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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. We have a satellite dish connected to a Zbox. It's a free-to-air Thai TV box setup. We used to get main Thai TV channels plus other junk. I've been away for awhile and seems the TV channels stopped working some time ago. Some selling channels are working but the others show 'no signal' written in Thai. As some channels are working I presume the dish, feed, hardware box is working. I'm wondering if there was a satellite shift or Z box upgrade while I was away. Anyone any idea?
  2. So have to get that one phase with all the pumps onto solar.
  3. We have 3 phase to the house. The meter was moved from the rice thrasher machine for us to use. So for a monthly total of 582 units we pay B2569.84. There is also this on the bill Ft 0.0139 8.09. So we pay B4.41/unit I think. Are we paying a factory rate? I've been away for nearly a year and my lovely wife has been driven mader with this monthly bill and turned off and pulled out all sorts of electrical stuff (bless her little heart), so I've go to reduce the bill or turn off more of my things. Solar coming for one phase, but if we are being classed as a factory because of the 3 phase, maybe I can get this classification changed. Most important to keep SWMBO happy as we all know. ????
  4. I want to save a topic, with all the posts, in the Electrical Alternate Energy thread. I can click on the topic and get a link ( which I email to myself) and I get a link to all the alt. energy topics but don't know how to just save 1 specific topic and associated posts.
  5. เจ้านายหญิง ????
  6. Do you still use your origional Arduino designed cct. for checking voltage etc? I was thinking of building it this year before I start my solar build.
  7. Thanks. Will have to wait till I get home for pics. I have about 1.5 》 m tiles all around the pool with only pool lights from a special pool transformer in the pool (12 V double insulated with fuses). The garage/pool room is a run of about 35 m or 40 m from the main CU where the neutral and earth are linked as per regs. I have the shed pool room feed to its own CU earthed with another earth rod. The only connection between neutral and earth is in the main house CU. Getting worried now. When the mains power fails and the genset is running I do have a bit of current drawn on the neutral as I'm feeding a single phase genset to my 3 phase house. Not sure if you remember that set up. Recently when I made the genset auto start I fed the pool/shed area from a pre-wired aircon feed that I never used, to keep the aquaponics/hydroponics going.
  8. Reading up lots on this several years ago, it seems that nearly all recommend a concrete and reo. pool handrails etc should/must be earthed. Seems that is the practice in Thailand as well, even though pool lights transformers you buy from pool shops are made in a back shop in India and don't meet specs., so negating pool reo. earths. Apart from that, our village (me) has experienced a probable PEA O/C neutral, so I was real worried about tying the pool to the main earth. So I decided that as the pool pump and chlorenator are earthed (in the pool room and only blue pipes go to the pool) and the lights are thru a special pool transformer, I would not tie the pool to earth. The stairs are tied into the pool frame which is all tied together in a big block of concrete, so it is one big Faraday Cage, sitting in the ground. How is anything "live" going to zap swimmers? It seems planes are Faraday cages so lightning strikes go around the shell. Also linemen working on very high voltage wear Faraday Cage suites so they don't get zapped. If I earthed the pool to the main earth and we had another O/C PEA neutral, then all that current wanting to get back to the transformer by the easiest route may use the pool. Can someone explain, with diagrams if possible why I'm wrong? Before (in an off topic post) I've been told 'you must do it' and 'it's complicated' but not why I must do it. I am not an electrician and if I get a good reason, I'll do it. Thanks.
  9. In the last 30 years, that's twice you've been wrong. Now me, I'm usually wrong more than right. ????
  10. Is that 700 ohms or 700 k ohms? Xc=1/(6,28×50×4.5/10^_6). I could be wrong. ????
  11. Probably need a CT scan or MRI if it's coming from the back. A CAT scan at a public is about B4000 (from when I had one). So my guess is between B8000 to B15000 with scan/s. Not sure about Khon Kean, but Kalasin has this teaching hospital where the specialists run after hours clinics. More expensive than public, but less waiting time to see a specialist.
  12. The pool structure is all bonded together because the double reo. In the base and walls are all tied together. It is one Faraday's cage. The difference is nothing is tied to the main earth. It's like a big cage sitting in the ground. Also don't you need oxygen to rust? Used a vibrator to get the air out of the cement and all the reo. is enclosed in concrete. I have only heard comments like 'you should' do this. No absolute reason. I had a reason for not earthing the pool structure and that was because of an O/C neutral with the PEA could cause a problem. I am not an electrician but when I built the pool I did a fair bit of research and consulted with this sites Guru. No one advised me not to earth the pool structure, it was my decision.
  13. Ok, so why do you need to earth pool structures? It's a big Faraday's cage anyway. The pump is isolated from the pool, the lights are thru a special double insulated transformer at 12 V. So why tie the stainless steel ladders to earth? How are they going to get live? Maybe I will get worried if you have a good explanation. Where I live it's not unusual for PEA to do stupid things, probably unintentionally. ????
  14. Rightly or wrongly, that is one reason I did not earth my pool. All the litrature says you should have an earth strip, etc, etc. My feeling was that with all that double reo. in the cement and something happening with the power feed where all the current back to the transformer is looking for the easiest way to get there, it could be quite exciting swimming at that time. We have already had a suspected O/C neutral in the village, caused many problems and my AVR's started emitting that brown smell. So after a change of pants on my part, PEA fixed their problem, very quietly. 'No not us'.
  15. Maybe ask at the Redeptorist centre. The orphanage, they could know.
  16. You are a factory. Soapies cost a lot to run you know.
  17. Weeelll...we had 3 phase to the rice mill. When we built the house the rice mill was decomissioned so we kept or transfered the meter at minimal cost (a friend of a friend). So we have a very expandable 15/45 x3 supply out in the sticks. Sometime the local street phase would go low when everone came back from the fields and our under/over sensor would stop supply to the aquifer water pump. So found a higher voltage phase and used it. No problems, flexibility with 3 phase. Also wired the house so a power fail on one phase would not cause a problem as every phase is wired to bits of the house. More than one phase to the kitchen, rooms and each bedroom aircon is on a different phase so if we lose 1 or 2 phases we can still have a bedroom and aircon and kitchen and pumps that work. Also we installed 3 phase multi point water heaters. We got hot hot water. Keeps Wifey happy. ????
  18. Our village evidently got 10 people to request fibre and it happened. Now we have 3 fibre to the house providers. Brilliant. Whereas my son's house in Aus has this stupid Fibre to the node and ADSL to house. 6 km to the exchange which ADSL was never meant to work over.
  19. You can buy these drains for sinks, baths, showers, with a cup in them. Filled with water they act like a P-trap. They work not letting the smell out. Also the toilet pipes are sometimes just pushed into the riser pipes and the big rubber flange discarded. Many tricks you learn when you are not there for all the build and come back to a box of P-traps and rubber flanged still in the cupboard.
  20. Yep, the Japanese designed a Bangkok traffic lights system, but never really tried, if I remember. Some mob also did calculations about Bankok's pollution and recommended that the pollution due to traffic could be greatly reduced by installing all the bus and truck exausts vertically upwards. Never tried.
  21. Polititians love big projects. By the time the top is skimmed of, no money left for maintanance. Never changes; that's the way it's always been done. Take our irrigation klongs. Weeds grow and resist the flow of water, but we can't clean out the weeds as then there will be no weeds and no money allocated to clean out the weeds. "Is Major Major in?"
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