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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 16 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Why would I need to define outrage for you, or anyone? If you don’t understand the word, (any word)  perhaps you should avoid using it.


    that said, your second line is indicative of a more intelligent outlook.... discuss issues together... great idea... perhaps that’s something your dear leader should do with America’s allies etc, rather than making ad hoc unilateral decisions


    and then to prove that you can perhaps look at things intelligently, you note that your emotions don’t make your beliefs true, which is undeniably correct ( unless your name is Donald)


    But then, just when I was thinking you smart, you go and finish of your post with a claim that you can’t be manipulated because your not outraged or angry.... buddy.... think about it..... a smiling fool is easier to manipulate than an angry intellectual ( extrapolate that out however you want)



    I think it's important to define the word outrage because you're making it sound like something other than what it was originally used for at the beginning of this thread.


    Not really. Angry people are the easiest people to manipulate in the word. Only a person who loves to hold onto his anger would say something as silly as that. And I can give two hoots about your worship of the intellectual. I only care about what is right or wrong, good or evil.

  2. 5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Good to know that you don't consider liberals to be far left.

    Well, that depends what kind of liberal you're talking about. I said I wasn't far left because I was probably more center left at the time. I really wasn't into politics then but I was your typical angry atheist, pro-choicer,  gay loving liberal(wouldn't consider that far left until the identity politics and socialism comes in).

  3. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    Please, identity politics rapidly trumped all the economic and environmental positions you held? Not believable. And what makes it even more unbelievable is that apparently it all happened in the last election cycle.

    You need to slow down and really start reading the entirety of my posts.

    I said it was a journey

    The changes slowly happened over the course of 2-3 years.

  4. 2 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    you're right. he uses the same techniques as goebbels back in the 3rd Reich. no reason for me to clap my hands in joy.

    However, there is the serious disadvantage that trump on the world stage is no longer taken seriously. His propaganda lies and half-truths are easy to unmask.

    but blessed are his voters, the spiritually poor.

    And here folks we have another reason why people voted for him. Everyone you disagree with is literally Hitler and everyone who has a different opinion than me is a Nazi.

    People like you are why I'm no longer liberal. Thanks mate, love ya ❤️

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Outrage does not nessesarily mean anger.... 


    that said, I’m pretty sure everyone understands the concept of “any advertising is good advertising”, even if that line of thought is flawed.


    so... unless I greaviously under estimate the intelligence of the TV members, your point is understood


    now again, the opposing point is that public opinion needs to be voiced, to make it known ( that’s easy to understand, right?)... that the public opinion is ruled by outrage, means something.... and that something needs to be recognized and discussed.


    ignoring that public opinion, which you seem to advocate, is totally wrong and unconscionable..... think on this “.... first they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out...” etc etc... y’all know how that goes.... but more importantly, y’all know the why of it


    and again... not expressing your view (outrage... or in your case, approval) is akin to acceptance of trumptopian ideals


    now.... what others have trouble understanding regards your point, is that you have that viewpoint.... your lack of outrage is what people don’t understand.... any lack of outrage amazes me, given the continual demonstrable lying done by this potus, amongst other things... but if that’s what you want from your dear leader (lies and inflammatory comments meant to deceive, anger, annoy etc etc etc) then congratulations, because that’s what you have been given


    and finally.... protest is a hallmark of democracy.... y’all enjoy democracy, don’t you?

    First you need to define outrage.

    Sure I agree that we should discuss issues together but just because people are upset or 'outraged' about something doesn't mean they're right.

    Nope, never said to ignore public opinion.

    I'm not outraged because firstly I'm not overly emotional, secondly I don't have anger so I can't be manipulated and thirdly I love much(not all) of what Donald Trump stands for.

  6. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    I guess when the facts are against you, you can always unearth selected personal opinions on youtube. Who knows, maybe you do consider that to be valid evidence proving Trump's popularity. And tell me again, what liberal positions do you hold? Oh wait a minute, you never told me any. So no, I don't buy that nonsense about liberals turning to Trump who has mostly implemented extreme right wing policies.

    Ok, you're right and I'm wrong. As your were sir ?

    You must have misread what I wrote. I said I WAS a liberal(thousands of similar stories on the youtubes). Thanks to the identity politics of the Left I snapped out of it. It was a journey but I'm a hard-right conservative now.


  7. 14 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Except that there's no evidence his support has been widened. On the contrary, the economy has continued to improve and his approval ratings are still in the dumps. Any President who could manage to approximate somewhat decent behavior would be riding high right now.

    I'd suggest watching the video below, outraged and angry people play an important part in boosting his media presence. I'd also suggest watching some Scott Adams videos on Trump and many of the recent hashtag Walk Away videos. A lot of whom were turned away from the Left in part due to the outrage and vitriol towards Trump on social media. 



  8. Just now, bristolboy said:

    Yes, let's make it about psychology and not about objective facts and issues of national importance. What do legislation and enforcement issues matter when it's clearly the priority to examine your feelings?  You're so talky-feely that I'm beginning to believe you are a liberal. And not just any kind of liberal but one from California.

    You really need to go back and read what I wrote. This is not about feelings this is about how all you anti-Trumpers have been manipulated into boosting his media presence and widening his support. Really, it's not that hard to understand my point.

  9. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    So you supported his tax cuts for the rich? His appointment of one supreme Court justice who consistently rules against workers and in favor of business? And his nomination of another who will do the same? His ongoing attempt to deregulate the same financial interests who precipitated the great recession? His continuing attacks on Obamacare? His reneging on his infrastructure plan? His reneging on promises to reign in the drug industry and let Medicare negotiate prices?

    Please, what you are doing now is called concern trolling. The basis tactic is I was like you once but then I saw the light. Nonsense.  

    So I guess we're just going to totally avoid talking about how how you've been manipulated through your anger these last 3 years? Ok.

    It usually takes people some time to really be honest enough with themselves to come to this kind of realization.

    Only trying to help.

    • Sad 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually, there was a very interesting article by Charlie Sykes, an old-fashioned conservative. He pointed out that what really motivates Trump's base is sticking it to the liberals. For all their professed populism, it turns out that they don't care if he pursues economic policy that make the rich richer and more powerful. Just so long as he angers whom they consider the enemy. Instead of a coherent set of political beliefs all you've got is schadenfreude.


    I definitely won't deny there is an element of schadenfreude in our camp. But to say that's what motivates us is just silly.

    I was a liberal when I started considering voting for Trump, many of us were.

  11. 10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Conversely..... just accept trumps lying cheating BS, and there will be no change. (Your point?... or the outcome of your point, anyway)


    public opinion is only a thing of worth, if it’s made public.... if that opinion is ultimately expressed as manifest outrage, as a minimum, it’s a thing that should raise red flags... and I’m not talking rep rally flags.... to ignore manifest outrage, is akin to stupidity, (which is not to say that it must be acted on, just acknowledged is a start)


    public opinion has changed many things... although this may not be a truism when dealing with a dictator.... public opinion is a tool used by politicians to get elected.... public opinion will see tools unelected.


    so folks, maintain the (out)rage.... or maintain trumpism, (which is what rigby40 really wants)

    My point is anger will only destroy you in the end and really only serves to work against you.

    Learn to let go of anger.

  12. 3 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Perhaps you have reading and comprehension issues going on there, much like the dumpster seems to have


    There ya go..... although the question might have been better put in wondering why the queen would want trump for tea. Ho hum.... That said..... Undoubtedly both will be doing more of this.... (Although I’m sure the queen will be too polite to be seen doing it, unlike this twit)



    Oops you're right I'm a day early.

    I should have wrote "I don't know why Trump would even waste his time in that blank hole country"

    Thanks for that mate.

    • Sad 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    the US has already lost degrees of credibility and respect; not a good look. If Trump is re-elected in 2020 my bet is the US will find itself in deep trouble.

    We don't care about receiving respect from cowardly countries that aren't respectable.

    His reelection will be a glorious day for my country. That'll be proof that there is a God!

    • Haha 1
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