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Everything posted by sambum

  1. So if she had meant to take up with another Thai that would have been all right - but the lowest of the low - a farang - too much to bear? I think too much loss of face! And the old,old excuse:- "It was the booze," he said. Next idea pinched from the West :- "I need help"!
  2. Not because he "had been drinking" then? He was there with a bottle in his hand? Must be a different video
  3. "..........he ordered a crime crackdown from 24th to 31st August." What about the rest of the year?
  4. "I've seen a drunk falang on a motor powered vehicle about every week for the last six years." It obviously concerns you, but have you reported this fact to the RTP? And have you followed it up by asking what is being done about it?
  5. Also let's not forget that they are also called "Aliens"in the Immigration Rules and Regs!
  6. I wonder if his nationality would have been mentioned if he was Thai? It is also reported that locals said that "he was a habitual drunkard who would drive in the wrong lane and that local people were fed up with his behavior." So why didn't they report it to the police? Or maybe the police were too busy to investigate? ???? P.S. In many cases it would merely have said "Drunk" foreigner......." but Brits are always named as such. However, I am not defending his atrocious behaviour in any way - he deserves the maximum penalty possible for this crime, which hopefully he will get in this country - in some countries the "bleeding hearts" would be saying that obviously he needs help!!!
  7. Agreed - also 3 on a bike?:- "The maximum number of people riding a motorcycle must not go over two (2) persons per motorcycle. If the motorcycle was not designed for two (2) persons or is not equipped with footpegs and a seat for the back rider (pillion), it shall be also considered as overloading"
  8. It's taken you 3 days to come up with that pearl of wisdom - OK you've been away for the weekend! Just to recap:- "2 men on a motorbike at 1am carrying beers. I'd place my bets that they were drinking." My post was made to point out that your post was merely an assumption which was utterly pointless. You assumed that because they were in possession of drink at 1 am in the morning they had been drinking/were drunk, and were therefore the ones to blame for the accident. We now know that this was not the case,(CCTV) so if anybody's post was pointless, it was yours!
  9. I hear that ex (?) Prime Minister Prayut has apologised to Ayutthaya residents because they were reportedly upset at failing to see him in person during his recent inspection trip. He does seem to have a rather high opinion of himself, doesn't he?
  10. ".................sorry to the country bumpkins that this week’s column is almost completely about the land of the living" Did you write that on purpose?
  11. "Why not explain yourself properly?" I thought I had by being pedantic ("nit picking") i.e. ".............1 am carrying beers" Wrong - the beers were under the seat of the bike! "...........they were drinking" Wrong, they were on a motor bike following a garbage truck! If you interpret my post in the way that it was intended, you will see that I am in agreement with you. The fact that they had beers under the seat of the bike does not mean that they had been drinking - possibly they had, and the beers were a "carry out" (as I mentioned in another post) but the fact that they were in possession of beer (not "carrying" it) doesn't prove or disprove that they had been drinking earlier. And the above logic also applies to "........ they were drinking" To paraphrase, the fact that they had beers under the seat of the motorbike proves only that they were in possession of beer at 1 am - not that they were drunk, or had been drinking earlier, or were even drinking "at the time" That statement implies that they were drinking while riding the motor bike, when the accident happened, which is obviously not the case!
  12. ".............1 am carrying beers" Wrong - the beers were under the seat of the bike! "...........they were drinking" Wrong, they were on a motor bike following a garbage truck! OK - call me pedant if you must!
  13. Thereby implying that they had been drinking, and hey ho, next thing it's gospel - they were drunk! (as can be seen from a few of the posts on here)
  14. Come on, have you never heard of "carry out"? Having a few drinks, then getting one or two to take home with you?
  15. Correct, I just thought it strange that in a country that drives "on the left" would have a website regarding traffic rules showing traffic obviously driving "on the right"! Ah - I forgot - TIT!
  16. Something wrong with the graphics on the website refered to above:- (https://traffic-rules.com/en/thailand/traffic-
  17. "............we've said it 1 million times............. Who's counting?
  18. I was the one who mentioned roundabout in answer to the following comment :- "In fact, I'm pretty sure when they're in school they must indoctrinate the kids in a Thai 'aggressive driving' course, lol." I didn't mention at any time that there was a roundabout involved in the accident that is the subject of the post.
  19. Funny that - I always thought that you have to give way to traffic coming from the right? Ah well - live and learn!
  20. I remember hearing that when questioned who has the right of way on a roundabout, frequent answers given by Thais were " whoever is on the roundabout first has right of way" or " whoever has the largest vehicle has right of way"!
  21. The person who made the post that I was replying to assumed that it was! Along with a few other assumptions!
  22. And what would a couple of local kids be doing out at 1 am in the morning in the vicinity of the local prison? Not exactly visiting hours! And when the foreigners usually aren't drunk or partying, drunk or drugged" when they actually rent the motor bikes, how is the renter supposed to know that they will be "partying, drunk or drugged" later? (Of course, young Thais don't party, get drunk or drugged and drive their motor bikes at high speed on the roads in the early hours of the morning - do they?) However, you have solved the problem by doing away with the motor bike rental business altogether ("curtailing") Maybe you mean adapting the rental business to rent only escooters to foreigners? Is that not a bit racist? Why not charge them up to 5 times what you would charge a Thai - they do that in public attractions don't they? Your post has more holes in it than a honeycomb!
  23. It says at the entrance to the prison, but maybe it means on the ring road at the entrance road to the prison? And is the island garbage dump not in that vicinity?
  24. Did they find any booze inside the garbage truck?
  25. I know it's a typo, but "no more "brides"? The girls from Esan will be up in arms about this!
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