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Posts posted by sambum

  1. 16 hours ago, tifino said:

    so there was all that talk about Death Penalties, yet they haven;t even created the Arrest Warrants


    so, there was all that talk accusing them of being inside thailand's territories, yet they are now awaiting word from the AttGen office, because they're crime was committed outside of Thailand's territories


    it's getting a bit like changing the rules during an America's Cup yacht race!

    Or charging a politician with unknown crimes!


    "However, Sawang said he could not tell at the moment which Article of the laws Thanathorn had violated."

  2. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Years back I was using my credit union in Melbourne as my main bank along with a credit card from mainstream bank.


    I went to the credit union office (same building (a week before departing for holiday here in Thailand) and they wrote down a plan (as per one of their services) for them to make several payments on my credit card. They didn't make the payments and my card was blocked. I called them many times, every time the operator said 'all tellers are busy, please wait'. I mentioned I was calling from Thailand but 'not allowed to jump you on the waiting queue even if your calling from abroad', and credit union staff not allowed to call back. 

    I called a colleague from my office, he went straight away to the credit union manager 'can't help, can only talk to member' and cannot make a pre-arranged time for me to call them. 


    I cut my holiday short and went home. Credit union manager refused to talk to me 'no need'. 


    It was a lesson, I quickly got one more credit card and moved to another credit union which had a good reputation for 'can do' in whatever circumstances. 

     "every time the operator said 'all tellers are busy, please wait'. I mentioned I was calling from Thailand but 'not allowed to jump you on the waiting queue even if your calling from abroad','


    You are lucky you got to speak to somebody! In my experience the "all our agents are busy - your call is in  a queue" is an automated message, and you have to listen to some C@#p "musak" until an agent is available. (IMHO, this is a scam run by ALL utility companies and banks - after all - you are the one paying for the phone call!) 

  3. 6 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Same happened to me with Barclays Bank of England.

    When your credit/debit card is about to expire the bank automatically notifies the card centre, they produce one and send it to your address... except Thailand is on their blacklist & will not post it here.

    Trouble is everything works within the system as far a producing a new card but NO ONE tells you it cannot be sent to you... which is crazy!

    I sat here waiting for it to be delivered, after a couple of weeks I called them, they said one had been made, but would cancel it and produce another in case it had gone astray.

    This happened 3 times until my bank gave me a contact number within the card centre office.

    They said yes Mr ******** we've made your new cards but cannot send them to you as you live in Thailand.



    I have had the same experience. The safest way is to get a friend to bring it out for you - which I agree, is not always possible. The other way is to get it "couriered" out to you - which is  expensive, or get a friend to pick it up from your UK address, and post it to your address in Thailand, but that option would have to be a last resort - the Thai postal system is not as trustworthy or as reliable as Royal Mail! (Plus if you're only on a 2/3 weeks holiday you would probably be back home by the time your card arrived here!)

    • Confused 1
  4. 9 hours ago, overherebc said:

    I know nothing Mr Fawlty

    Possible he never checked the expiry date on his card before leaving UK

    From the article in "The Scotsman newspaper:-

    "Mr Perez said that the credit card he has with him has an expiry date of April 2021 and that he had visited his branch in Edinburgh to check his banking facilities were in order before his trip." 

    • Like 1
  5. Alberto Perez says he had to sleep on the streets after his credit card was cancelled.


    A man has claimed he has been forced to sleep in abandoned buildings with rats and cockroaches on holiday in Thailand after his debit card was cancelled in error by a Scottish bank.


    Credit Card or debit Card?


    I have had new debit cards issued to me by RBS for no apparent reason (e.g. nowhere near expiry date), but the old card remained valid until the new card is used, and only then does it becomes invalid. Not sure about credit cards, but one would think that the same criteria applies.


    However, if what he says is correct, he has my sympathy trying to contact the correct department to resolve a credit card issue is a nightmare. Getting passed "from  pillar to post" is normal rather than the exception - it has happened to me 2 or 3 times, but to be fair, they did eventually reimburse me each time for the cost of the telephone calls. 



  6. 1 hour ago, geoff65 said:


    "What are you supposed to do? leave it there and dont touch it?"


    I know someone who has a bar (in his Thai girlfriend's name of course!) and he does not have a work permit. Theoretically, if he was seen so much as moving a bar stool he could be arrested! (The logic being that he is depriving a Thai of a job!)


    So "Yup" is about right - if you handed it in to the police, you are in trouble for moving it from it's location = theft!


    TIT - It has its good points and bad points - this falls into the latter category!

  7. 11 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    If he helped dispose of the body, he WAS involved! 


    Typcial idiotic response that would work in Thailand but not anywhere where actual adults run the society. 


    Next, she'll be asking why she can't avoid punishment because, well, something or someone made her angry. Or, maybe she'll be forced to ask the Portuguese if they who her father is. 


    11 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:


    "The suspect, however, insisted that her husband was not involved in the murder but only helped her dispose of the body."


    "Typcial idiotic response" from yourself if you can't realise that someone who commits a murder will (should?) get a harsher sentence than someone helping to dispose of the body! (However, I personally feel that cutting a body up into pieces and then disposing of them is just as bad and gruesome a crime as the actual murder itself, but I don't make the laws)


    P.S. Reminded me of "The Cleaner" in "Pulp Fiction" image.jpeg.6a9c440c9cf4986bdb9b95509f97eb88.jpeg




    • Confused 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, See Will said:



    Does it move? Yes   Should it move? No   = Duct Tape

    Does it move? No    Should it move? Yes  = WD40


    but fixing wounds with Duct tape is a step ahead of the medicine.. 


    16 stabbing wounds is clearly an attempted manslaughter on purpose and should provide a life sentence in Bangkok Hilton IMO.

    To my times when I was still able to fight and wasn't aware how much a set of teeth costs, was "grounding the opponent" the end of a fair bare-knuckle fight. 

    If that duct tape is still on he has my sympathy when they take it off as this post was made on 1 MAY 2018!!! Almost a year ago!!! Come on mods - is it not time for some fresh news? It is Songkran after all, so there should be more news worthy events about than this old gooseberry!

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    I will be interested to see the outcome of this one. Rich people always seem to get away with things like this. Red Bull "Boss" being a prime example.

    You beat me to the punch on that one!


    I was going to suggest that he contacts "Boss" for avoidance tips - once he gets bail, which is a high probability, guessing that his nest will be well feathered!

  10. 3 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    The customer is probably a scammer. 

    There's always one who tries to make a drama out of a crisis!


    The restaurant made a mistake when they entered the bill total, the guy made a mistake when he verified it, the restaurant realised the mistake when checking their takings for the night and tried to make amends - so you make a conspiracy theory out of it!


    OK, it could be that the Brit guy/scammer said "make the bill out for xxx000 baht, and I'll sign the tab" Then I'll make a fuss about it later, but you've already been to the police to admit the mistake, and we can also involve Tourist Police and Immigration, so we can have a celebration party about honesty, and will be able to make a film about it, and we can go 50/50 on the profits?

    Or possibly the restaurant owner is a member of ISIS and is looking for money to fund their next terrorist attack on the West!


    Do me a favour, and stick to the facts as we know them!

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Monkeyrobot said:

    Who keyed in the amount?  The Indian or the Brit? 

    Can you not read? PLEASE read the post before replying to it! Don't make me spit!!! :-


    "After their curries Simon paid the 2,857 baht bill on his credit card and pressed OK. In reality he had pressed 257,857.12 by mistake and thus overpaid the restaurant by 255,000 and a few satang."


    And don't tell me that the restaurant DELIBERATELY keyed in the wrong amount!!!


    1 hour ago, losworld said:

    How could this not be noticed at processing time?  Anyone attempting to fully process this with the credit card company would likely be subject to removal.  Not a valor act just a good business decision with some free publicity attached.

    How could this not be noticed at processing time? 


    The party of tourists left and the manageress Aporn, 32, only noticed the error when she was doing the takings at closing time.


    So the mistake was noticed when the takings for the night were being processed!

    • Haha 1
  13. 4 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    Nothing like my story.i once landed back in the uk and the very next day while going through my mail/bills I found someone had used my card details and withdrew £2499.99.i was straight on the phone to the company and they said my details were used in a fraud.i was told not to worry and was reimbursed within a couple of days.i was actually on my long haul flight to London when the transaction took place.

    Similar story - my card was "skimmed" and I was reimbursed straight away, but it was the credit card company who contacted me to say that there had been some "unusual" activity on my account, and went through the last few transactions with me.


    I was reimbursed straight away, and I was 99% sure of where the skimming had taken place. I gave them the details, but I never heard any follow up as to whether any charges had been made concerning the matter. The other downside was that they had to cancel my original card and issue me with a new one, so I had to pay for the expense of getting it couriered out to Thailand, as they wouldn't post it, and I wasn't prepared to trust the postal system either!

    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, mok199 said:

    Here in Pattaya we battle fumes from disgusting old diesel tour buses, mini vans, old worn out song taos and somchais p/u truck....but we still have our 700 million dollar fake beach made of sand bags and dredged up muddy gravel...

    Thought Mother Nature had reclaimed most of that anyhow?


    I wonder what genius thought of that plan? It seems that Thai mentality consists of "papering over the cracks" in the cheapest way possible way (although the "pristine"beach didn't come cheap, by any means!) But to be honest, that part of Thailand needs more than a bit of new beach - it needs new water as well!


    I have seen dirt tracks to houses have the potholes filled in with sand only for the potholes to reappear after a heavy downpour - and then when it dries out - THEY DO THE SAME THING AGAIN! Time after time!


    I also see a patch of road outside some apartments down a badly lit side street has its tarmac replaced year after year because it is never repaired properly in the first place - obviously the cheapest quote - not the best - gets the job every time! 


    The Council takes back all the wheelie bins for the garbage because some people don't pay their small fee every month for emptying them, so the garbage is dumped in plastic bags down a side road, or at the side of the main road where dogs and rats scavenge every night. And when the garbage IS collected, it is taken to a site where (last I heard) there are 250,000 tons of garbage increasing by the day because the incinerator has been broken for at least 8 years. The solution - cover it in nets!!!


    And before someone says "If you don't like it - go home", for the most part, I DO like it, but that won't stop me from commenting on things that I DON"T like!!!



  15. 3 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    Are the foreign women paying any attention to this?  Expect more half naked drunk women getting themselves into trouble during this holiday. Would you do this in your own country. Stupid is as stupid does.

    "Would you do this in your own country"


    Probably yes - if you are from "The West", (and not of a certain religious persuasion that can't even show their faces) but Middle East - definitely not! Even "skinny dipping" is acceptable in the right environment!

    P.S Have you seen  the antics that the girls get up to in New Orleans during Mardi Gras in order to get a few tacky beads?

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