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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Don’t get me wrong Rigby, I don’t dispute their are people resisting the demands of gay people to be treated equally and without discrimination on the basis of the sexual orientation.


    What surprises me is the eagerness of illiberals, who elsewhere rant against people imposing their religious beliefs on others, cheering in support of a baker claiming the right to discriminate against others on the basis of his own faith.

    And don't get me wrong either, I was in full support of gay marriage then I saw what it morphed into and now I'm fully in support of those who are against it. I should be thanking people like you for helping me see the light, so to speak : )

    Continue to double down though because we just keep gaining momentum when people leave your side and join ours. Many thanks.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    To be fair, one can find assorted of idiocy being broadcast on the internet.


    That doesn’T make it true but it can be at least claimed as having been ‘read’, ‘heared’ or ‘said’.

    Hey it's all good man. This couldn't possibly be happening, nobody is fighting back against the gay agenda, it's all in my head ? You're right, I'm wrong.

  3. 1 minute ago, attrayant said:


    First statement: "I heard a lot of those bakers are taking their money and..."


    Next statement: "I heard some people talking about doing it..."


    From 'doing it' to 'talking about doing it'.  I fully expect the next statement to be "A friend of a friend told me that she heard some people were talking about it..."


    The reality is, it's not happening no matter who you overheard "talking about it".  



    Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

  4. 9 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I don't know how to make this cleared either but this discussion has always been about the Face Veil for Women and in many cases them not having the choice if they want to wear it or not, and never about Islam. It is only you who males this connection. But yet it has already been pointed out long ago by me, and others. that women covering there face is not written in the Koran to do so. 


    This topic is on the Danish Governement banning the wearing of a Face Veil in Public. It doesn't matter if this woman is Muslim or Christian, and it does not mention that woman have any choice in this, and as you keep mentioning. It is the Law and anyone caught breaking this new law will be treated accordingly. 

    Ok fair enough I did derail the topic. I still maintain my positions as reflected by human nature but I'll just leave it at that and not continue to derail the thread. Just have to leave it for another day!

  5. 4 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    You keep arguing that women have a choice and don't have to follow society or there fathers or husbands rules. This is simply wrong thinking! If they ever did get rid of the Veil and I am sure there are many modern fathers and husbands who would not care. But the present social pressure prevents them for doing otherwise. 


    In Saudi Arabia for example they have many Religous Police who wonder the streets to make sure women are indeed following the dress code and rules and that all shops close during Prayer Call. They can arrest any woman without warrant and bring her in front of a magistrate for a simple violation of not following the dress code, or being in the company of a male who is not a close relation to her.   

    I'm well aware of the religious police and strict adherence to the rules. Though I'm sure we can both agree this isn't the case EVERYWHERE in the Islamic world.


    I don't know how to make this any clearer but my point is more about the nature of women and less about Islam.

  6. Just now, GOLDBUGGY said:

    In my personal opinion, your whole view and idea about Muslim Women is hypocritical. You have no idea! What respectibility is there is keeping these women no less than a prisoner? Of depriving a person of basic human rights? Of keeping them under lock and key? 


    You argument and biggest point seems to be that Muslim Women love and embrace this kind of treatment. Where on Earth would you get a crazy idea like that? Would you like to be held captive? Many Muslim Women conform to the Dress Code and Culturial Rules simply because they don't have any other choice. 


    I recall a serious conversation I had once wth a Young Saudi Trainee. I asked him what he would do if his sister refused to wear the veil and walked around open faced. Without a second of hesitation he told me he would kill her. I thought he was joking but I soon saw he wasn''t. He told me that I don't understand. That him being the oldest male member in the family it was his duty to uphold the family honor and kill her. I don't know today if he really would have or not. But if I was his sister and he told me this, I would beleive him. 


    In Saudi Arabia, girls are segregated from boys from there time of birth. Other than male members in her family like her father or brother. She is not allowed to go anywhere in public alone and without a male member of her family being with her at all times. She must conform to the dress code foe women there and also wear a veil. By age 9 she is not allowed to swim with her father in a public swimming pool, and now must swim with women when it is there turn to have the pool alone. She can not travel anywhere without her father's permission, or husbands if she is married. All these rules are strictly upheld. She can, and most likely would, be killed by her father or brother is she chooses to disobey them.


    The big news out of Saudi Arabia right now is whether women should be allowed to drive cars or not. It should become law by this summer. I applaud Saudi Arabia for doing this. But imagine that. Allowing women to be able to drive a car legally in this day and age. But then they will still need there fathers or husbands permission to be able to get a license. 


    So my rebuttle to your argument is that Muslime Women, or any other woman for that matter, does not like to be held captive and held a prisoner by there fathers, brothers, or husbands.     .    

    Don't take my respect for SOME of their values and practices as pro-Islam. As I've mentioned before I dislike Islam and if I truly valued the religion as a whole I'd be a muslim! But I don't because many of their practices go against the non-agresion principle.


    And yes, PHYSICALLY FORCING women to adhere to such rules is not acceptable. But that's not always the case. Boy now I'm sounding like a liberal c*ck for Islam ha! Really I'm not defending the religion. The core of my argument is that women naturally prefer a submissive role to a dominant male. We've been lied to about this in the West but you soon learn otherwise when you take step outside your bubble. Some men will figure this out and some well, will continue to be disrespected and used by women oh well, I digress.

    Thinking that the women of Islam have no other choice and just continue to follow the practices because of their big bad mean husbands is a huge misunderstanding of both human nature and the religion itself. And it's a dangerous misunderstanding if you're one of those people who want reformation of the religion.

    There's no need to keep bringing up husbands or brothers killing their own family members over a veil. I never argued in favor of that and it obviously goes against the non-aggression principle.

  7. 1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

    In other words, you prefer the stereotypes and have no time for women that don't conform to your ideal.


    It will come as a horrible suprise to you to learn that many women are very intelligent, and can see the hypocrisy in your 'argument' ?.  I've no doubt that most men can also see the hypocrisy.


    But I suspect you are instigating an argument ( I wouldn't dare suggest you are trolling.... as this is far from encouraged on TV).


    You may (possibly - ha ha) be horrified by the Danish parliament decision to ban the wearing of face veils in public - so argue this point, as it's the topic.


    Funnily enough most women around the world prefer those stereotypes too ? Muslim women, from the second largest religion in the world(fastest growing too) would beg to differ with the white knights here.


    Who said anything about intelligence? Are you sure you have the right argument?


    There's nothing hypocritical about my position. But if you think there is I'd be happy to clear that up for you.




  8. 1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I'm (almost) at a loss for words!


    Presumably you have a problem with "unruly women we have in the West", and prefer they behave quietly and subserviently - as is usual for  most Moslem women?


    Do you also feel that Western and Moslem men should behave as demurely/wear veils etc.?  After all, the good-looking males may arouse erotic passions amongst the female gender!


    Anyway, this is off-topic and, personally, I applaud Denmark.

    The reason why Islam is never going to be stopped and will continue to grow is because of the respect for gender roles(specifically the role of women). Muslim women LOVE and embrace their femininity and roles as women in the family and community. Most women prefer such gender roles and all I'm suggesting is that we get back to that in the West.


    Men and women aren't the same, we play different roles in the world so why would men wear veils?

    • Confused 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You have it wrong. In Saudi, women voluntarily wear the things, and even wear 2 layers so no man can look on their face. They also wear gloves so no man can see their skin.

    It might be a shock to you, but not all Muslim men are fanatics about controlling their women, and some of them have perfectly "normal" marriages, and even love their female family members.


    Unlike many of the unruly women we have in the West, Muslim women know to keep themselves in check. As much as I dislike Islam there are SOME respectable practices and values in that religion.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    Many women are raped by their husbands, it still goes on these days... 


    Lets look at the USA, Harvey Weinstein, just the tip of the Ice Burg sleep with your boss if you want to keep your job, his choice to wear a condom or not.


    One thing for sure the exit poles are indicating that those of the faith who attend mass tomorrow are in for a hell of a bible thumping sermon on "the damnation of hell"

    This is not an issue of rape and you know it.


    The majority of women getting abortions aren't raped. They're irresponsible.


    And I don't know what our discussion has to do with religion. It sounds like you have some unresolved issues with one religion in particular. Might want to get that figured out.

    • Sad 2
  11. 21 hours ago, attrayant said:


    Do I need to subscribe to your newsletter to find out what they are?  Why not list a few here?

    It was my bedtime.


    For starters women can stop choosing weak men to reproduce with.

    Secondly, we can stop feminizing(weakening) men as that only results in anger and resentment and a weakening of the family from the top down. The vast majority of these shooters either don't have a father or their father is weak, so these kids become emotional due to primarily being raised by the mother, identifying with her instead of the father.


    It's a terrible cycle that we keep repeating. Women with bad fathers and unresolved daddy issues seek weak men, they have kids and the cycle continues.

    We see it everywhere, but very few people seem to really care. Amazin'!

  12. Just now, attrayant said:


    Supposing, just for the sake of argument, that this is the root of the issue.  What do you suggest we do about it?  Is there a legislative solution to the problem of having a "weak father"?

    No amount of legislation can cure the problem of weak men.

    The problem is dealt with in the home first and foremost. And there is plenty we can do to fix the problem!

  13. 26 minutes ago, DM07 said:

    Translation: you are talking out of a very dark place!

    You even twisted my words: I didn't say "leave the child to fend for itself" (I was saying "leave the mother/ family to fend for themselves), yet that is where your argument went!

    Also, you claim not to be religious- so tell me: what has "waiting until marriage" have to do with ANYTHING?

    Irresponsible women...lose men...


    Either you are just a troll or you are very, very confused!

    That's a legitimate mistake on my end. I wasn't trying to twist your words, I misquoted you. My apologies.


    Tell me, what does waiting until marriage have to do with religion? Can I not be an atheist and wait until marriage?? Or do I magically become religious upon waiting until marriage?


    Irresponsible women and lose men is right!!


    Not a troll at all, you just can't handle my differences of opinion pal.

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