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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "The Royal Thai Police (RTP) (Thai: ตำรวจแห่งชาติ; RTGS: tamruat haeng chat) is the national police force of Thailand. The RTP employs between 210,700 and 230,000 officers...................." Long way to go yet!
  2. ".............is no longer married, no longer my friend as he kept trying to get money for his next fix, Now he is no longer alive..........", Sorry about your friend, but your last 6 words kind of make the previous twenty or so unnecessary?
  3. Does the fact that you discussed this with a Thai doctor, and "their" (his/her?) opinion was that the hospital needs a major extension to it have any relevance to the fact that cannabis/marijuana has been legalised?
  4. "Copious amounts of draft Singha (available at that time) certainly helped, though." Not any more though due to a "knee jerk reaction" to an unforgivable act by one of its employees - see my previous post - 2 above this one!
  5. A couple of months ago, a friend of mine from Samui tried to book a night train from Surat Thani to Bangkok online to no avail, so he went to a travel agent, who informed him that "due to Covid" he could not book on line and had to go to Surat Thani railway station and purchase a ticket there! So he would have to get a ferry from Samui, a bus from Donsak to Surat Thani railway station to possibly be told that there were no seats availble, so he would be stuck in Surat Thani all night! Additionally, the trains from Butterworth to Bangkok are regularly 2 or 3 hours late at Surat Thani - sometimes longer. Another "inconvenience" is the fact that a few years ago one of the Railway Company employees while drunk/high on drugs killed a young girl and threw her off the train, with the result that no alcohol is now available on the train or even in the buffet car while having a meal. If you are on holiday, for most of us, having a drink is part of the attraction, and having to forcibly abstain on a 12 hour train journey is to my mind not conducive to the holiday experience of a lifetime in "Even more Amazing Thailand"!
  6. "Wow you say something and then contradict yourself" Talking of contradictions:- ".........................No, we are not all at risk. No, unprotected sex is not the only reason for catching this virus. Any close contact at all , an innocent person touching an infected arm for example, can be contagious. So any close contact at all can cause infection which means that we are all at risk - same as Covid?
  7. Yes, we're up to nearly twenty now! As I've said before, why bother? Why not just say "Until further notice" and be done with it? I suppose they have to be seen to be "taking things into consideration" before they announce each extension!
  8. I hadn't either, but apparently they are huge in the States. They do a wonderful track called "Memories" which "turned me on" to them - by the way - I'm 76! P.S. From Wikipedia:- Maroon 5 has sold more than 135 million records, making them one of the world's best-selling music artists.[7]
  9. "Some think it is a miracle Keith Richards can actually still play a full set!!" Apparently, a few years ago Keith was being interviewed, and he said "A few doctors have told me that if I carried on with my lifestyle, I would be dead in 6 months. I've been to all their funerals!" ????
  10. From another post:- "From CNN today:- "4 days ago — Anyone can get monkeypox, but in the latest outbreak, the virus is predominantly spreading among gay and bisexual men."
  11. From CNN today:- "4 days ago — Anyone can get monkeypox, but in the latest outbreak, the virus is predominantly spreading among gay and bisexual men." No more info - the mind boggles!
  12. 10 million this year and 30 million next year? Yet Prayut says "that his efforts to lure more tourists into the country was being hampered by the shortage of aircrafts, rising fuel prices that have pushed up ticket prices" So what's he going to do? Buy some more aircraft - sorry - get Anutin to buy some more aircraft for the "struggling" airlines, and ask Putin to stop his war in the Ukraine in order to bring down fuel prices? And as for the "Tourist Tax" - flip flop again - yawn!
  13. Well, possible I suppose! Or maybe a helicopter, or submarine, or even a hot air balloon? I was thinking more in terms of pprobabilities rather than possibilities!
  14. Let's assume that he took a plane shall we? I don't think he swam!
  15. Wonder who that might be?:- "Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, then army chief, declared, "I affirm that the device is still effective."
  16. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is aiming to revitalize the nation’s tourism industry with new strategies and campaigns, targeting 30 million tourists and 2.38 trillion baht in revenue by 2023. "TAT hopes for............", "TAT hopes to attract.............", "TAT aims for........." Just enter as many millions as you want in place of the "........'s"! TAT - Blah, blah, blah - does anybody really take any notice of these fabricated figures? Apart from TAT themselves, of course? Or maybe Mr Prayut to convince himself that everything is back on track for a wonderful return to the halcyon "pre pre" Covid years, but without those pesky backpackers to spoil the image of "More Amazing Thailand"?
  17. Wonder wht the sentence would have been if he was a "dirty unwashed farang," or even a Burmese worker?
  18. "He shot a fellow officer dead in an argument over a woman in 2011 and received a 6 year four month sentence that he completed in 2017." For murder - WOW!
  19. "It seems money talks when it comes to getting Thailand's tourism going again post pandemic, notes ASEAN NOW." And has always been the case here whether you're talking about tourism or avoiding jail!
  20. If there was ever a case for the proposed purchase of subs from China ............?
  21. "The fee will provide automatic insurance cover with 11.3% of the money from it going to pay for limited medical insurance coverage for visitors with a ceiling of ฿500,000 for 30 days" So approximately 34 baht to provided insurance for 30 days with a ceiling of 500,000 baht.? That makes it 400 baht for a years cover (360 days) How come my last quote for a year's cover was in excess of 120,000 baht? ???? Just askin'!
  22. "By the same logic, i.e. none, your name should be "Little Sambum", like it or not!" Childish! If you include a place name in your forum name, it is natural to assume that you have some connection with that place. As you have already denied any connection with the most popular/largest Liverpool, I am assuming you have some connection with a smaller one. For your (and everybody else's) information, the "sam" in my name implies that I am from Samui, and the "bum" is nothing to do with my anatomy, rather to do with my state of existence - happy now? This conversation has gone far as far as it needs to go, as I have already said - childish and argumentative, so I have already made my point - you have made yours, so bye bye - wherever you are from, and do have a pleasant day!
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