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Posts posted by DennisF

  1. Just on the fakebook page that is not a credible information source despite the fact that it reports news 24 hoursd or more before TVF there is a post from someone who claims to have been there when the young lady was removed from her room.

    States the room was then re-occupied within 10 minutes.

    Find this hard to believe and cannot trace the supposed fb page of the poster, maybe wants to remain unknown!

    So, it appears that the young lady may well have died from medicines and alcohol, which is not natural causes and the room would then be a sealed off crime scene until the death had been further investigated. ( Naturally, this is civilised world scenario, not normal RTP procedure, certainly not for the death island magnificent 7)

    So, if this was the case, why was the person of influence who owns the guest house allowed to re let the room??

    Did I just answer my own question?

  2. <snip> "pithy" comments deleted.

    <snip>Sigh. More "pithy" comments deleted.

    It seems to be such a common occurrence that it hardly raises an eyebrow anymore.

    Agreed....you are not sure whether to laugh at the guy's foolishness,

    or to feel sorry for him.

    How about compassion for the fellow's feelings, maybe he really did like her and the trash box ditched him for a higher bidder; this is what these Thai trailer-trash-bags do. They also join these online dating sites looking for the aforementioned highest bidder or what these fools are called in western nations, 'buy-a-bride' men. It doesn't stop there...economies, immigration, social and political issues are affected by relocating these women (use the term loosely) into other countries and soon after bringing their families ...yuk.

    How about hes old enough to know better?

    It is PATTAYA... famous for low life hookers who will scam and steal at every opportunity..

    oh... maybe she was different, whaddya think?

  3. I also heard the same as Pink Panther in that local journalists reported that the lady was discovered dead in none other than In touch resort, owned by the infamous Mon.. Obviously some sources TV forum approve of to confirm are thin on the ground. In time I think, although incredibly odd with the delay in the reporting considering the ongoing KT case with the Burmese lads

    Yes CSI were first with the news through their contacts on KT, 9 hours ago, and sure its them that have said she was found naked in the resort owned by Mon, "In Touch" Local officials are saying its a drug overdose according to them. Yea of course what else............

    What else.......may be


    'Died of natural causes'

    We are hearing that tragic Christina is thought to have died of natural causes.

    The 23-year-old, who was well known in political circles, was on a four month trip around South East Asia when she passed away.

    The Foreign Office has confirmed the death of a British National in Thailand and is providing support to the family.

    Starting with the headline Died of natural causes is typical of your apologist stance and unwillingness to accept any criticism of the authorities.

    THOUGHT is a big word.

    Nobody KNOWS yet.

    Lets leave the headlines until we have credible autopsy results.

    Maybe never if left up to this country to perform.

  4. Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

    This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

    You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

    And not forgetting the Swiss diver whose autopsy results have not been made publlc =6

    An island with a registered population of less than 2000 and six suspicious deaths of visitors in 1 year?

  5. My friend just returned from Death Rock and states it is as dead as a dodo in comparison to other years.

    He has been going there for 12 years for the diving.

    His thoughts were that there is certainly a different and uncomfortable atmosphere everywhere.

    The bars on sairee seem to have become locals hangouts.. few tourists and other bars are subdued.

    Why he went I dont know.. habit maybe.

    The tourist trade on this island is in its death throes and rightly so.

    This last so called suicide will help to put the cap on this cesspit.

    • Like 1
  6. Lol, it is amazing to see people calling Koh Tao "Island of death", or even suggesting nuking the place. I'm pretty sure most of those people are backpacker hating Pattaya resident sexpats, or probably spent a lot of time at Pattaya at some part of their lifes. Pattaya, which is famous for murders happening on a weekly basis. Pattaya, which has not only the local mafia, but also mafias from around the world, like Russian mafia, Arab mafia, Turkish mafia etc. And yet you never hear those backpacker hating sexpats bashing Pattaya.

    The murders at Koh Tao was big news, because it is so rare. Murders at Pattaya aren't big news, because it happens so much that it doesn't have a news value. You want to nuke a place, fine, then go for Pattaya. An incredible amount of scum would be wiped out of earth and Thailand's murder rates would drop instantly.

    Couldn't agree more with this....

    Backpackers do my head in but so do bloated, drooling, pervert sexpats... and Pattaya is a dive...

    Flick the switch...

    Its refreshing to see we are not being judgemental or generalising about other human beings whilst we discuss the death of this poor guy.

    • Like 1
  7. Interestingly enough it is not uncommon for people to tie their hands behind their back before hanging themselves -- some also tape or cover their mouths. It is a way to make sure they go through with the act and don't try to free themselves or scream out.

    Speculation JTJ - look at the photos, read the above posts that describe the scene, and then post something relevant to this death.

    It was only a matter of time before TVs very own RTP shill and Koh Tao apologist turned up.

    Do not feed the troll.

    And who are you? You have some facts to offer ?

    I yet have not heard enything else then rumours. Yet you and moust idiots have it all solved and nuking the island, good point there about Pattaya and Phuket wich i believe moust of you commenting live with your rent girlfriends drinking chang and making world more stupid one comment by time.

    And the difference in population between the island of death and the other resorts mentioned are??

    I apologise most sincerely that the thinking members cannot accept someone tying one hand behind his back with knots that take 2 hands

    to accomplish and call his death suicide.

    Face it: Your little island kingdom of corruption rape and death is finished as far as tourism is concerned, grow some crops and go fishing if you need to eat.

    But be careful of running into psychopaths, its a danger everywhere you know.

  8. When a person's mind is biased, he\she would never see the truth.

    And biased minds we see a dime a dozen.

    Very philosophical, Im sure this will bring real value to the thread.

    So whats your point now youve done a copy and paste to impress us all??

    The point is that you and the gang are all biased . Where is the truth ? Not on Thaivisa , thats for sure,

    Thank you for clarifying what someone else meant, we were all confused.

    If the truth is not here, why are you constantly trolling?

  9. When a person's mind is biased, he\she would never see the truth.

    And biased minds we see a dime a dozen.

    Very philosophical, Im sure this will bring real value to the thread.

    So whats your point now youve done a copy and paste to impress us all??

    The point is that you and the gang are all biased . Where is the truth ? Not on Thaivisa , thats for sure,

    And Blabo returns purely to tell us what someone else means, obviously in an biased fashion as he is so open minded about this case.

  10. Just another 2 little facts

    Sean said in that panicked facebook post ' It was the owner of the AC bar that did it'

    He has since said he was refering to his own imminent death BUT no native English speaker would used the words did or done to describe a future event..

    As it transpired he did not know the headman but did know Mon who manges the AC bar for his brother its not a stretch to assume he was speaking about Mon.

    The second one is that he is reported to have borrowed the phone of the shop assistant to post to facebook and contact Sky News.

    Where was his phone, could it be one of the phones the police have?

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