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Posts posted by KhnomKhnom

  1. Typist says............. ", but, where I come from constructive criticism is considered a tool used to build a better life with fewer errors." Well, son, you come from the wrong place to live in comfort in Thailand. Thailand culture does not at all work that way. You will never change it to "where you come from." Your very effort to change it is an insult to Thai culture, and you just LOST FACE by writing that.

  2. The really big headline from last Friday's speech is the General's statement that it may take two or three generations to rid Thailand of the culture of corruption.

    WOW, that is some well informed and deep analysis to come from a man burdened with so many immediate problems. wai.gif

  3. Best is to carry in a waist money belt that is worn around the waist and UNDER all clothing; next is pouch around neck and under the shirt.

    Another option is in front pocket of pants, near your privates. If in deep trouble, stick it and valuables inside your underwear in front. Roll a 1000THB note around your leg and pull your sox up over it; hide in shoe is first place thief looks.

    I do not trust in-room nor in-hotel lock up or safe.

    I can not imagine anyone forgetting where their passport is ...... unless drunk or dope up.

    Zip seal plastic baggie is good to protect from water.

  4. IF, a big IF, the little Defender clips are only on when the tray table meals are delivered, I support their use.

    A lean back into my face as I am eating is a real bother. And it looks from ad photos that the clips can only go on when the trays are DOWN.

    IF my tray is up, and others can be expected to have theirs up, I will look back, catch the travelers eye, and lean all the way back. If I do not, I get sick and have chest pains then and after because of the shape of my broken ribs.

    Lay back is basically a right comes with the seat rental. Somebody clips my seat got problems with me.hit-the-fan.gif

  5. "Outspoken abbot Luang Pu Buddha Issara was also invited to take part in the seminar. He said today’s hearing would make everything about energy clearer.

    The active monk is a strong opponent to PTT privatisation and wanted it to be nationalised."

    The monk should know wisely not to mix religion and politics. He should stick to Pali, and his daily duties he was ordained to concude; that is, assuming he is an ordained monk, of course. whistling.gif

    In many societies, the clergy are leaders for moral and ethical justice that are completely in the political arena.

    Examples are Buddhist monks who burn themselves to protest Red China oppression, the Burmese monks who have marched against their govt, and the famous USA Billy Graham who often spoke from a religious point of view about political and governmental issues.

    Even today's Pope is making noises and actions that relate to govt actions. Many ultra-conservative Christian preachers in USA regularly preach about govt actions and inactions.

    It is a morally impoverished nation that has no strong 'religious' voices to stand up for what is right or for what their moral training indicates is the right. I find it strange and sad that Thailand wants to keep its Buddhist monks off govt topics. Thailand is the weaker for these strictures.

  6. A "visa runner" is a habitual misuser of the free 30day visa exempt provision in Thai regulations. Such a person has a record of multiple.. my guess is five or more, maybe over three.. exits with immediate returns.

    That is the tip-off........ a record of many IMMEDIATE out and back in trips.

    Thailand does not want that practice to continue. So, visitors, just get a legal visa and relax.

  7. If you are symbolically referring to many of the sour negative old codger commenters here, I do not think they can be removed. Likely they are pickled in alcohol and have already out lived their mental sell-by date.

    Oh, for real bats, you must seal up the roofspace totally because bats go out at night to feed. Seal up a couple hours after darkness and they cant get back in. Sadly, the ones who die up there will really stink for a while.

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  8. I had unusual 3BB bad break up, crashes, service off for 3 wks on and off.

    Finally reported it and with the one day delay I had, my guess is that we are not the only ones with troubles.

    But guy came a day and a half after report, lady spoke fun English, and he said he fixed a broken wire... will wait and see but ok right now. Usually great free service at my home in Nakhon Pathom

  9. I have.......

    all window openings bar and locking door,

    homeowner insurance (own 100%),

    Surrounding wall with spikes,

    FOUR dogs, and

    some person in the house at all times.

    Beware of aluminum "security" doors; they can be bent fast with a screw driver, worthless.

    Do not forget the transom above the door if it can fit a small Thai thru it.lock.gif.pagespeed.ce.HUpoQX69cx.gif

    P.S. Dogs work better in a pack, one alone is usually easily frightened.intheclub.gif

  10. Thailand government schools are designed for the lower classes of Thai at the historic time when they were the Other class along with the Upper class, whose kids went to some kind of private instruction.

    The result is a holdover system designed quite well for the kind of lower class work available........ repetitive, disciplined to stay on the job, and not requiring creative input. Farm work is an example and assembly line work is better. Rote--teacher say, students repeat--education is ideal for rote or repetitive work in jobs where there is one basic instruction... put part A into part B... that the worker does over and over with disciplined precision. The more one thinks on such job, the worse it is and the worse will be the results.

    Today, with the rise of the middle class, Thailand education is in a bind because now a manager level of worker is desired that needs flexibility and some creative thinking. The existing model does not meet that need, so cash strapped middle class must make do with either some private tutoring or expensive international private schools. Middle class us often too busy with jobs to do much home schooling.

    What I see among the poor now days is that many, many such kids have tablets and are on the Internet big time, with games, Facebook, and some racy sites, too. They are doing a kind of self schooling of dubious quality, but more than the rote schooling method.

    Rapid change is called for by circumstances but is anathema to Thailand style of change.

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