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Posts posted by sambum

  1. 1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

    Thailand has made it's own bed. People have been paying agencies and "officials" cash for years and years to turn a blind eye. So, yes when they clamp down the figures can look big. 


    I wonder how many who pay regularly for "being looked after" have been raided?


    Anyway, Thailand has every right to clean up it's act. and enforce it's laws. It will put a lot of agencies and visa runners out of business I am sure because if it is the strict way and no other way there will be no need for the friendly agencies that take a chunk of cash to circumnavigate the law. I am referring to retirees in this case.


    A lot of retirees will be leaving and a lot of companies will be thinking twice about employing illegally. 

    "A lot of retirees will be leaving" Yes. a lot of retirees who spend an awful lot of money over the year! 

  2. 10 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    No. I do not understand. Banning alcohol for an election to begin with is ridiculous, but to apply it to foreigners who can't vote is just stupid. I've been in the Philippines for a couple of weeks and it was so refreshing to have nightlife there every night until 5am or later, after seeing police shut down Bangkok nightlife at 2-3am night after night recently. Thailand has more going for it than nightlife, but eventually people will have enough of this bullshit and just go somewhere else. It's already happening. My friends were supposed to come for the weekend but changed their destination when they heard about the booze ban. I extended my stay in the Philippines for a week when I heard about last weekend's booze ban. It's not "just one day" as some people here think - it's the primary reason why a great many tourists come to Thailand to begin with - party. Or I suppose Indian and Chinese tourists are better? lol.

    "Or I suppose Indian and Chinese tourists are better?"


    As far as TAT figures are concerned - yes, because they don't care if they buy all their booze at 711, or ask for a glass with 6 straws!


    And regarding your other points, Westerners in Thailand  are well on the decline now - from a 2018 survey:-


    "On top of that when asked ‘Have you considered leaving Thailand over the last 12 months?’ 66% in 2016 said yes and this was the largely the voice of the working expats. Well they have come good on their promises and finally left the country. Today only 23% of our sample is working expats compared to 42% two years ago"


    And that is just working expats - I do not have figures at hand for tourists or retirees, but I am not going to look for TAT figures!


    Once the ball starts rolling ..................?

  3. 25 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

    I may have been here for too long?
    I drive almost every day and see this kind of behavior ten times, twenty times a day;
    whether from trucks, coaches or light vehicles, cars, pickups, minibuses

    A bit off topic, but I have just come back home from a short trip to the shops. In front of me , 2 young girls on a motorbike laughing and joking - not a problem. Turning right with indicator flashing that they are turning left - definitely a problem.


    Why do they not install self cancelling indicators on all new motor bikes?

  4. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...When asked for a response to the verdict, Premchai only said: “I’m sorry...” 


    I think that Thais should enjoy those words, as they are likely the only actual punishment to be received.


    We have seen this kind of thing before; there will be appeals. There will be delays on those appeals. The appeals will be appealed. The appeal of the appeal will be appealed. The case will be delayed. the delay of the case will be delayed again. Yet again, there will be more delays. Then, there will be appeals of the delay. Next, the delay granted earlier will be appealed. Then, the appeal of the delay of the appeal, of the delay of the appeal will be delayed. 


    Anyone willing to wager that he actually goes to jail?




    We have seen it time and time again; the rich always get off, somehow. Why do people think this is different? 


    "...He was released on bail as of press time. .."


    The quote above is the most important piece of information in the article...



    And "the tycoon’s driver, Thanee Thummart, was given two years and 17 months in prison for several offences" (not sure what that means! 3 years and one month perhaps, or 2 years for 1 offence and 17 months for another?) Conspiracy theory - the tycoon shoots the leopard, then when it is discovered says to his driver "This is yours, right?" 


    Also the article doesn't mention if the driver or the cook or even his close aide were released on bail?

    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    Why do the Thai,s always think that there are so many Millionairs in every Country in the  World that wish to come to Thailand ?

    If I had that much money sloshing around, I certainly would not pick Thailand as a destination.

    Bahamas, Monaco Maybe , but trashy Thailand - no way.



    Did you not see the key words here? "Tourist Authority of Thailand"? In other words, take everything you read with a pinch of salt! For example:-


    “Apart from the various attractions, warm Thai hospitality and welcoming nature of the Thai people is one of the main reasons that makes Thailand a favourite holiday destination among senior travelers.”


    "Various attractions" Be prepared to pay up to ten times more than Thais to visit them.


    "warm Thai hospitality and welcoming nature" Obviously this does not include Immigration !


    "a favourite holiday destination among senior travelers.” Except if you're from the UK, Australia ........... etc etc


    And that's just from ONE sentence!







  6. 22 hours ago, harada said:

    I can recall a line from the movie Pearl Harbour when, after bombing Pearl Harbour a Japanese officer said "I'm afraid we may have awoken a sleeping dragon" this may well be the case here.

    "Isoroku Yamamoto regarding the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by forces of Imperial Japan. ... I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, PaDavid said:

    As always light on news, but this week particularly high on entertainment. My must read of the week and good to see my home changwat Loei get yet another mention. 


    Talking about financials and visas, I assume followers of Thai Visa are aware that should they marry their tilatch that the monthly income requirement for a retirement visa reduces from 65,000฿ to 40,000฿. My Oi and tied the knot 2 weeks ago after 4 years together for precisely that reason. 

    I did that almost 2 years ago after being together for nine - does that mean that I will get special dispensations from Immigration for my next visa extension application -  like not having to provide a Google map of our abode -  and a hand drawn map of the same?

  8. "It is believed that canvassers usually try to bribe voters in different ways, including throwing parties the night before the poll, to attract votes."


    Sounds like a good idea to me - one the UK could adopt, and we might end up with a better Government than the circus entertainers we have at the moment!

  9. On 3/14/2019 at 5:24 PM, Elkski said:

    100%  sure it's sarcasm.  I don't use 110% because that's not possible.

    If you are serious and have any  doubt,  is English your native language?  


    I think I would be in trouble with three guys my size with sticks and a kayak paddle. If no one's been to Koh phi phi  it's a island with living housing area about the size of 8 rugby fields. So you would think if you found a motorcycle cop and were bleeding and looked injured and you had a woman at your side to verify things you would think policeman would try to help you right then. 

    "Is English your native language?" Is "American" yours? When native ENGLISH  speakers express themselves the way I did, ("Maybe a touch of sarcasm?") i.e. with a question mark after the comment, it implies that I believe that the sarcasm was indeed 100% intended!  


    Taken in the context of the original post, readers may have thought that he was being serious, as what he said  was a "stand alone" comment :-


    "He said he reported the incident to the police, who Mr Trimble described as being “super helpful”.


    Have a nice day!



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  10. 10 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    More time and resources wasted for dreamers chasing unicorns. I hope they tell the UK it’s either a short extension for May’s deal or a 2-years extension to prepare for a referendum or no extension at all. What a circus. 

    There was a referendum to leave where the majority of people voted in favour of leaving. That SHOULD have been end of story, but the anti Brexiteers (many of whom are afraid of losing their MEP salaries and expenses) spat the dummy out, and want further referendums until things go their way. As you say - what a circus!

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