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Posts posted by DennisF

  1. I find it a little disturbing that nearly all of those who were murdered today are foreigners. Only one was from Indonesia.

    This sounds political or worse still religiously motivated to me.

    Rubbish. This is about people who destroy the lives of others.

    Usually, I am 100% behind your posts but on this you are wrong. ( My opinion)

    They have laws and. mules, or the big guy, are vermin and not to be classed as human.

    Death was quick, which is more than can be said for their victims.

    I fell on hard times many years ago but, as I lost my only nephew on his 21st birthday to these scum ( or maybe Im just human),

    I did not resort to drug pushing and I had many opportunities to do so.

    I think the Indonesian law rocks.

  2. I wonder if TV as well as Coconuts are ready for the huge lawsuit on their hands.

    Andrew Bigs is a very public figure and makes serious money from his endoresements. Since I doubt that he has endorsed the useage of his image for this article, expect a huge lawsuit of defamation of character.

    As for the article. Why not just say Thai doctors have made a knock off generic version of Propecia.

    I have a cure for male pattern baldness also it is called castration. These chemical treatments have huge side effects and impotency is one of them. I guess if you are mixing Human Growth Hormones, viagra and this just to have a normal life, you are pretty screwed.

    I take it no pun was intended?

  3. If it's true that the Finnish man left and returned with a knife all bets are off. I'd rather be shot than stabbed. A knife cuts a wide swath with a good change of hitting a vital artery or organ.

    If that's true about the knife I don't blame the Brits and as reported Thais for stopping the guy. The more the better.

    "The witnesses said both Thais and foreigners stepped in to stop the brawl."

    It just shows that ANY nationality can gang up on others and its not an exclusive Thai thing like some foreigners like to believe.

    So if someone attacked your friend with a knife you wouldnt do anything? American ( lets generalise eh}??

  4. Have to agree that for value and taste, Buriram pies win hands down, meat or fruit.

    Lady Pies at Villa also good value but pricey compared to Buriram but equally tasty.

    Butcher in Pattaya is nowhere near the quality of either and service is curt and unfriendly, IMHO.

  5. What more do you expect from a pathetic country like this.

    Now if you just happen to have photo of a bottle beer in your menu it's a different story.You feel the full power of the law.

    Why does someone always have to have an opportunist dig at Thailand on every topic?

    Its feeble, Thailand has many problems, including the Tiger Temple, but every country

    in the World has its own issues. Let it be, please.

    • Like 1
  6. Buddhists, and monks no less, are fighting because they want to keep their "revenue generating" scam going? On how many levels does this go against their core beliefs?

    I thought one of the main teaching of Buddha was to do away with worldly possessions and not covet money?

    What a bunch of hypocrites!!! As are the leaders of most religions. Scammers and parasites, nothing less.

    How much are these agencies getting paid to back down?

    You probably don't practice the religion you were born in

    In fact I believe your type just hates all reigions

    I will pray for your soul


    Nobody is born into a religion.

    Thats stupid.

    People choose, are converted or are forced into a religion, not born.

  7. Have a middle aged divorced lady do some gardening for us once a week ....5 hrs for Bt300.......she says it's so hard to survive without extra work......

    She usually brings here 3 teen daughters to help her....all 4 of them have smart phones!!

    So, you get 20 man (or woman) hours work for 300Bht?? Thats just half the minimum wage.

    Must be all the cash you altruistically toss their way that has made them rich.

  8. Sometimes I do have a laugh with some of the Nation's articles.

    What has to do the Thais income with elections this year?

    I do understand that they are in trouble as they have no sense of financial responsibilities and they borrow money as there is no tomorrow,

    but elections or not elections will not help them.

    Some education could help them, but this is also too late.

    Hard to manage finances on less than 15k a month.

    And that's the Thais with educations.

    Without education less than 300bht/day,

    I think I would give up too.

    There is an old saying, "You should cut your coat according to your cloth".

    Many Thai people survive on 15K or less per month, but it gives them little leeway if they insist on having the latest smartphone or the biggest widescreen TV. As a farang, I would find it almost impossible to manage on that amount, but there are many on this forum who have said they have done so, and good for them.

    As long as people are conned into buying the latest whatever by borrowing money, they will be in debt.

    H.M. the King advocated a sufficiency economy and many rural Thais try and follow his wisdom.

    Their choices are what exactly?

  9. Geez they never heard of bumping a car outta the way i seen many a time 2 security doing such a practice, and have had to do myself with the assistance of 1 or 2 other people.

    With the handbrake on? I don't believe you.

    Not easy but it can be done with 2 or 3 strong guys..

    Handbrake locks the back wheels only.

    However, if car not in neutral... impossible.

  10. I do find it strange that Widodo asked for clemency, when he refuses to do the same

    You can almost guarantee this poor woman was certainly physically, if not sexually, abused to the point of losing her mind.

    It is sadly common in this part of the world - there are no labour laws protecting housemaids, and they are frequently overworked, starved, beaten and sexually abused.

    If they get paid, they are lucky.

    Slightly different to a bunch of Aussies willfully breaking the laws of Indonesia by smuggling drugs, don't you think?

    Yes it's different, she murdered a guy in cold blood, the drug smugglers didn't kill anyone.

    Convicted murderers often use sob stories that they are victims.

    So drug smugglers do not contribute to untold deaths every year, including children??

    What planet are you on?

  11. I'm more concerned after 8 years here that the OP doesn't speak any Thai.

    Ive been here over 10 and my Thai is terrible too although I know many words.

    Perhaps you should make allowances for people who, like me, are tone deaf and the tones of many Asian languages are lost on us.

    I do speak English, Russian and Spanish fluently though so Im not thick!

  12. I, like many others, wait patiently for the British autopsy to truly find out the cause of this tragic death. That being said, below quite clearly shows a mix that in my unprofessional opinion could prove deadly.


    The toxicology report would provide the details necessary to determine cause of death. They're just not releasing it to the media, and why should they? When you run a toxicology report, it gives you the concentration of alcohol and drugs in the blood. A medical examiner could then rely upon that data to determine whether it more than likely caused her death. A British autopsy won't yield anything more, just as sending British investigators into Koh Tao revealed no new facts about the unrelated case the Brits keep yapping about on this thread.

    You seem intent on facts so lets be clear:

    The Brits sent observers not investigators.

    Do you think we should all stop yapping about suspicious and incompetent investigators??

  13. According to the conspiracy theorists on this forum she has been murdered in cold blood, and Nomsod probably did it. And a biopsy will not be accepted because a Thai will conclude she died of natural causes or a mix of alcohol and drugs. The forensic doctor is working close with the mafia family on the island so this is another cover up.

    This is what the conspiracy theorists will tell you when any foreigner dies on this island.

    There are scenarios where they could be correct.

    Not this one, although....Thai will conclude she died of natural causes or a mix of alcohol and drugs... cannot be credible as it was a potential crime scene that was not visited by forensics before being re let within 15 minutes.

    It is the despicable manner in which the authorities and residents conduct themselves which is vulgar and primitive that gets people theorising.

  14. A group of guys attacked someone. Why are their nationalities so important in this assault?

    You know that many on this forum cannot resist a gratuitous bit of "Brit bashing"........

    It's fair game, the Brits did bash the French first wink.png

    Thats because the French surrender their capital without firing a shot.

    Probably all in the shower... NOT!

  15. Now then please explain what use it is to post the link to the German lady FB page. Last I read in this thread yesterday is that Christina's FB page has been removed, but as I'm pretty ignorant about everything FB, I hope you want to forward me a link to the page.

    Ok so here goes:

    The link to the German girl was provided so skeptics could see who made the post. I would imagine the reason she posted it to Christina's facebook page was to alert her family and friends. I dont know if Christina facebook page is still live or not??

    I find it telling that as soon as something comes up that may discredit in anyway the RTP investigation to this then the usual posters come along to try derail it, very strange

    So I take it that if I post on Christina's FB page that I was in the same hotel and we shared the bucket of Tramadol and whatever she took with it, I will be considered credible?

    You say the most banal, bizzare, ridiculous and moronic things, attempting to hide behind pseudo intellectualism.

    Flash: It is not working, no one is impressed.

  16. To be fair, it is looking more and more like a tragic accident.

    That being said it does not excuse the manner ion which the death was attempted to be kept as quiet as possible, nor the way the RTP and the person of influence owner dealt with the situation.

    Neither does it give any credibility to the RTP apologists and trolls who try to derail every criticism of the authorities. Obviously they have had their attitude adjustment course and passed with flying colours. Happiness personified no doubt.

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