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Posts posted by DennisF

  1. I this topic going to be a record breaker???

    Now over 5200 posts in less than 20 days and if the trail ends in October that another 60 day plus, that going to be 20,000 plus posts... probably a lot higher. coffee1.gif

    It will surely be a record on the level of male-farang-ego-masturbating...

    The synthesis of 5000 posts is:

    1. B2 are scapegoats, police is corrupt and protects the real killer(s)

    2. B2 are guilty, police did a good job, end of story

    Nearly all other posts in between are nothing more than believers against non-believers, both trying to show (off) how smart party A is and how stupid party B, all covered in a tsunami of speculations, presumptions, and self-fulfilling prophecies.

    It's not about the victims or the suspects, it's mainly about egotism.


    Erm.. I clicked like as I share your sentiments but.. i is egoism.. not egotism. Sorry.. I'm not really grammar police.

  2. Watching but not posting as the thread is going around in circles and the theories are getting even more bizzare.

    Some interesting things have occurred though: JTJ has gone from nid noi credibility to absolute zero with his posting of links that are years out of date and his constant thumping on about what the victims families said months ago, asserting that they knew more than anyone else does. How does he know that? Did he see the evidence they were shown or was he just speculating? I do hope he is not going to start a conspiracy theory based on this.For his information the last statement made by the families declared they were keeping an open mind, so maybe a shift there?

    JD seems to have all but abandoned ship, maybe to make way for the new GB who types at great length with little knowledge of the case, mistake after mistake but he does get a lot of words in those posts, mostly condescending and pseudo-intellectual, perhaps trying to prove he can write. Not sure. Maybe he could spend some time advising his 3 daughters of the dangers of backpacking in Asia rather than spending 24/7 on this thread.

    Balo shoots himself in the foot and we forgive him because if we read the rest of his post, he was ‘serious’ in what he wrote. OK then..

    The trial is where the action is and it has been quite revealing.

    The altercation between the defence team and ‘senior’ police officers outside the courtroom speaks volumes about the strength, or lack of strength, of the prosecution case and it appears that running scared might well be a good phrase to describe the prosecution and RTP at this point.

    Sad really, as I thing the majority of RTP do try to do a good job but the patronage system flooks everything up for them.

    Edit for spelling. Bad boy.

  3. Forget the CCTV images for now - is there actual witness proof or other photographic proof that Nomsod (Freshmilk) was on the island at the time?

    As has been reported in the news there is zero credible evidence that has been reported that shows he was on the island and whole bunch to show he was not but don't let that prevent the theorists from coming up with scenarios where he was on the island and then further make up reasons why he would have committed these crimes all to get to their real issue which is they are angry that they believe the headsman carries a lot of weight on the island. Would almost seem the anger is coming from insecurity and jealousy when looking at this case and there be absolutely nothing to indicate his son had any involvement in the crime and some are going to the most outrageous and laughable speculation, theories and conspiracies to pin it on him even if it means the actual murdering rapists go free.

    Plus Nomsod had his DNA Tested and proved it did not match with Hannah's, which has cleared several other suspects in the past, including other Migrant Workers. .

    All tests were done at establishments that are not certified or qualified for criminal DNA testing. At best he had a paternity type test.

    But let us not spoil the anti-conspiracy train with truth, lets use phrases like 'credible evidence' to confuse and convince.


  4. I cant help it... I visit maybe 3-4 times a year for short breaks and I still find it non-threatening and fun.

    Prices have increased over the last 10 years, certainly, but still an affordable place for most.

    Cesspit, dirty and all the other negative adjectives could be used for many cities and hotels in many countries.

    The writer is a jerk, imagining and guessing for a few dollars of print with no regard to the truth. Maybe there is a spot on a Thai rag he could fill.

  5. Just to throw into the mix: When asked his views Sean MCMystery said words to the effect :

    "Check which 3 people did not come to work at the *** bar the next day."

    It was at this time there was much speculation about 2 bouncers at this bar, one referred to as 'shark tooth ring.'

    Reports stated that they both left the island that day.

    Very little has been said about them since.

    Just a reminder.

    Where are they now I wonder?

  6. The venue blamed nefarious influences of foreign culture, well-known to lack Thailand’s indigenous purity.

    A manager of the entertainment venue told Thairath Online they have visited the nurse association with a grocery basket to apologize on Friday, claiming they were only following foreign examples.

    Damn Farangs, again!

    No, be fair, if it happened in farangistan we would have taken a basket of Tesco specials as apology too..... wouldn't we?

  7. Its not fair to tar the whole of Thailand for something that happened in a small island run by so called mafia.

    I guess it's just the idea that one day, one could be murdered by a Thai and nothing happens to the perp as they haves connections. Could happen anywhere in Thailand.

    I hear what you are saying but it is not just Thailand.

    Even in the UK there is an ongoing investigation into the Paedo ring where children were abused and allegedly murdered.

    The people accused of these crimes are and were influential and seem to be getting away with it.

    A difference in the Kho Tao case is the social media and international attention it is getting.

    Unpunished murders perpetrated by "people of influence" happens all over the World, unfortunately.

    All that being said I do believe the B2 are innocent, based on the evidence I am aware of, and also that there is protection of the real murderers

    from someone or some people of "even greater influence".

    I do not subscribe to many of the conspiracy theories, too many holes and too much guesswork but, something smells so follow the money.

  8. Tempers are fraying and speculation regarding these murders is becoming a little too graphic in description.

    Should we not consider that the families of the victims are already trauimatised by viewing the photos in court without TV posters

    continually reminding them of the details?

    Whether we are willing to admit it or not, there ARE some really good policemen in Thailand who care about policing properly, this case

    involves those with more "influence" than the regular policeman.

    Thailand is also still a beautiful country and as a long time resident I too can say that I have never had any serious problems here, and I get around a bit.

    Its not fair to tar the whole of Thailand for something that happened in a small island run by so called mafia.

  9. I've not seen anyone or any report suggesting the hoe was not used to inflict the horrendous injuries to Hannah. But what has been reported is that there is a possibility that she was shot first and the hoe was then used in an attempt to cover the evidence.

    Some posters may not fully understand how intense of a weapon a Thai-style hoe can be. This hoe-as-weapon topic was discussed in depth - back in Sept/Oct, but perhaps we have some newbies here who need a refresher. In the US, the Asian type of hoe would be called a 'corn-row hoe'. It's considerably bigger, thicker, and heavier than your average farang-type hoe. If a user wants to crack rocks or cement, he uses the back end of it. That's yet another reason, if more were needed, why the RTP reenactment was faulty. They had the flummoxed Burmese guy acting like he was using the sharp end of the hoe. Any Asian wielding that hoe as a weapon would have used the blunt end - it's harder to deflect, and more damaging to a body.

    Article in Sun would have been more credible if they hadn't made such a blatant mistake as posting the wrong picture of Hannah and David.

    I think you're wrong. r u referring to the pic at taken at the bar, in the upper left corner? That's them. And it reinforces the assertion that most observers have: that D and H weren't a romantic couple, but rather were friends. Evidence indicates, David left the bars earlier than Hannah. After getting to his room, be conversed with Chris Ware, and decided to go out and look for Hannah, because he was concerned for her well-being. Earlier, he had probably seen one or more local guys coming on to her intensely. By the time David found her, at the rocks at the south end of the beach, it was crunch time, and the rest is sad history we're trying to unravel here in these posts. It would be nice to get assistance, in gauging what really happened, from RTP detectives, but they're proving to be as useful as a pig fart is to jet propulsion. Brit experts are no better, thus far.

    Well put and I think this is probably what happened. I doubt they were 'at it' on the beach but it was made to look that way.

    Being that they were British victims, what I don't understand is that there was very likely a British subject involved or witnessed this murder. So in that case why didn't the British police bring him in for interrogation?

    do not know who or who has not been questioned by the British police.

    Stay tuned and try not to jump to conclusions.

    I have it on very good authority that the team sent to Thailand were heavyweights and the cv of the crime scene detective is

    impressive, as are the cv's of the other "observers".

    My apologies, I cannot give more details than that but I sincerely believe there is more than 1 smoking gun.

    Maybe the defence team are just playing the most obvious one... for now.

  10. I wonder if any of the suspects (and not just the 2B) are left-handed? Looking at the major wound and the rocks around the body, the perpetrator probably was standing to the left side when the skull was fractured. The wide wound is consistent with the wide blade of a hoe- it could certainly be compared to see if it matched.. The angled break in the skull would seem to indicate that the blow was struck at a downward angle from the left. It would be difficult for a RH person to strike that blow (try it). The angle of the fracture and the rocks above her body indicate that the blow was not struck from a person standing above her head. The blood spatter on the rock to her right would seem to indicate the the blow was struck at that location, not that the body was moved from another location. Detailed CS pics would make these determinations easier, but they appear to have been lost, due to "...lack of money...".

    Was there ever a re-enactment of the crime? Would be interesting to see how the re-enactor handled the hoe

    Actually, there was an re-enactment of the crime, and photos clearly showed the police directing the totally clueless boys as to what to do. And they used a metal dustpan for the hoe. The whole thing was a completely staged set up by the BIB.

    Correct I have a picture of it

    attachicon.gifKEYSTONE cops.jpg

    Good photoshop.

    Just about sums up the whole case for the prosecution,

    thanks for sharing

  11. Jim Walker

    'another Thailand trial for the world to watch'.....What world? In the country where I live...I have never heard mention of this story, nor anything about the murder of the young English couple and certainly nothing about the trial. I seem to remember something about the Aus surrogate business. It hit the news for a few minutes. But most of these things only interest people who live in Thailand or the countries of the foreigner concerned. I only know because of this forum. Most people in most countries aren't at all interested in what goes on in the rest of the world.

    What country do you live?

  12. On the Sean debate it is interesting that he was supposedly interviewed after his runner to Italy by a UK newspaper.

    An interview that never got to see the light of day. Maybe because he said very little or maybe because the newspaper was

    asked by the UK authorities not to print it yet. Who knows?

    Also interesting is the emotional words Sean uses to describe his "friend" David yet just hours after David was brutally murdered

    his "friend" Sean was hosting a pub crawl just a few hundred metres from where Davids body was found.

    Whether Sean is "involved" or just a witness is anyones guess but it certainly appears that he has information that could help one side or the other.

  13. 70 pages and plenty of already turned over earth with just a smidging of nuggets worth reading.

    SadpersoninAsia continues his petulance and adds nothing and JTJ has changed from issuing statements in support of

    the RTP to making farcical and badly written insults. You disapoint me JTJ, I had you marked down as a bit sharper than that.

    Attacks on Crabby are also without foundation as he has always related facts and opinion, not taking the fence stake out of his posterior,

    fence sitting and observations to enrage others are his hobbies!

    Overall the trial seems to be going exactly the way many expected, all we do not know is whether it will collapse or blunder on with the inevitable guilty verdict at the end of it.

    Brits have something but what it is, we do not know nor do we know what kind of evidence the "foreigner" will bring to the trial.

    But will any of the "new" or contradictory evidence really matter in this trial?

    We can only hope.

  14. Forget Thaksin Thailand !! ....... move on ...

    Yeah forget the thousands murdered in his war on drugs.

    Forget his attempts to buy off judges.

    Forget the violence he allegedly funded when Bangkok was occupied.

    Forget his culpability in the disaster that was the rice scheme, the attempts he made to subvert democratic procedures to get his amnesty, his refusal to cease his flight from justice and serve his gaol time.

    Too many times have the criminal actions of leaders from the past been forgotten or swept under the carpet.

    The result is the corrupt, greedy, criminally self serving politicians who know they can do as they will with very little chance of facing the consequences

    Forget the nice airport.

    Forget the 30 baht per visit medical program.

    Forget the one village, one product program.

    Forget the farmer's low-interest agricultural loans.

    Forget Government Lottery for education.

    Forget reducing poverty from 21.3% to 11.3%.

    Forget partially privatizing MCOT and increasing freedom of speech.

    Forget the low interest rate Student Loan Fund (SLF).

    Forget the economic recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

    Forget balancing the national budget and producing fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005.

    Forget wholesale power pool competition in the energy markets.

    Forget doubling foreign exchange reserves.

    Forget the crackdown on mafia crime.

    Have to disagree.

    Airport is sh1t.

    Everything else seems fine.

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