back and read slowly. The only inconsistencies here are the ones in your head.

  4. 10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Gee.... really... and we’re pray tell, have I shown anger?


    gee... really... you support trump... ergo you have been manipulated by him and his party and his politics. ( if you changed your opinion and voted against trump, then you would have been manipulated by another, but at the moment, it’s trump)


    gee... really.... wasted time and energy.... this, by and large, is entertainment.... when it’s not, it’s very important to be vocal in opposition, so nothing wasted, even on you, as others also read the thread and can make their own determination on our opposing views, and their worth


    and the rest... wow... ok. As already posted, what anger? ... and no hate speech’s made.... so what difference has it made? Not much globally, but then you ask after my happiness / misery in protesting trump.... 


    Well... definitely on the positive side personally, as I believe opinions influence our reality, but an unexpressed opinion is a worthless opinion ( yes... some voiced opinions are also worthless... but that’s to others, and therefore their problem) so in voicing it, I’m following my conscious... which is a good thing personally (I think you made, or implied, a similar thing somewhere way back where, so I’m thinking you can understand that, at least)


    No manipulation here sorry.


    Are you on here trying to influence and change people's minds?


    Do you love Donald Trump? That will tell me all I need to know about your issues with anger and hatred.

  5. 10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    I  believe this post. But there's somebody on this thread who has lied about how you came to your present political positions. His avatar is Rigby40. And here's what he wrote: His avatar is Rigby40. And here is what he wrote on post #25:

    "I was a liberal when I started considering voting for Trump, many of us were."

    Such dishonesty. I trust you will disavow him.

    Or it could be that you are just a concern troll.



    haha cute

    I was always politically incorrect(still am), pro free speech(still am), didnt really have a strong opinion on guns either way at the time, pro gay rights at the time(most LGBT issues, not at all anymore), was against illegal immigration(still am), was for separation of church and state and the list goes on.

    That clear things up a bit?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    More deflection


    a neo nazi committed vehicular murder, injuring 19 others, in what the AG termed an act of domestic terrorism. (not antifa, who oppose hate, perhaps unfortunately using hate to fight hate, but hey, it’s yall, including trump, that accepts that)


    you know what trump said about it... and to confuse what he said, you also know he expects everyone to work out what he means ( he keeps saying that you know what he mean, after all).... but it’s probably what he did not say that’s more telling.


    Its all a part of his blah blah that has sucked his supporter base in, including you ( thats correct, right? You are a supporter).... ergo, as a supporter, you are being manipulated into supporting him.... but that’s ok, others are manipulated into supporting the NRA or Hillary or free health care etc etc.... your choice... choice made



    Try again when you actually answer what I asked. You don't even get gold star for participation this time around sorry to say.

  7. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    I think you gave it away when the issues you cited that especially appealed to you about Trump were all hot button issues. Remember that during his campaign Trump took some economic positions that were populist. He abandoned them all in favor of programs that favored the rich. So it turns out that the populist was really a demagogue and doing the same thing that Republicans have done all along. Get people riled up about social issues but when it comes to money, favor the wealthy. If you want to know where someone really stands politically, follow the money.

    I will say that his protectionism does stray from that. But as the countries he's targeted note, he actually isn't offering coherent negotiating positions. It's just about being destructive.

    I've held most of those positions before Trump even started his campaign. He's a representative of most(not all) of my values. As soon as he deviates to a degree, I will drop him like a hot potato. He's done more to fight political correctness than I could have ever imagined. So far he's delivering on my concerns.

    My alliance is to God, family and country, not Trump.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Mmmm.... more spinning.... you’ll need new tread on those tires before long


    no one said that people were not angry.... I said outrage did not nessesarily mean anger.... and I also note that there was no anger at the beginning of the thread, or any real mention of anger, except as displayed by your dear leader.... and I then demonstrated that to you, including the fact that it was you who decided to twist word usage


    back to A1.... that’s your right.... but you must expect to be called out for it, just like your dear leader


    lol... and you say I have nothing... precious. 

    yep you don't have anything. You've been so blinded by anger that you totally forgot to address my question. How SPECIFICALLY has Trump manipulated me?


    And I have a couple questions for you. How does it feel to waste so much time and energy on someone you hate and feel anger towards? What good has it done for you? What positive improvements in your life do you see from it? Are you more happy or miserable after it all?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    Opponents of Trump are angry about his increasingly frequent lies and falsehoods

    Supporters of  Trump are angry with him. Which is a lot sadder because it means they either ignore or believe his increasingly frequent lies and falsehoods.

    Can't deny that, I've met some Trump supporters who got off the Trump train. Some came back months later, others didn't.

  10. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    Lol... again... and you want specifics (??? and suggested I had nothing and would run away with my tail between my legs)


    specifically... trumps words were supportive of neo nazi activities. Hey, they may have been supportive of the peaceful rally folk as well, but then, they were a peaceful rally attacked by neo nazis


    you can’t spin that stuff.... or at least not to foreigners.... and (re your other post) I’m not European, and have a pretty good handle on freedom of speech issues, which is not something that the American constitution invented. (Sorry if that bursts a bubble)


    for example, trump can exercise his right to free speech, and lie and deceive as much as he likes, but as you point out, that doesn’t guarantee immunity from being called out about it.... which often happens thru outrage, derision and comedy.... but still some of the people can be fooled all of the time (because trump is manipulating them into believing his deceit)

    Antifa peaceful? LMAO!!!! 555555555555!!

    You really are living in an alternate universe!???


    Specifically, which words were supportive of neo nazi activities? Specifically of course.


    Ok you must be from Soyville USA then. No bubbles burst.

  11. 8 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Ok, so I took your advice and went back to the beginning....




    Picture developing


    Checking for clarity


     Yep.... got it.... the only angry person discussed on this thread is mr trump.... and you (with your anger management issues, happily resolved, as your a proud supporter of A2)


    now... outrage.


    West first mentions the term outrage, and I can see no overt anger in this statement. His words appear well chosen and intelligible.... but then you pick up on the term, and you embellish it and then attempt to apply a definitive meaning, and use that as a trolling point.


    anyway....  you only care about right and wrong, good and evil.... but.... well... that doesn’t cut it. Your dear leader, Trump, is far from the epitome of right vs wrong, by anyone’s definition


    and good vs evil.... lock up Hillary, when the US justice system is crawling all over trump and his minions.... mmmm... ok

    Ok so nobody is angry about Donald Trump. Gotcha.

    In this alternate universe is water dry and does fasting make you fat?? Please do tell me more!


    One day I'll get myself a nice firearm but not my top prio atm.

  12. 2 minutes ago, tumama said:


    He did call them good people. That sounds like support to me. 

    He blamed both sides and also said there were SOME very fine people on both sides.

    Convenient of you to leave that out. By your faulty logic, he could also be considered in support of Antifa and communists.

    But like I said, just keep on doing what you're doing ?

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Lol..... you will find the specifics in your posts on this very thread.

    heres a clue... because someone claims something is a spade, it doesn’t make it so....


    if that doesn’t help, fact check the statements that trump and his supporters spew out on a daily basis. (Eg... nato spending.... and this very threads headline about trump claiming some kind of victory)


    so... if you buy into his bluster ( and political incorrectness, if you like) then he’s manipulating you ( ie... you buy in )

    As predicted, you have nothing.

    Just like when I try to have a conversation with most liberals and ask for specifics irl, they run with their tail between their legs or just clam up.


    • Like 2
  14. 16 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Ah... I knew you said something else which needed addressing. 


    Donalds not so much politically incorrect, but rather chooses words that his followers understand.... stupid words, like you know, it’s going to be so great, and big. Big and great. You understand, right? He said it, so it must be true, it’s going to be great. And big (that’s him speaking his mind, which is right up your understanding alley, I assume {from your comment})


    although supporting neo nazis might have been politically incorrect... yep... you got me on that one. Anyone supporting neo nazis after a violent attack in one of your cities is politically incorrect. Glad you like that about him


    mind you, I’m not sure that instance was spade/ spade... never mind, because what makes me laugh is your assertion that he supports A1... freedom of speech etc etc. has any other potus ever attacked the media as much as trump (hardly supportive of A1)?



    Clearly you have very little understanding of what freedom of speech is. You must be European, you don't have real freedom of speech so I can understand where you're coming from.

    The first amendment doesn't guarantee protection of your 'fee fees' or protect you from people calling you out for the horse-doo doo you spew on-air or anywhere else. Why is this so difficult to understand? NOTHING you say is exempt from criticism or ridicule.


    Trump supports neo-nazis now? Really? Wow. Keep on that trajectory, that's all I gotta say ?

    • Haha 1
  15. 16 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Who denied that MS and their ilk were animals... just because Donald said it, it doesn’t mean that no one else has, or that they believe otherwise


    what crime has Hillary been convicted of / for?


    pretty sure terrorists have been persecuted by various governments etc for... let’s see... ever.... that statement is pretty silly dude.... and to be honest, I’m not sure if Donald is doing anything new about fighting terror, and I would even suggest that he is actually assisting terrorists by fighting with US allies and creating disharmony were there was previously harmony and co operation


    trump lies so much that if he calls something a spade, I would want a damn good look at it before agreeing


    that said.... I’m firmly convinced trump is manipulating you

    She should be thrown in jail for war crimes.


    The point is he's not afraid to call a spade a spade. He doesn't pussyfoot around it.

    As imperfect a human as he is, he's the closest thing to a real man we've ever had in the White House.


    How is he manipulating me? I want specifics.

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