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Posts posted by DennisF

  1. I lived in Spain for many years before LOS and even the best supermarkets there were sporadically stocked. I think it's down to availability to them combined maybe with uncertain shipping times.

    Same here as Spain, if I see it I stock up as it might not be there tomorrow.

    I too lived in Spain fore many years ( Banus area) and there was a sporadic stocking issue sure, but not to the same extent we have here, I dont think.

    I guess its jai yen and sabai!!

    Will look for nearest Foodland to Lad Krabang and hope!

  2. I know there is a supply demand problem here so when I see something that is difficult to get regularly I buy most or all of it. My wife is amazed at how much stuff we have stored.

    Sounds as if we finally located the problem biggrin.png

    Spot on, that busterds probably got my wine, custard powder, syrup and all the other things my larder is missing.

  3. What's the best way to find out whether you live in a "Banana Republic" or not? Answer: If the stores even run out of Bananas occasionally, you know that you live in a "Banana Republic".


    Wow, that is so intellectually analised before reaching a less than obvious concluding statement.

    Thank you so much for your geniotic contribution.

  4. Thailand has a very antiquated supply-chain system which often results in "out-of-stock" problems. Mom-and-pop stores suffer the most from this, but large box retailers do as well.

    7-11 is the only chain retailer whose inventory management system really shines.

    Slowly getting better, but a degree of flexibility is needed when grocery shopping in Thailand.

    Disagree entirely.

    A degree of flexibility by the consumer means the supermarkets will continue their inefficiency.

    The only way forward is to boycott them and buy elsewhere.

    Maybe then they will wake up.... maybe

    Buy elsewhere - which country would that be? It sure would not be any other outlet in Thailand.

    You miss the point. Buy from another supermarket and if many pepole do the same their takings will decrease.

    Ridiculous to bring another country into the equation.

  5. Thailand has a very antiquated supply-chain system which often results in "out-of-stock" problems. Mom-and-pop stores suffer the most from this, but large box retailers do as well.

    7-11 is the only chain retailer whose inventory management system really shines.

    Slowly getting better, but a degree of flexibility is needed when grocery shopping in Thailand.

    from the 3 yoghurts I like are often 3 out of stock, one I didn't even know they stock for a while, because it is rarely there....Sometimes even the Heineken is out of stock.

    Frequently the ice.

    That is a shame for a chain like 7/11, as the branches could help each other.....If there is no Heineken and the new supply comes in 24 hours, what other than bureaucracy hinders them to take 5 bottles from the next branch which is anyway only 500 meter away.

    But there are worse than 7/11...

    7-11 is a franchise.

    If the shop 500m away is out oif stock...som nam na..we can sell to your customer.

    7-11 is possibly the most efficient retailer but... thew franchises are real sheeet in the small print... I looked and walked away

  6. Thailand has a very antiquated supply-chain system which often results in "out-of-stock" problems. Mom-and-pop stores suffer the most from this, but large box retailers do as well.

    7-11 is the only chain retailer whose inventory management system really shines.

    Slowly getting better, but a degree of flexibility is needed when grocery shopping in Thailand.

    Disagree entirely.

    A degree of flexibility by the consumer means the supermarkets will continue their inefficiency.

    The only way forward is to boycott them and buy elsewhere.

    Maybe then they will wake up.... maybe

  7. I buy a number of items from here and spend around 8-9k a month there. Not much but significant if multiplied by many farangs given the issues

    I am leaning very heavily to avoiding the place.

    I like to buy boxed wines because of their low cost (comparative), ease of transportation and because I dont have to shop so much!

    I also like to buy a number of English/American products.

    My problem is ( and I am sure many have the same) is that there is no consistency of stocking.

    I chose the boxed wine as an example because the particular one I prefer has been out of stock for many months and yet, when it is in stock, it seems to fly out the door, giving excellent returns for the supermarket, I'm sure.

    The list, however, encompasses cereals, preserves, flours and a number of other things.

    Does anyone else have the same issue with this supermarket?

    Questioning the staff brings the inevitable mai roo.

    Second point to my post is: Where in Bangkok can I find a good selection of boxed red wines ( preferably Australian or Chilean)

    Thanks guys.

  8. If you accept the casualty figures stated I would observe that a 20:1 ratio of Isis terrorists to special forces personnel is in line with what I'd expect. It does demonstrate what could be done to ISIS if the political will were there.

    I would like to see a politician leading the next assault, but, I wont hold my breath waiting.

  9. rip.

    Russians could have done better. now they(russians) are fixing this mess that could have been fixed years ago.

    I don't understand why we pay so much in tax and we do nothing. Russia is conducting now 7 times more missions than the USA.

    God bless Russia

    Thank you so much for pointing out that this young man could have lived if the Russians had indiscriminately carpet bombed the place.

    Im sure his parents will be heartened by your message in their time of grief, albeit mixed with pride for their heroic son.

    Do you have any respect?

    God bless Russia??

    Do you know Russia and its people??

    I lived there and had a Russian wife, believe me, Bless Russia, whoever your imaginary creator is, is inappropriate, to say the least.

  10. Just another example of he that shall be obeyed without question's intellect.

    Yet another nail in the coffin of this administration, which is starting to look like an Indian Fakir's bed.

    More and more Thai people are being systematically, ( possibly not intentionally), deprived of their living and innocent pleasures.( No BS from the alcohol lobby please)

    This can only lead to yet more discontent in a country where its people are being forced into 'happiness'.

    NK, here we come, step by step by step.

  11. 'Starbucks plans to appeal.' There's a surprise. 'The EU executive is still investigating similar deals agreed by Apple and Amazon.'

    Well, I imagine there is little chance of Cameron and Osborne doing their duty and ensuring that Starbucks, Amazon, et al, pay their due UK taxes, even if not looking happy. But then, an even EU playing field should mean the UK government being compelled to revisit its cosy corporate tax deals.

    Agreed , but then neither Cameron nor Osborne are fir for purpose either.

    There should be a warehouse where we can return faulty politicians but, the local taxes would be too high for such a large place.

  12. Europe is No place for these illegal migrants , especially those posing as Refugees , they will have no intention of returning to their country , neither will they assimilate in Europe . A number of EU member states have not pledged to take a quota of the migrants , which they have every right to do .

    Most of the migrants want to go to Germany or one of the other more prosperous countries , where they believe social services to be generous . The EU has done nothing to protect Europe or halt this unwanted invasion of lesser humanity , but still looks to member states to accommodate these people .

    Volunteers are not coming forward to police and staff the initial assessment centres in Greece and Italy that are overwhelmed . This devastating crisis has sapped the unity and solidarity from member states and could be the beginning of the end for the EU .

    Let us hope so, started as the common market with honourable intentions and purpose and turned into a wannabe fascist style dictatatorship intent on stealing sovereign power away from its members.

    The end cannot come soon enough.

  13. Delegating? nope, never heard of it and yep all of it has gone way over my head, you just keep your head in the sand fella...

    ps I hope everything is safe enough for you today

    So you actually heard of it and never thought that they would do the same in Thailand. Wow.. you got the knowledge and refuse to use it. Sounds like your a lost cause.

    Or you just love to complain and write B.S even though you know better

    I let others be the judge of what you actually are.

    He said he NEVER heard of it so your first insult was just venom.

    Your should be you're.

    Complaining or writing facts?

    You are judging, not leaving it to others.

    As for red shirt followers, do not put me in that camp with your vivid imagination.

    I call things as I see them, and the self anointed should get relevant education before taking on tasks they are clearly unsuited to.

  14. I agree with many comments here, especially the police lack of involvement bringing the guilty to account.

    On a positive note I had the opportunity to look at a very large transport company and its policies this week and I was pleasantly surprised to examine their

    vehicle/driver tracking system and learn their company policy was 3 speeding offences ( shown on computer with a maximum speed of 65kph) and the driver lost his/her job.

    This is a real step in the right direction.

    If only we could extend this to tachographs and limited driving hours, trucks would be so much safer.

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